STS first time!

Hi ya girls. Yeah it Friday in my beat Franklin voice.

I have a pantry like you Carolyn. It crazy the stuff that's gets lost and what ends up in the trash. It's usually dh and the kids that make it a mess.

Today was studio shape from Barre3 online class. loved it. The call it the shakes and quakes when you start to tremble. Had lots today. I feel nice and worked. I've been stretching and icing my knee each night. I got the foam roller out the morning. Its getting better but not 100% yet.

I completely understand about the pool. I would feel the same way with my kids. No one watches then like you would.

Ds had a friends come over the other day. The girl is 7 and rode get bike to our house all her herself. Not something I would let my daughter do.
Good morning, girls!

Colleen, I used to love Franklin. What a sweet character.
I get the shakes and quakes when I'm doing Leah's LB. We're talking uncontrollable!
This morning my LB feels very achy. I bet a foam roller would help. I'm going to keep my eye out.

Carolyn, my sis and s-i-l love that class!

Missy, that's incredible it takes a semester to cover the insurance material! And you have to go on personal time. That's dedication, but I'm guessing you don't have a choice.

Jean, you have a gorgeous place! What a huge yard! Your animals will love it! Is everything progressing on schedule? Keep those pics a-comin';).

In Facebook, Cathe posted about being able to feed the giraffes at the Honolulu Zoo with a Cathlete, a mammal curator. Do you suppose he recognized her or did she arrange it? She also posted a picture with Gilad. He was my very first TV personal trainer eons ago!;)

Better get started with UY. Been on the computer too long...
Good Morning.....

I got up 10 minutes late today...I just couldnt get my ass out of bed! LOL

I did do my monring walk on the to continue increasing my speed walks.... I am still rehabbing my leg/knee....I have the 5k walk in October that I do every year....I want to so it competitivly, but I have a ways to go with this soreness....if I cant I will still do the walk, it will be leasurly though.... house is beautiful...I bet you are so have a beautiful back yard, your new puppy is going to love that!!!

Betty...I watched that youtube video...awesome looking!!!

Carolyn...I hear ya on the kitchen cabinets....I cleaned out all my cabinets last night....every cabinet. Over the course of this week I cleaned my house top to bottom...they is not one closet/dresser/room that I havent went though from top to tomorrow all I have to do is laundry and vacum. and of course grocery shop!!!!

Today is Friday!!! Whoo Hooo!!!!

As for the schooling, yes I have no choice. At least my doc are paying for books and class. But its my carrerr...and if I dont learn it I am screwed...LOL

At work and it is absolutely crazy! Be back soon!!! Have a nice Friday!
Carolyn no its not Leah. Check it out.

They do a lot of high repetition. They have some interesting articles on the benefits and how it elongates and strengths muscles. I guess I'm a Barre convert. Never thought I'd hear myself say that.

Betty what your legs sore from?

Missy, that's the right attitude. Good for you for taking such an interest in your career. It is so important in anything you do to not let yourself fall behind. It can happen quickly.
Jean, love the house! You do have a big yard, do you plan to add a little patio out back?

No workout this morning for me. I had planned to do an upper body, but gave in to my lethargy. There's always tomorrow.

Supposed to be so hot today, I don't even want to go outside. And we are having friends over for dinner, luckily dh is taking care of most of that because I am at work. I slept horribly last night, I can't wait for this heat to break so we can open some windows.

Happy Friday!
Omg, my lower back was an aching machine. (Colleen, it was my lower back more than anything. I stupidly did those pilates abs without warming up, so my back was screeching this morning!) I was worried about doing UY Cardio with the pain though. But I pushed through it and softened the dozens of planks, cobras, up-dogs, crescents. My back feels better now, but it still doesn't feel good to do the cobras yet.

Mary, I feel funny doing those 108 fire-breathing things in UY. I don't even look at the screen to see everyone else, feeling that it's sort of private.
Enjoy your dinner party.

Missy, you're amazing cleaning through your house top to bottom this week! (I barely moved this week:eek:) I picture a Taz whizzing through your house!;) I loathe cleaning. Cleaning begets more cleaning.

It is so hot! Mother Nature, please send in that break in the heatwave sooner rather than later!
Good Afternoon....I just went to lunch with a few of the office girls....I had chicken salad with wheat crackers and a 1/2 boiled egg and some sliced cucumbers. It was delish!!! Now I definately have to work that off tonight!

Betty...hope you back feels better, there is nothing worse than a sore/painful back!

Carolyn....How is the UTI? I hope you are feeling better....make sure you push fluids.

As for me being TAZ....too funny....I am a neat freak...I like everything to be in its place and organized....Where I got this from? No parents were not neat freaks....but Tim and I are! LOL....his parents are far from it....whenb they come to our house....they dont stay long because our house is so clean...she(MIL) says I am OCD!!!! hehehehe

Do you remember my project of my kitchen menu??? I added on to it and have a lunch menu now on my kitchen wall....I just love it! And so does Tim! We are OCD...I think!!! Every friday night we sit down together and plan our entire weeks meals/lunches and post in kitchen I then write my grocery list and go to publix sat morning!!! :confused::eek:


hope everyone is having a nice friday!!! 4 hours to go till the weekend begins!!! YEAH!!!

Last night I went swimming in our "above" ground pool...and afterwards I could really feel it in my bad leg.....I thnk I favored it so much lately that I have lost alot of muscle def in it! :(

Missy, I wish I were organized to the degree you are. It's plain ole laziness too. I can't think that far out for meals either. A little OCD and cleanliness never hurt anyone. Love it!

