There are still nice people out there!


Active Member
Yesterday my brother and sister-in-law and their four beautiful little girls ate at Chili's (in Muskegon Mich). When they went to pay the bill, they found out someone else paid it for them... It isn't even Christmas anymore.. and people are still giving. They couldn't find out who did it, but what a wonderful surprise!!!!
That is so cool.

I've never done that before, but sure am thinking about doing it. Especially when I know people like your brother and family were appreciative. Thank you for the story it is very inspiring to do good for others.

I'm happy to post it. My brother and his wife don't do a lot of going out like that...low to modest salary and 4 kids...they were so surprised and happy!!! What a good example for their girls, aged 9, 7, 5, and 2
Paying it forward started in Holland (MI) a few weeks ago, your family just happened to get a blessing from that. It keeps growing.
A friend of mine posted on facebook around the holidays that someone had paid for a medication at the pharmacy for his sick little boy after he walked out b/c he could not afford to pay for it due to an insurance mix up. After the couple paid for it the pharmacy called his wife to let her know they could pick up the med. When he came back in to pick up the medicine he asked the pharmacist who did this for him. The pharmacist showed him (the couple was just leaving the store) but he was not allowed to thank them. They left instructions of anonimity with the pharmacy and although it was hard, my friend respected their wish.

This act of kindess brought my friend to tears. He has been on hard times financially since his son was born because he's been very sick for most of his little life. The medical bills racked up quickly and the family can not find their way out of the financial hole it's left them them in.

Stories like this are amazing and very much proof of the kindness that still exists in the hearts of some people.
I sometimes feel very pessimistic about human nature.
It's good to hear stories like these.
Just think what the world would be like if everyone would 'pay it forward'.
I am one who cries just watching the news, so hearing a story like this makes my day! Thanks for sharing! :)

Reminds me of this quote.......

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead
What a nice story....

DH and I were in an airport sports bar at Christmas time when a pair of service folks walked in and took a seat. When our waiter returned to our table, we told him we wanted to buy a round for them. The waiter said we were too late.....several others had beat us to it. It's nice to know that our service people are well taken care of by the public.:) Things like this give me warm fuzzies.
This story was very touching to me! As a former Michigander (with family still up there), I can appreciate how tough it is there economically; the whole state is hurting. The fact that people can share what little they have is humbling.
Many seemingly small gestures on our part can mean so much to others: letting someone go ahead of you in line at the grocery store; holding a door open for someone else; letting a car into traffic; shoveling an elderly neighbor's walk; SMILING at others....
One act of kindness can springboard many more.

Thanks for posting such a heartwarming story!

Thanks for posting this wonderful story. I am going to look for ways to "pay it forward" all week!

Why don't we all try to find one way we can "pay it forward" this week, and report back to this post! What a wonderful way to lift the winter blahs!!!!!!

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