so how did you all work out with babies?

As soon as my newborns were 3-4 weeks old, I was back to working out. I had to take it easy at first, obviously.

I HIGHLY recommend working out as soon as your doctor says it is o.k. My theory was "if getting my workout in is the ONLY thing I accomplish be it"! Laundry can wait, dishes, dinner. I think it is a huge help to establish this pattern for yourself and your baby. My kids have never known mommy to not work out! It's part of their routine, too!

At first, it would take me 3 hours to get a workout done. I'd nurse the newborn to sleep, then do weights. Nurse the baby again when he/she woke up, did cardio. Not to mention the pauses to comfort, interact, give them a pacifier! I didn't care how long it took, just so I got it in!

As they get older, your breaks are to fill sippy cups and fill their trays with snacks and toys.

BTW, I never had to miss a workout because of my kids! Only when I am too sick (rare)!
Oh my! Reading all of these responses makes me amazed! My "babies" are now 18, 16, and 13. Had to think hard about how I exercised when they were little. I put them in a stroller and WALKED! And after the first one, it was generally nap time. But it eventually got to where it only worked when I got up before they did, and I do that to this day!! BTW, working out IS important, but so are those babies!!! So, if you need to miss a workout or two. . .well, that's life!!:)
I clicked on this looking for tips - and got more than a few chuckles, thank you very much (Bobbi - you're TOO funny!!)

I have two (3 and 16 mo)with one on the way (at 36, this is a a bit frightening in terms of bodily damage :) ) DH and I both work, so it's hard to squeeze in time, but I've gotten it through to him that we are BOTH happier if I get my workout in consistently. I don't think it's too much to ask for him to watch the kids for an hour while I work out. I really miss the good old days of going to the gym for a few hours after work, though.

Do what you can when you can and look at the big picture. If you can't work out as well as you'd like, try to focus on eating clean or getting in extra walking (park farther away from the store, take family walks, go up and down the stairs at home as often as possible. I actually started making things less efficient at home to force myself to move more: got smaller laundry baskets, moved the kitchen garbage to the far end of the room, store most of the pantry items in the basement and garage. Sounds funny, but I like to beleive that every little bit helps.
I have a 15 month old. I workout every weekday morning at 5:00 while she is still sleeping. Then on the weekends I workout while she is taking her nap. I started working out so early in the morning when she was still a newborn because I was always up so early anyway, and that made it very easy to make it an every day habit.

Good luck!

Excersauser... those little stationary wobble things that they kinda sit/stand in...that has always bought me a hour to workout, especially if you put little baby friendly snacks on the tray. Or you can do the baby circuit.... x amount of time in swing, x amount of time in baby gym, x amount of time..etc... its a pain to stop to change the baby around but you get your workout in!!
LOL!!! Shelley and Bobbi. You two are a hoot!

My kids are 7,5 and 2 and I have always worked out. When they were babies I would do the baby circuit thing as well. However, at that time I didn't know about Cathe (darn), so I just did the treadmill and abs. Then I started alternating weight days and treadmill days. It worked for me then. Now I get up early before anyone gets up. It's just so much easier. BTW, I didn't start doing the 5A thing until the youngest started sleeping through the night. Sleep always won out over working out.

I hope you find what works for you. Good luck!:)


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