STS Squat Rack Help


I am on my 6th round of STS but first time doing the squat rack workouts. I am having trouble holding the barbell in front of my body while doing the front squats because of arthritis in my thumb joints. I cannot use challenging enough weight in that position and going higher is too painful on my hands. Do you think elevating my toes in a more narrow stance and placing the barbell on my shoulders would be an acceptable modification? Otherwise, I was thinking of doing another set of regular squats or plie squats. What would you recommend? Thank you!!
I think the problem is that you are trying to hold the barbell. I don't use my thumbs at all when doing the front squats. I rest the bar on the front of my shoulder with my elbows pointed straight out in front of me, and cross my bend arms in an "X" so my hands are on top of the bar. To put it back on the rack, I let it roll down to my elbows and then put it on the rack from there. Make sense?

Hope that helps!
Thanks for your response, Ginny. I hold the barbell as you described when I'm squatting lighter weight loads but not with the loads I'm lifting for this is too heavy to hold that way hence the need for more hand support.
sorry about your thumb issues. I would suggest a goblet squat for a front squat substitute. I just don't like the front squat bar positon. I may do one set heavy up but usually change to a dumbbell/deep goblet squat.

I also will do a non weight pistol squat when I want to work on stability. They are hard for me cause of weak ankles so I need the exercise. I like doing these with a TRX strap. I don't have the balance to do them unassisted but even holding the strap they are hard work
What has helped me is tips below advised by "beau gosse" Elliot:););)
To OP. If you are struggling to keep your elbows out, check your shoulder mobility.
Question yourself about the ability to extend your thorax/chest:):):p

I have curled up the barre on supine position but I could only go for a limited weight load.
With a good to great shoulder, wrist mobility and a strength, you can go heavier safely:)

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Thank you for your suggestions! I ended up doing plie squats but will definitely look into those other options in future rounds. I am another one who does not like holding the bar in front. I had a total tear of my rotator cuff in '06 and had it surgically reattached so even though I have regained 100% ROM & strength, I need to be careful with resting heavy loads on the front of my shoulders.

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