Tried my first step tape


I've been using Cathe's strength tapes for quite a while, but had never done any of her cardio besides Boot Camp. DH bought me a step and I was very pleasantly surprised when I pulled it out of the box and Cathe's CTX All Step fell out!

After I finished my scheduled strength training, I thought I'd just pop in the step tape and see what all the buzz was about. I'd heard talk about difficult choreography, but I thought "How difficult can this be?"


I knew the warmup since I have CTX UB, but beyond that, it probably took me about half an hour to learn the first combo. I was having a blast, though! After dinner, DH and I previewed most of the rest of the tape and we both agreed this is pretty tough for a beginner. Hubby even wondered at the wisdom of including a workout this advanced with purchase of a step.

I know this has been asked a million times on the forum, but which of Cathe's step tapes is considered best for a new stepper? Would an easier tape by (gasp) another instructor help, or should I tough it out?


i learned on mega step blast. i also like the classics vol 1 dvd. it took me a LONG time but so very worth it!!
I haven't tried any of Cathe's earlier step tapes, so can't comment on which would have easier choreography. However, I started with Keli Roberts The Ultimate Step Workout, and I think it's a really good introduction to step moves whilst giving a pretty good cardio workout. Now that I am getting used to Cathe's step, I find my Keli Roberts tape a bit boring in comparison, but I don't think I could have gone straight from no step experience to Cathe step.

Hope this is helpful! :)

Angela, you might want to read the thread "Choreography fitness" too as people are talking about easier step tapes.
Hi Angela,

My first Cathe step DVD was Cardio Hits. The first workout I tried was Step Max. I don't think it would have made a difference if I started out with Step Jam or Step Fit. The choreography of the workouts in Cardio Hits was pretty tough for me, and I had been stepping for many years at the time! It took me a whole month to start getting comfortable with the moves in all three workouts.

I've viewed the segments from Cathe's Classics DVD. IMHO the choreography of these older workouts is simpler. I was going to get this, but it was a toss-up between that and Power Hour, and since my goal is to pack on more flesh, I chose PH.:)

If I were you, I'd tough it out. Just a suggestion. I've tried other tapes before but always ended up cursing at the instructor (specifically K. Smith) for the bad cueing. Tamilee Web's old step tapes are fine for a beginner, and I have no problem with her as she is also an excellent instructor, but I got tired of her repetitive routines real fast. I liked Gin Miller, and she was my fave before I found Cathe.

The thing with Cathe's step workouts is that it's done as though you've already mastered the program, so if you're just starting out, you can easily get lost. In one workout, she explained that since home step workouts are the same every time, there is no sense teaching you every move because once you're familiar with the workout, you'll get bored with the teaching part. And I agree with her. I usually tough it out for a couple of weeks with each new routine I'm trying to learn. I still work up a good sweat anyway. Hope this helps.:)

Hi Angela!

I don't think it's necessary to invest your money or time in any other instructor's step tapes, just buy Cathe's and work on them a little bit at a time. I personally think the "Classics Volume I" DVD is a sleeper -- it's got three terrific older step workouts on it including Step Heat, which is a little shorter and has a nice abs section. If you have the CTX series, you'll also enjoy learning Step & Intervals cardio -- one of my all-time favorites just for the music and the fun factor.

Speaking of Cathe's older tapes, too, here's another idea/observation for you. It took me a long time to figure this out, and it's a real "duh", too. :) But if you learn Cathe's tapes in the chronological order in which she released them, you find that she introduced new moves in each new tape, and then they reappeared in later releases. As always, whenever Cathe introduced something brand new in these earlier videos she would break it down into great detail. So learning a move from the "original" tape in which it was introduced makes it much easier.

I didn't originally buy Cathe's tapes in chronological order, so I struggled like you're doing to master combos that included lots of moves that were new to me. It wasn't until I bought the "Classics Volume I" DVD and did "Step Jam" that I had this "AH HA!!!" moment, and figured out that I could learn EVERY Cathe move if I did her earlier tapes. (To use that example, here is the list from Cathe's DVD page of the "new" moves that were introduced in Step Jam: "Some unique moves include the "up jack", "rock down", "jump jump", "rear lunge repeater", "two hop curls", "hop curl to the rear", and the "knee up straddle".")

Bottom line: Just keep at it, a little add-on at a time, and you'll soon have it. Modify anything that's too complex and keep moving, and before you know it you won't need to modify. The first time you complete an entire routine basically free of boo-boos, you'll be hooked!

Enjoy and let us know how you're doing! Kathy S.
Hi Angela,
I am not great with choreography either. I would not suggest you invest in other instructors tapes if you want to learn Cathe's style. I would start with an earlier step tape. I started w/Mega Step Blast and went on to the Wedding Tape. Cathe breaks down the moves very well.

I don't have all of Cathe's step tapes, but have all of the step tapes made after MIC. I can do these tapes just fine. It just takes time and practice.

When I got my step, Cathe's tape was in the box. I had never done any stepping before and did have some difficulty with it, but just stuck to it. I picked it up after about 5 tries. Cathe's uses alot of the same moves so if you stick with all step, you'll be able to get the stepping with her other tapes. Trust me, that's coming from someone who has never stepped before.