Carolyn, I hope ds's neck feels better soon. You know it's bad when he doesn't go in.
Any progress on the speech therapy apps? There must be a way to get around using an iPad. How about an equivalent on the computer?

I cooked dinner for the first time this week. (Had so many leftovers.) I made shrimp and pea risotto.
I have barely done anything this week! Been dragging my butt in this relentless heat. Can't wait for the t-showers and fresh cool air tomorrow evening.
Have a lovely Friday evening.
Jean I can't see your pictures from my device I'll have to check them out when I get on the computer. Can't wait to see them.

Carolyn athleta annual sale starts today. No code needed!!! Online and in stores. I didn't buy any dvds. I signed up for a month of the streaming videos online. Only $15 for the month. I thought it was good way to check out out.

Not sure what workout I will do today.
Jean, your new house is beautiful! I would love to have everything fresh and new!

I did XT Ch,Back, Sh this morning. I couldn't imagine doing any cardio, the heat and humidity feel even worse today.

I normally avoid the mall on a Sat. but I may take the girls there today just to get into the AC.

Have a good day everyone!
Hello....let me try this again....I posted a long post and it didn't post as I am having connection issues.....its raining buckets here!!!! soon as I can connect to interest via computer I will check out your pics.....I can't see them on this devise.

So summer woke us up at 2 am this morning barking...out in the country.....when it is real can hear noises from far we got up to see what it could hear someone screaming in the really couldn't understand as it was far we called 911.....we could lay in be and hear was crazy....but then we heard the emergency vechiles...and then it stopped about 10 minutes later!!!! I assume maybe someone got in. Car accident on one of these back country roads....this is the reason we don't go out after dark.... we have come up on 3 accidents late at night....and there at crazy people out there....its just no safe to approach people...... my opinion....let the professionals help them. One time....we stopped at a bad accident....and the driver was drinking, with a suspended license and tried to crawl in our truck....oh no....that was it for me.....we left the scence and called the yes....crazy people!!!!

Checking in with cycle ax this morning!!!! Now resting in recliner with summer laying on my lap....yes she thinks she is a small dog....she is 60 PDS.....and spoiled rotten!!!!! If I sit down....she immediately jumps up in my lap....its snuggle time!!!! Lol

Have a nice Saturday!!!! got that right....I want to eat everything in sight!!!! I'm waiting on Tim to get home from work....he normally gets here around 12:45..... I'm starving!!!!!
Good day, girls! Hopefully just a few more hours till the inferno cools off. Please, God!
Missy, I envy you that rain though you must be so sick of it. That must have been scary to hear screaming. Will you know what happened? I'm with you on staying away.

Jean, I too will look at the pics when I'm on my computer. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a new self-designed place! With an architect's help, of course.;)

Made pancakes for breakfast to go with my Dunkin coffee. I need to try a coffee press and make a single-serve decaf. The caffeine courses through my body like a drug.

Mary, I hear you on the mall. The heat is insane.

Nothing much going on. Stay cool, everyone.
Hey all!

Quick post to say my mom and I did CSS today. My sis and her family went back to CO today. It was so great to have them in town. Miss them already!

Have a good evening everyone!
ImageShack(TM) slideshow

Here is another slideshow. My husband puts these together . Some of the pics you may not be interested in.

Carolyn I am sorry to hear about your husbands grandmother. I guess she will be in a nursing home for awhile after she gets out of the hospital. That is awful that she fell. I can't imagine 2 people living alone at their ages. I hope the grandfather makes out o.k. on his own. How many years have they been married?

Tomorrow is settlement on our new house. We are spending the night there Mon and Tues and unloading the storage lockers. Then back home Wednesday. Clean on Thurs , take my husbands motorcycle on Fri and move in on Sat. So it will be a lot of driving. We are scheduled to have the phone and computer turned off Friday and new Fios put in on the 29th. So I will be offline for awhile. Take care everyone and keep up with your exercising . Hopefully the next time you hear from me I will be able to say that I too did a workout.

We get the puppy on Saturday. He got neutered on Wednesday and he weighed 2.9 lbs. She advertised them as Imperial Shih tzus but they look more like Shih Tzu/terrier mix. But that is o.k. He is cute and seems to be mellow. This is a Rescue . There was a hoarding situation and around 250 dogs were pulled from this house. The mom is a shih Tzu and she gave birth overnight in the Animal Shelter. This was a high kill shelter that uses gas . So this rescue pulled Mom and babies and have no clue who dad is. All we want is a healthy calm puppy.
I hope all is good with your grandmother in law.
Omg, Jean, moving day is so soon! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU! Still have not seen your pics yet; on my portable still. Much luck to you on your closure of one part of your life and the start of a new one! Talk to you sooner rather than later, hopefully.
Watched Life of Pi last night. What a great movie.

Carolyn, we got no rain!:mad::mad: But the air is blissfully dry today!
Your g-i-ls are amazing! Good healing wishes to grandma. Oh to be that independent at their age. I can't believe grandpa still drives and mows. More power to him!
I know what you mean about dh's sis being useless in these situations. Dh is the one who took care of his grandparents and now his dad (who's still very independent and fine at 75 or so).

My sis and I just did each other's hair. Gonna wash that gray right outta my hair.....

DS1 is almost landing at JFK!!!!!! Long layover for Boston flight though, so we won't see him till tonight.


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