STEP BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...


Hi again everyone!! Because Nik and I did a strength training workout yesterday afternoon when she got home from school (we did Pure Strength/Strong Legs & Abs!!), I decided to change my rotation a bit and do Step Blast today instead of Imax2. Yep .. you guessed it ... I LOVED IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Maybe it's because I'm more used to Cathe's choregraphy now, or maybe I'm losing my klutziness or I don't know what, but I nailed this one with only a little rewinding during the third combo!!!! It was SO MUCH FUN !!!!!!!!!! The 55 minutes flew right by!! Cathe I don't know how you keep coming up with the awesome choregraphy, but I hope you never stop!! What a BLAST, quite literally!! Then ... she throws in the cardio blasts AT THE END!! OMG !!! LOL!! Believe it or not, the last one was my favorite!! And guess what? I FINALLY did real airborne jacks and a tuck jump!! It's all in the abs, folks!! I finally have this figured out!!!! I felt like I didn't need to add in ab work when I was finished with this one!! I was sucking them in and bracing them the entire time, and when I nailed those jacks and those tuck jumps, it was like ... DUH! So THAT'S what I have to do!! I am so pumped, and so energized after this one, that when I finish this Intensity/Body Blast series rotation I'm doing, I'm going to put Step Blast in the next rotation often!! I have to say, I like it a little better even than Rhythmic Step, which up until now was my favorite Cathe step tape!! If you haven't tried this one yet, do it!! If you've been doing her step tapes, the choregraphy will come to you. Believe me - I am THE original step klutz, and if I can do this workout, ANYONE can!!!!!!!!!

:D :) :D :) aka ... Tuck Jump Princess!! :D :) :D :)
Carol, congrats on nailing it the first time threw, what an accomplishment. I haven't done this yet, I'm waiting patiently for the dvd's. But I love to read the reviews. IF Rhythmic Step aws your favorite, like it is mine right now, I will more than likely love this one too. Yay!
Well, you go with your bad self "Tuck Jump Princess" :D

RE: STEP BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

OK, you've convinced me to try Step Blast today instead of Boot Camp, and I am one of the klutziest excercisers out there. I almost cried in frustration the first time I did IMAX2, but finally after many days of just jumping and watching I got the hang of Cathe's steps. Looking forward to a new experience!
well reading this makes me feel even worse because this is the DVD I am most waiting for at this moment!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaargh!

But, congratulations on your tuck jump successes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are right, there is something so completely exhilarating from an awesome cardio routine that I just don't get with weight training routines, no matter how pumped I may feel or how heavy I have managed to lift. The exhilaration is the dance, the music, the joy of learning something new and seeing just what the old body is capable of!

I hope to share that joy with you any day now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your exclamation marks usage is infectious.....

RE: STEP BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Brenda let me know how you like it!! Imax2 didn't frustrate me very much but Rhythmic Step blew me away for about a month! LOL! Now I love it, and when I got some of Cathe's older step tapes it all finally clicked. Can't wait to hear how you liked it!! When you do the third combo and she introduces that quick feet repeater, try it on the floor first. For some reason, that helped me get it! Also, when she ends up on the TV side of the step before doing the two triples around, just remember when you get to the other side of the step, you're supposed to end up being able to start again on the same lead. Those two parts gave me the most trouble, but when I rewound and slowed things down to a frame at a time (it really helps to have a remote which lets you do that!), I was able to figure out which foot goes where and when.

Clare I hope those DVD's are ready and out to all of you soon! The music in this one is AWESOME!! Again, as with Step, Jump & Pump, I found myself singing along! NOT something one can do, however, while attempting airborne jacks and tuck jumps!! LOL!!

:D This is definitely my favorite video from the "Body Blast" series! Cathe has a real gift-talent when it comes to step combinations! Very challenging even for a veteran Cathe stepper!
Lisa you are so right about her having a gift! And it's not just the choreography, it's her cueing! Over the years, I've bought and subsequently thrown away/given away a lot of workout videos, from Jane Fonda, Kathy Smith, Denise Austin, Joannie Greggains (anyone remember her??), and countless others. I avoided pure step because even the most basic stuff threw me for a loop - LOL, but it's the cueing and the editing in these tapes that - in my humble opinion - make them doable or not. When you're already performing the move and the instructor is just getting around to telling you what you should be doing, that is not good cueing! And when you have more shots of close-ups on people's faces than on their bodies or feet so you can see what they're actually doing, that just distracts me and frustrates me. Part of the reason I enjoy Cathe's tapes so much is they're so well-made! You can see what she's doing, and you know what she's going to do BEFORE she executes the move! She does have a gift, and so do the people producing and filming her workouts!