Hi Angela,

I agree with everyone that the older Cathe tapes are a good place to start. IMO, Mega Step Blast is the least challenging as far as choreography goes (although still intense). It's also kind of a hoot to see Cathe and Cedie with some seriously big hair! The hair and the outfits let you know this is an older workout, and it's still a good one to start with.

I also agree that if you want to learn Cathe's style, don't purchase a bunch of videos from other instructors. I have been home stepping for many years and have a good size collection of step workouts. None of them prepared me adequately for Cathe's style. There is a learning curve with Cathe and once you're there, her step workouts are so much fun.

Lastly, I find All Step one of Cathe's most challenging step tapes simply because she moves so quickly in order to get a maximum workout in the shorter time frame. If you can master this one, the others will be much easier.
Hi Angela!

We are actually working with Escalade Sports now on designing beginner step workouts that will accompany the the steps that are purchased in the stores. These are however all the details I have to share at this time :)
Thanks, Cathe! I'll keep working on All Step. I may just tack on a half hour of step practice after my usual strength workouts.

Oh, boy! My first personal response from Cathe!:7
I've heard several people say that they found Cathe's tape in the box when they bought their step. Which step is it that you bought, because I am looking to get a step one of these days and it would be nice to already have a Cathe tape!

Good for you for trying! Learning Cathe's or any step tapes require you to be VERY patient with your self. I am a total klutz. I start with one combo at a time. (Sometimes even just the warm-up!) I just say Today I will work on Combo 1 and will rewind it and do it again and again. I will move forward to the next combo after I feel comfortable. Pay very close attention to Cathe's foot placement. I find this helps the most because each step leads so fast into the next. Modify the higher impact or twisting moves at first. Your heart rate will still be high. Rewind, rewind, and rewind.

I have really increased my cardio level and can see the results on the scale. I have also increased my co-ordination. It is a very wonderful feeling of accomplishment. Her tapes really are tough. Being able to keep up is an accomplshment in itself. Someday I will be like Cedie and the girls and never miss a step. All Step is tough!! I recommend Cardio and Weights to start with. The music and moves are so fun. You can use light weights for a breather in between the combos.

Good Luck,
Angela I avoided the whole step craze in the clubs when it first came out because I'm a total klutz on the step! LOL! However ... after starting with the more difficult (although I didn't realize that at the time) step routines of Cathe's, and finding I COULD do them after a little practice, I also bought the older ones later, and found all the moves right there! Now, doing Rhythmic Step is a blast, and even though I haven't yet done Step Blast (I'll be doing it Thursday!!), I'm confident I'll nail it after a few times. Cathe's cueing is the best I've ever seen in any step tape, and the way she breaks down the moves make them easy to learn, even for a choreographically challenged person like me - LOL! It's funny, but I took ballet for the first time as a PE elective in college. I always wanted lessons when I was younger, but that wasn't in the cards. My dance teacher in college told me I had talent, and I remember laughing inside thinking, "if only you could see me in an exercise class!!" At the time (late 70's), the aerobic dance craze was just coming into being, and they offered classes in the gym in the evenings. I was always in the back row, on the wrong foot of course ... LOL!!

Kathy S. had an excellent suggestion--use Cathe's tapes in the order they were made. That hit me as a big "duh!" too, but it makes perfect sense.

Other than that, I'd like to add that, as a klutz (I could never even do the Bus Stop back in the day), I prefer Cathe's wedding tape, Step Jam, and Step Heat. I don't think I would have gotten comfortable with those, though, if I hadn't tried some of Gin Miller's original Reebok Step tapes when I was learning. They're very repetitive, which is what I needed to keep from getting too frustrated. Once your body learns the moves, you can repeat them quickly and easily, even in a different context. Gin's tapes will get boring very quickly, but they're great for teaching your body the moves if you've never done anything dancy.
Just so Angela hears it from the other side: I had trouble getting all the Keli Roberts routines down on that workout! I definitely do not think it is boring. Actually, it is a little too complicated for me. Angela, you sound just like me, so I thought I would put my two cents in here. When Cathe comes out with her beginner workout, I'll be the first to buy it, but until then, beware. If it doesn't say "beginner" or "introduction" in the title, you might not wind up being able to follow it.
Good luck!
Here's an update!

I did PLB Friday night. When I was done, I dragged out my new step and popped in All Step. I spent about 45 minutes going over and over the first and second combos! It's kind of addictive - you keep thinking, "OK. I'm going to rewind and try this one more time..." :7

I actually got a very good workout, even though I was doing the same thing over and over. DH thought it was pretty funny, but I didn't see him trying it!

I told him I'd gotten my first personal response from Cathe on this thread and he started making worshipping motions and said, "I'm not worthy!":D

It is the Original step that Cathe uses in her step tapes with the rubber grid on top black and gray or purple/pinkish and green step. I just bought it myself and fumbled through the All Step tape myself. I just figured that if I kept moving that I was getting some type of workout.:) I did think is was a stange tape to put in with the step considering it is NOT a beginner tape at all. The only thing that saved me was it was only 30 min. long, whew!! The shoulder work was a killer also.:eek: :(

Hope that answers your question.
I have been scared to try stepping myself. I am ready to pull the trigger and finally buy a step and the Classics Vol. 1 dvd, but I was wondering how much space is needed. I don't have very much room to work out at all (I live in a very small studio apartment) - are there some step tapes that require less room than others?


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