The Gauntlet Rocks!!!


Hi! I did the Gauntlet this morning and it was a butt-kicking workout!!!!

It started off with a warm up from Imax2 I believe. Then you have 7 cycles where you do one Imax2 interval, a Boot Camp lower body, CW upper/lower combo, upper from Boot Camp, and then a Boot Camp cardio.

The workout was a lot of fun. My heartrate stayed high throughout each cardio and weight cycle. The only time it lower was when I reached the upper from BC, but then Cathe jacks it right back up with the Boot Camp cardio.

The lower body included squats w/barbell and kickboxing moves (there were others, but I can't remember them all). I really liked the variety. The cycles are really thought through well. Whatever upper body part was worked in the CW section, that's the same body part you will work with the BC upper. Cathe really did a great job.

For the cardio sections, there were jacks, power 7's (not too many), terminator thrust (those are very hard), plyos (of course), ski hops, etc . . . it was a blur this morning really.

It is very fun, but tough. I don't think I looked at the clock until it was almost 50 min. into the workout. It is that fun!!!! I got a great cardio and weight workout.
hI THANKS for the great info!! You got me siked to do it tomorrow morning!!! I was feeling a little leery but woo hoo I can't wait!
It's tough, but fun. You are always doing something different. It's hard to get bored - not that I ever have with Cathe though. I hope you like it. Please post if you like it. I'm so psyched to try Imax Extreme and the Viper next. Wahoo!!

I just received BC & ME!!! THEY LOOK AWESOME!!!!

While I was previewing the Bonus section I noticed a screen popped up telling you what was next. Is "The Terminator" set up like this OR is it a smooth editing workout?

Thanks for your time
It's edited good. You don't get a screen popping up telling you what's next. They made sure that they edited it so that Cathe is telling you what's coming up next. I think when Cathe made the workouts she took into account that she would be editing compilations of other workouts.

For example, you'll do a cardio portion, you'll cool down and then the screen goes to the weights. And they make sure that they cut it to where she's saying - okay, let's get our 8 lb. dumbbells for lunges, etc . . .

Did I make sense? I hope so. :)

It was really all a blur this morning. I'm sure I didn't see any screens pop up at all. It's lots of fun and will get your heartrate up there. Have fun with BC and ME. I'm scared to Boot Camp after getting a preview of the cardio power blasts in the Gauntlet.
Hey I just finished the gauntlet!!! WOW!!!!! I Loved it!!! It was a blast!! I would recommend anyone who hasn't ordered the terminator to do so!! Cathe did a great job of organizing the workout, she kept the bodyparts in each section the same, biceps one cycle triceps another cycle.... I want to do the viper next but don't think I can wait 2 days. I heard you shouldn't do these workouts in succession because they are considered intervals. I think I might anyways. For anyone who has this DVD and hasn't done it yet JUST DO IT! YOU will love it!
How long are the workouts on this DVDs. The promotional material says "when you are not pressed for time" or something like that. Can anyone post the workout times for the Viper, Imax Extreme & Gauntlet. Sounds like I'll have to try them on days I have more than an hour. But how much more than a hour are we talking about here. Thanks!
Thanks for the information on the Gauntlet. I have to read about the videos until I receive mine on Monday. It sounds tough.

dona-The workouts are around 65 min. each. I skipped the cooldown and worked out for 60 min. You won't need to set aside that much extra time if you already used to doing 60 min. workouts.

Like someone else said, if you don't have the Terminator DVD, get it. Cathe really mixed the workouts well. I can't wait to try the Viper and IMax Extreme. I think these workouts give you a little extra boost in your routine to mix things up.
Thanks for the info. and motivation! I just got my DVDs tonight and was logging on to Cathe Forum to choose which terminter video to do. You just helped me make up my mind.

I can't wait! :+
I got my DVD's this week, got the player hooked up, and today I'm going to do my 1st Intensity series workout. I was going to do Cardio & Weights, but I may get brave and do Gauntlet since I'll have time.

Just Do It! :)
I did the gauntlet last night, and honestly, my heart rate lowered alot during the "breaks" between each exercise, and the set up of equipment..I may not do this one for a while , or change my step back to 10" and see if that will work good...
I must say though, the terminator thrusts were EXTREMELY tough, and I could feel those big time! That was a great move there!

Jaime :)
I did the Guantlet this morning and have to agree with TSUT that it ROCKS!!!!!! It is really fun, lots of variety and is a definite shock to the metabolism! I sware I could feel the blood moving in my veins!!!!!

I used pretty light weights because I have a tough rotation of heavy wt. ahead this week. I think I am going to use these interval days w/terminator, C&W etc. as light weight days and then use Muscle Endurance, PUB, PLB as heavy days.

I also skipped a couple of the lunges sections because I am doing Muscle Endurance tomorrow and don't want to over train my legs. Even though... they still felt like jello by the time I was done.

I also added some core sections with the medicine ball from Boot Camp and Muscle Endurance to the end.

I definitely feel like I got a kick butt Cathe workout! Gotta luv her and her crew! I am ready to start my fun family weekend noW!

Thanks again TSUT for the motivation:)

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