tidy it up and keep it clean weekend!


good morning sleepy heads. i was bright eyed wayyyy too early this am - did a great circuit running total of 8 miles with hills and some fun ub work using the ball. it was fun and did not leave me exhausted! i am motivated today and also trying to be positive. dh said he is leaving a few days early. i am sad but trying to have a great attitude.

kate/ klaudia, how was your evenings out??

wendy, sorry for the spin class. bummer for sure.

colleen, glad you are done and can regroup before monday.

babies are up. biab. oh, and klaudia, how much do you give on gift cards?
morning nina! nice circuit!! sorry about your dh leaving earlier than expected, that stinks. ya, i was really upset abt the class but i will def get to the one on monday. i will be FIRST to sign up lol

kate, glad date night was good! what color was the top? did you wear heels? it has been so long since i wore heels... the summer for a few weddings. i used to wear them everyday!!

colleen, hip hip hooray for a new job!!!!!!!!!

nina, i always baked for the tchrs and back then i really didnt do from scratch. now in high school no gifts necessary =)

robin, good thing yr superviser apologized... no lumps of coal for her=) are you required to do the secret swap thing or is optional?

katie, busy weekend in store for you!

klaudia, can you find the boots at JCP online? otherwise, i guess you saved a little cash is the good news. thats a funny gift for for you r dh! i was thinking of getting mine a man-size onesie because they are hysterical but i cant fathom spending the $$ on a joke this year...any other year i wouldve done it!

angie, hope yr having fun at disney and your calves/shins arent bothering you.

off to kb in a little bit. abt my shopping yday...i got a black knee-length dress, a one-pc strapless bra/slip thing, and 2 possible shawl/scarves for covering up. long story short, STILL none of my clothes fit me, i did find an old bridesmaid dress in the cellar (not sure why it was still here since i got rid of all my fat clothes ages ago) and THANKFULLY good news is that it was too big because i think i would have puked if it fit. i have to go with dh today to the tailor to fit his mess dress (yes, he needs me there, lol) so i am going to try it on for her. if she can fit it for less than what i bought yday, i will return the... i really hate being this size. sigh. ok, complaints over.

eats should be good today, i have chicken and salad for lunch, not sure abt dinner yet.

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