Still a place 4 FIRMs


I just wanted to say that even though in recent threads I said Cathe is far more advanced than Firm videos ... there is still definitely a place for them.
I had 2 days for cardio and couldn't get to my Cathe's so I ended up using Firm Vol.1 and Cardio Burn. They were always my favorites even then. Strangely enough, I'm really sore today! How is that possible with 5 lb weights? :p (CB)
Funny thing though is that after Cathe, jumping in place and doing plyos felt kind of odd. It was like working out for the severely choreographically challenged. Quite amazing that they could give you a really decent workout without making you move around so much! I took up so little space. It was a nice change. I still love Susan Harris, and volume 1 has got to be the most time efficient workout the FIRM has ever made. It doesn't make me feel too odd either because it didn't really plyo to death ( plyos make me feel like a frog especially if you have a tadpole bra on! ) or have a lot of ham curls or bunny hop moves.
I was planning on giving my firms away but I think I'll hold on to them now. Are any of the new ones good? Does anyone know?:9
I just made my very first FIRM purchase. I bought Firm Parts: Upper Body & Standing Legs on DVD. I didn't realize this was a complilation of older firm videos (tapes 1-4 and 6). I took me awhile to adjust to the look and sound of the videos. With that music, I swear they were trying to seduce me. :p

I've only previewed the video, but I can imagine the effectiveness of it if done on a regular basis. I'll work it into rotation once I get the hang of Cathe's Intensity Series.
Oh, Rachel, don't get rid of your Firms. I'm at this moment, busily buying back some that I got rid of when I got sucked into the Cult of Cathe (of which I'm a life-long member:) ). You never know when you just need a change. Also, those Firms aren't gonna be available anymore, either, at least most of them, so keep them.

The new Firms are just different than the old ones. The old set is gone, so the atmosphere is different. I don't think the new ones from the latest 6 pack are as intense as the old Firm, altho I have most of them and they also have a place in my workouts. The first set (the infomercial set) are, IMO, good workouts.

Then again, I don't know if you should even listen to me. I like almost EVERYONE. (i.e. Joyce Vedral, Gilad, Cory E..etc., etc.) I'm easy.:p

Have you tried Totally Hot Cardio? I'm looking for Hi-Lo stuff ... since that Power strike 3 DVD still hasn't arrived! ( Maybe when I'm 60 it will ship! ) Hey don't you make fun of my Corey E. phase! :p It got scary when I started to find her funny! I think I'm many videos and I'm sitting here fighting the urge to order more stuff! That IMAX 2 is definitely teasing me!!! Do you know what song that is...with the elephant stomps? ( power squats??? )I MUST GET THAT DVD!!!! I'll DIE!!!:9
Actually i was thinking of getting rid of mine - i went to cathe about 2 years and will never go back. I just couldnt deal with the 80's themes - the whole image was just too much - perhaps it was my teenager who got me to see it that way.

Anyhow I have probably 10 of them - have any of you sold them? I'd LOVE to get rid of them as they just collect dust these days? Where did you sell them? How do you figure out how much.
I bought the new ones and have sold everyone of them or am trying to sell them. The original firms are great don't waste your money on the new ones!!! Cathe is so much better! I wasted $80 last summer! they are two easy and the weight work is the same old thing! And don't get me started on the cardio....BORING I still like Vol 1 I don't know why maybe it's Susan saying ""isn't this better than dieting" and the leg floor work is still a killer I could do it and my butt would be sore for two days afterwards.
Hi I jsut saw someone was wondering how to sell there old firm tapes....try the firm ya yas swapmeet. I'm not sure of the website but i'm sure it's pretty easy to find. they sell everything there even Cathe oh know!
I think Volume 1 is a good workout mostly because the actual working phase has you doing upperbody and lower body moves at the same plies with upright rows, squats with bicep curls. Then you have just upper body like "Jungle body exercises?" LOL..JUNGLE???
The overhead presses,lateral delt lifts then lunges, an aerobic segment with light dumbells with just running in place. All in all just basic moves with no odd silly hops. So it doesn't really feel ridiculous other than the porno tuba music. Volume 2 is good too, with the exception of JJG and that really long warm-up.
The only Firms I like are:TT,SC,SS,CB,FS and FS.:*
I still have my FIRMs from Vol 1 thru The Super Shapers Set. This week I've done FIRM Strength (Pam), FIRM Cardio (Heidi) and as soon as I get off this forum I'm doing Tortoise. This was supposed to be week 3 of a Slow & Heavy rotation but my mind said NO. Anyway, I still have over 30 FIRM tapes and cannot bring myself to get rid of them. I forget that I did purchase the infomercial set from QVC but did not like them at all. I really like going back to the FIRM for an easy day or week. They are so not as hard as they used to be but I feel like I'm getting a great workout.
I will always hold onto my Firm's. If it wasn't for them
I would never have been able to transfer over to Cathe so
easily. Not to mention they can really kick butt. I just
did Tough Tape this week and my legs and rear were so sore
for two days after. Funny too because my sister (Who is also
a Cathe fan) ended up doing Tough Tape on the same day (no planning on our part) and she said the same thing about having really sore
muscles. The tall box REALLY works. :eek: :eek:
I too am holding onto my Firms. While right now, I'm doing 90% Cathe, I sometimes like to do a couple weeks of the Firm just to shock my body. I think it really does. And then when I go back to Cathe, WOW. Now that's a shock.

I recently sold 26 of my 30 Firm videos in a two week period. I posted them on the Ya Ya's Swapmeet and the FitPrime forum (which I think has either become or is becoming a members only board). Granted many of mine were the original Firm Believers issued tapes and some were no longer available (like Cardio Step Mix and 3-in-1 Boot Camp) but I was overwhelmed by the response. Alot of people also sell on Ebay, but that's a little more complicated than just posting a message on a board, but maybe worth looking into.

If it weren't for Tracie Long and the Maximum Body Sculpting tape, I would have trouble getting back into the swing of things after a layoff. After a vacation or a surgery, that the first tape I go for, followed by FIRM Cardio and Strength until I feel up to conquering a Cathe workout or the gym. It's just so airy and motivating---I really like the music for the warm-up---like a movie prologue.

I'm thinking I may be using the FIRMs more this spring when I switch to doing full body endurance workouts and don't want to kill myself a la Body Max, MIS, or the as yet unseen (by me) Intensity Series.

Be afraid, be very afraid ... :eek:
Absolutely there is still a place for FIRMs. I've been using Cathe workouts pretty much exclusively for the last year and then brought out some of the FIRM classics last week. It was really nice to shake things up a bit. I did feel sore the next day - such a good feeling! I didn't like the first set of new FIRMs, sold them a few days after receiving them - but I'm keepin' all of my old ones.
Oh, and Jammin - If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, you must stop posting that you're easy! LOL!
I have lots of older FIRMS that I'll keep in case I get sick or have to take a extended period of time off and need to start out easier again. That's the only reason I'm keeping them other than I like the old mansion set and the leg warmers and all that dated stuff for some reason.

I've gone hopelessly and joyfully CATHE, just seems there is no turning back now.

Edith ;-)

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