:D Carol, I also wanted to mention that you look absolutely FABULOUS! I can't believe your transformation! Your exciting personality is present in all of your posts!
Hey Princess Carol!!

Oh honey, this may be your best post yet!!

As you know I have only just recently really "nailed" Rhythmic Step, but I love it and -- masochist that I apparently am -- I love IMAX2 as well and am getting better at those bleeping tuck jumps and airborne jacks all the time. Not perfect yet, but coming nicely along! :) So Step Blast sounds like heaven to me, kiddo!

Hey cutie, can you check your fitness journey page -- the last two times I've looked at it, I don't get your picture to the right of your write-up, only the pics that are below it. Is it me or is it you??? I want to see your most recent gorgeous shots, cheesecake girl!!

Your Friend Who Can't Wait To Help Crown You Tuck Jump QUEEN, Kathy S.

P.S. Oh yeah, Coach, gotta mention that yesterday was WI day and it was another really good week -- 1.5! Working it, girl!!
Hi there Tuck Jump Princess:) :) :)

I think you need to be our spokesperson for these videos;-) Thank you so much for such enthusiatic feedback. You are so vivid in your write up that I can actually picture the tuck jump princess in action. You go girl!!! :7
RE: STEP BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Way to go Carol !!! I was suppose to do Super Sets tonight, but I'm thinking I will do Step Blast instead, too. :)

We are getting a good little snowstorm here in SE Minnesota and I have a lot of energy built up and that would be a perfect workout for me tonight. Oh, and I will definitely be thinking about you when the tuck jumps come. :)

Cheers, Marcia :)

P.S. Maybe if I do a few of the tuck jumps before weigh-in I will do better????? (OK - I'll leave it alone now) ;-) ;-) ;-)
RE: Hey Princess Carol!!

Hey girl, thanks for the heads-up on the page! I'll go check it right now. WTG on the 1.5 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D You are doing AWESOME !!!!!!!!! I am SO proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carol :) :) :)
Oh Cathe I would so honored to be your spokesperson for anything you do!! Maybe one day I'll get someone to take a picture of me doing those tuck jumps!!! :D :D :D

Princess Carol :) :) :)
RE: STEP BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

That's it, Marcia!! LOL!! We SHOULD do tuck jumps before WI!! I'm sure that would take off at least an ounce, don't you think? (we really should stop this, shouldn't we? We are TOO bad!!)

We have snow forecasted for tomorrow after that cold front you have bears down on us later tonight!! For now, it's 70-ish, sunny, but those dark clouds are threatening. We are under a severe thunderstorm watch, and they're predicting possible tornadoes later, and we also have a high wind warning for later tonight after midnight. Oh goody ... LOL! It was a year ago Monday that we had quite a few BAD tornadoes come through this area. One of them was an F4, which is almost unheard of around here (I live in North Central Ohio), and they destroyed a lot of homes, a movie theater, and a few schools. We have such changeable weather around here that anything is possible, even this late in the year. Batten down the hatches!!! My husband started putting up Christmas lights outside, and I told him they might be down the street by morning, in the neighbors' yards!!

RE: Hey Princess Carol!!

Marcia, all the pics are there. I think it's the way I have the opening paragraph worded. It makes it sound like there should be a picture to the right of that, but what I'm actually trying to say is all the pictures are below, and the "before" pic is to the right of the "now" picture. I'll reword things so it's less confusing. Thanks again!!

RE: Hey Princess Carol!!

I'm not sure what you are talking about with the pictures??? Maybe somebody else had a question about them? Or did I and I can't remember - possible brain fart?!?!?! :7

Carol: You are such an inspiration to me. Thank you!!! You have brought out a lot of motivation that I've been tucking away for a while (don't know why either) but now it's out!!! - WATCH OUT - !!!! :)

Have a wonderful night and watch out that snow is coming your way....

Cheers, Marcia :)
RE: STEP BLAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

You wouldn't believe it - there's something wrong with the audio on my Step Blast tape, almost as if its audio from another tape on top of this one. At first I figured the culprit was a Barbie shoe, but it seems to be the tape.
I was SO disappointed so I had to take it out on IMAX2 and finished except for the last set of plyo jumps... I'm going to try another VCR and see if I can figure out the problem.
The anticipation is building!
Good job Carol!

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