Some downloads are not chaptered correctly


Some of the video's I have downloaded are not chaptered correctly. For example in S&H Chest, Back and Planks when I click on the back chapter it is still on the chest workout and when I click on the the superman chapter it is in the middle of the back workout. This makes it hard to use in the workout blender. Also it would be nice if they were chaptered for each exercise not for each body part. All of the Slow and Heavy series are chaptered incorrectly. I just check some other ones and many of them seem incorrectly chaptered. Several of my video's in the workout blender named every chapter "py" (the y has a - above it) so I have not idea what each chapter is.

Is anyone else having this problem?
Hello fyregypsy,

We are looking into the particular videos that you mentioned and will let you know if/when we post updated versions with chapters corrected.

Also, we will be releasing a newer version of the Workout Blender that should address some of the problems you have mentioned. Thanks for your input!

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