The workout on Cathe cam!


Active Member
Hi Cathe!
I was watching part of your class this morning on the Cathe cam...WOW!!!! It seemed you had a bit of everything - hi/lo, step, etc. Can you tell us what type of class this was (sorry, I cannot hear the audio on my computer)? And, this is just ME, but I cannot get enough of those power 7's. Or are those power FIFTEENS, Cathe? Hee hee!!!

If this an indication of what is to come on the new videos, well...I am foaming at the mouth. :)

Hi Suzanne!

They were power fifteens!!!

Yes, today was a "bits and pieces" type class(sounds sort of like a DVD title,HA!). We did hi/lo, 3 step intervals, one step combo, and some weight training. We had a great sweat and time flew by too.

One of our new 6 pack crosstrainer series is a 10, 10, 10 cardio format. What you saw today will have a very similar flavor to that tape. Glad you liked it
Power fifteens!!!

Hi Cathe!

I did Bodymax today after a two-month hiatus from that workout. Having seen the format of your "bits and pieces" classes, and having done Bodymax today, really has me looking forward to the crosstrainer series!!

Have fun preparing the workouts, and I know I'll have fun doing them!

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