SNM Please email me


Dear SNM,
Please email me re: the post below (which I copied incase you didn't go back and read my final post. You posted back and said that you emailed me re: the problem, but I never received an email from you regarding it. Please email me at
[email protected]

#31648, "SNM: DVD Problem(s)"
Mon Jan-05-04 08:17 PM by Faythe

Hi, I am loving my new BB series on DVD, but the thing I like the most about them is the
options like blender, pre mixes, and mix & match. I seem to have 2 main problems:
1) When doing the Pre mixes, everytime it has to go the the next section it pauses. The
message says if I want to pause, to go ahead and pause, but the program never
continues, it just pauses automatically (every time it has to change for the next section).
That is very inconvenient and not what is expected.
1) When doing the Pre mixes, everytime it has to go the the next section it pauses. The
message says if I want to pause, to go ahead and pause, but the program never
continues, it just pauses automatically (every time it has to change for the next section).
That is very inconvenient and not what is expected.

2) Mix and Match - I assumed it worked like the blender did, but when I press enter for a
selection, it goes to that selection automatically, it doesn't let me pick more than 1 item. Am
I doing something wrong, or is this not working right?
3) I know I can't forward or skip to the next section while I'm doing a blender workout. But
can I when I do a mix and match or or pre mixes? It doesn't seem like I can, I just want to
make sure it works the same way.

In case you need to know: I have a new Panasonic S35 DVD player.

What can be done about this problem? Perhaps you can send just the cd's not the covers,
and pick up the damaged cd's (if in fact they are damaged)??? Please let me know. Thank
you very much for your help.

I am experiencing the exact same problems. I think Mix and Match is supposed to work like that as you have to manually program the choices in, but I can't seem to figure out why the premixes are not resuming playing after the automatic pause. I can't fast forward past it either.

Is it our DVD players?
With Mix and match you can only choose 1 segment at a time. When the segment you choose finishes you will be returned to the Mix and Match Menu Screen.

Many of the other problems you have mentioned are more than likely player related. I think if you test on another machine you will not see many of the problems you have listed. As for using your "next chapter button" this will not work for Mix and Match except to return you to the menu screen. You should really only use this button when you play the entire program or you are in the chapter menu. It will also probably work in premixes, but not the Workout Blender.

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