

Okay, I've had two kids and I don't know if its just me but I think my ribcage has expanded, in addition to my waistline that is. I read on the forum that Tae Bo Get Ripped has helped some with their abs. My question is, for those of you who use T-Tapp and feel that it works, where would I fit into the system? I consider myself high intermediate/low advanced Cathe level. The tape entitled "Put Your Organs Back" or something like that really makes me suspicious. Perhaps I am overreacting or maybe that is not the tape for me? My goals are to flatten my tummy, define my obliques and take inches off of my waistline. Just for the record, I am following all of the right eating guidelines.

Please advise?

By the way I am in the Metro Atlanta Area, are there any Cathe fans around this area?
Have you tried the t-tapp site: t-tapp.com
They have tons of information on the "Organ in Place" tape.
T-tapp works on the core muscles. I personally like the exercises. If you like to see how it works for you, you can down-load some of her exercises and also do the written instruction on their site.
Hi Joynee,
I'm in Gainesville, GA. just about 60 miles north of Atlanta.
I've been a Cathe fan for a little over 2 years now. Wish I had found her years ago! Her videos are so much fun. I'm sorry but I know nothing about T-tap. But I'm sure someone else here will be able to answer your question. I think there are a few more people here on the forum from the Atlanta/North Georgia area.

Take care!

Lisa Seymour

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