south beach diet


Active Member
hey everyone just wanted to know if anyone is or has been on the south beach diet or if you know anyone who is or was

also what were the results and do you think its worth buying the book?????????
I was thinking about getting the book too. I would love to hear what others think of this diet first. I read a little about it in Woman's World this week.

I've havent read it, but I have heard it's just another form of Atkins although in the book he criticizes the Atkins plan. Just passing along what Ive heard.
I have the book and the first 100 pages are the hows, whys, of this "diet". The other pages are all menus and excellent recipes. My suggestion is to buy the book if you can.

I don't like to use the word "diet". I'm not following this plan to a T. The main thing that I think everyone needs to do - whether or not they follow this plan or not - is to stop eating carboyhydrates that have no nutritional value whatsoever. These kinds of carbs would include cake, cookies, pies, chips, etc. Cut way back on white potatoes, white rice, white pasta, etc. Eat more vegetables, fibrous foods, whole wheat bread, brown rice, sugar-free low-fat yogurt. Try to learn a bit about foods based on the glycemic guide.

This plan does not allow fruits for the first 2 weeks. I don't agree with that at all. I suppose you could say I'm following this plan by simply eliminating some of the foods I have listed above.
I followed Atkins for a few weeks and really liked it. I did not eat alot of bacon, sausage, none of that. I miss fruit, and more veggies. I guess you could say I learned alot from doing it for a few weeks. I will never go back to low fat cheese, or salad dressing again. Instead, when I eat salad, which I love, I will have 1 T. of each. It is so much more satisfiying to me!!!! Right now, I guess I am kinda mixing the two, even though I have not read the book, and kinda trying to find the best food plan for me.
Lori S.
You must have read my mind because I JUST logged on to post and see if anyone was already on the South Beach Diet ... I bought the book on Saturday, and started the diet today. So far, so good - I don't feel deprived at all. I can't (and won't) eliminate carbs forever - but 2 weeks is do-able.
I'd be interested to see if anyone out there has been on it for a longer period of time, and what they've found so far in terms of results ....
Good luck with your decision!
Thanks for posting that link to the prevention article. It was very interesting and has made me re-think my approach to my diet:7 .
I've been reading through my back-log of fitness magazines, and came across a short article about the South Beach Diet in an issue of Shape (or Fitness?). They submitted it to a dietician to see what s/he thought about it. They say that while the initial stage of the diet is not balanced and it promises unhealthily fast weight loss, the second stage is healthy and balanced, and promises a reasonable and healthy 2 pound per week weight loss.
I just recently purchased the book and have been on phase one of the diet for a week.I can definitely say I have not felt hungry.I do agree that the first two weeks are similar to the Atkins diet,however,high fat proteins are not encouraged. I don't think I will continue with phase one for the second week because my training performance was very much impaired. I thought I looked leaner and more defined(maybe my imagination) but I have not lost any weight.Workouts that are usually easy for me left me exhausted and shaky.I also felt that I was not getting enough fiber.I would say that phase two and three of the diet do offer very sound advice-essentially eliminate all white flour and obviously all kinds of sugary snacks and all processed foods. It really is a prescription for clean eating. I plan on following the diet but moving to phase two starting tomorrow. The book had some useful information and recipes. I always knew that whole grain was better than processed but I didn't know exactly why. This book shed some info on the why,and for me when something seems logical , I'm more apt to do it.I'd love to hear about other peoples' experiences with it.
i have to agree with fitjenny. i did the diet for one week and my workouts suffered so much because i felt so fatigued and kind of "out of it". the book is beneficial because in the end you know the changes you need to make and what foods to stay away from, but two weeks is a long time for someone who's an active person.

JMO :)

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