tae bo?

The best tae bo dvds are the Get Ripped series. I find both of those incredibly challenging. I also find Tae Bo ulitmate lower body a real calorie blaster. You either love him or hate him. I think he gives a really good workout and if you are not into choreography you will love him. He is a nice change now and them.

Good Luck!

Also, Powerstrike millenium series is also wonderful and challenging.

Hi! I also like the Get Ripped Series and the old Taebo Live Advanced - but since finding Cathe, I haven't done these much. I will have to pull them out again! I have heard great things about the Powerstrike series. I mix in some Turbo Jam here and there for a light day. I absolutely love Cathe's Kick, Punch and Crunch and Kick Max as well. I wear 1# weighted gloves with kick box workouts when I feel I need to increase the level a bit.

Good luck and let us know what you choose and what you think of them!
I really like Billy Blanks and his workouts...BUT...if you like symmetry, his workouts are not for you. I cannot do his workouts anymore because he is (most of the time) uneven...For example, he will have you 24 punches on one side, then only 8 on the other. That drives me nuts, but many I am just too anal! HA But, that is why I love Cathe...always even in her counts.

Janis Saffell has some kickboxing workouts that are good. They are not as difficult, but they are fun.

OK, that is my two cents!

I am a long time taebo fan. I would agree that the live series and the get ripped are the best. I also like the Ultimate Lower Body. I'm not so crazy about the new boot camp series. He is uneven a lot -- heck, sometimes he will do one side and completely forget to do the other. However, I get in a great workout. I love the energy of his workouts! I never really get bored with the Get Ripped workouts. Give 'em a try -- you get two hour long workouts on the one DVD.
I am a big Tae-bo fan also. Even though Billy doesn't work out each side evenly, I still get a great workout. Cathe and Tae-bo are my favorite workouts.

I love the G.R. series, the Live advanced and another a new favorite of mine is from the Elite collection - Fat Blasting Cardio. The bands are not used on that particular workout, but I often use weighted gloves to up the intensity. Another pretty good one that includes strength training in as well is - Tae-bo Extreme. It uses a step and weights in a portion of it. They use very light weights, but you can always increase. The original Fat Blasting Cardio workout is also another favorite of mine.


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