I love the pic of the orange!! I think I may just make my computer desktop pic some pics of healthy fruit and veggies!!
Hi Stace,

I'm sure Donna knows she can come and chime in anytime, I'll let you know if I decide to not check in, I like it though. I think my boyfriend might like to do some of Cathe's workouts, I know I work harder when he's in the room.

We might have to get two sets of barbells? I don't know if he's a stepper though, hahaha, but the kickbox, he would probably like that.

I gave the whole diet/exercise thing some thought, trying to figure what things works the best for me, here's some things:

1. weigh yourself everyday, it's not always a welcome reminder but has kept me on track better over time, and I can see how weight fluctuates normally, during rest weeks.

2. breakfast...have something for breakfast everday, coffee isn't breakfast, as much as I'd like it to be, breakfast is as simple as cereal, oatmeal, toast, or have it English style eggs with everything for the main meal of the day, but eat something when you get up.

3. have one good meal a day, I find that when I have beans, lentils, or vegan/vegetarian entrees, I feel the best, it's good fuel for the day & week, and I'm less sluggish, try for one salad per day

4. Fruit have for breakfast, mid-morning snack, or meal in itself, with yogurt after a workout, but have some every day, I associated eating citrus fruits with weight loss, the more I'm eating them, is when I lose weight.

5.Hide the bad stuff, put the good stuff out. Chips, baked goods, get hid, fruit, nuts, salad fixings get a place on the counter.

6. As convenient as prepackaged-processed food is, it's not real food. Eating healthy takes time. Make your own stuff, it's better.

7. don't eat before going to bed, if you're starving, have something light like cereal, but don't let it become a habit ( I fall into this one occaisionally) if losing is the goal, supper is the last time to eat.

8. finally exercising regularly and eating well maintains weight & health, if your goal is to lose, you'll have to keep track of something, just to know where you stand, I do it this way

weigh in daily

record level of exercise and/or how many calories you're burning daily & weekly, steps with pedometer (may start this) I log these, even yoga counts for me.

calories... not my fave, I don't write it down but keep in mind the running tally for the day, my current focus is meals/ snacks, 4-5 times per day, range 1400-1600, if the rotation is challenging, more.

drink water, sleep well

Over time, I'm most consistant with, weigh in, calories burned, and keeping good stuff around to eat (better)

Have some goals you can make, like getting fruit, or leafy greens, circuit workouts burn calories for me, kickbox is a big calorie burner too.

Glad you liked the picture, here's another

Green Tea also associated with weight loss, & good health

Drill Max #1 & #2 today, C & W step I think I'm gettin' my mojo back!

Have a great day!

Linda (oh, dear this is a long one :))
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Hi Stace,

Drill Max yesterday w/u, #1,#2, stretch, a calorie burner! Later C & W step premix, another calorie burner! modified the jumps to the step by doing one direction only, and those squat hops in C & W without the turns. Those routines come in at 32 min. & 34 I think, shorter but given the extra impact, it worked out.

Have to let you know how the week goes, I know I couldn't even attempt some of these things a few months ago, it's cool! One way to work up to the direction change is to do those parts on the floor first, just wanted to try the step yesterday, I think I'm at a good place with this rotation, not completely doable, & not completely impossible.

That makes me giggle, Yoga today, & this one I like!

do you think you need to change things up? to get more out of the workout? do you wear a HR monitor? I don't always need to look at it anymore, but I like working with the numbers, & seeing how new stuff adds up, like this week.

Hi Linda! Good job on the workout, Drill Max is no easy workout! Those spin/turns in C&W I still dont do those. I have vertigo and those do me in! I loved your list in your previous post and mused that the things that help me nowadays are the total opposite of you! Funny how we're all so different! Yesterday I worked 11 hours, got home, ate dinner and then fatigue tiredness just hit me like a ton of bricks. I fell asleep by 9 and slept til 7:30. I usually get about 6 hours of sleep a night so I was shocked when I realized how long I slept last night!

I think I'm going to do a similar workout plan as last week, just instead of the Gym Styles for the weight sections I'm going to do the segments from 4 Day Split, but do them twice through. If I dont feel like that gets my heart rate up, I may switch to one body part per day plus cardio the following week. Where I work is having their version of a Biggest Loser thing, no teams or anything, just a "healthy eating" goal. I may sign up for it, it's 12 weeks long, but I'm still a bit leery. I dont want to feel like I'm going against things I've learned in my Intuitive Eating book. I can drop out at any time so I may sign up for the first week and see how it goes mentally for me.

Well I've got errands to run, and then yard work and then my workout. I have Chest and Back from 4 Day Split (x2) on tap for today. Love the new pic too...I've changed my desktop pic to a pic of granny smith apples, the green color is bright and lively and I love the subliminal healthy message it sends :)
Hey Stace,

Green apple wallpaper sounds great, I need something more springy.

What cardio do you do? this month's rotation is a switch, it's more intense, but length-wise, routines aren't long, I'm hoping I'll look back a few months from now and say "yeah, that was the easy rotation" we'll see. I quit comparin' myself to mish mosh masters of the universe though, with a wink & a nod she said, because for those girls, it really is easy.

I'm pretty consistent with the diet, & now the exercise too. thought maybe
it would help to see what someone else does?

Found myself looking over Gilad's TV shows & systems, might be something to do in between Cathe rotations and his style suits me, found too I like the beach scenes in his and from Wii My Fitness Coach. Psych?

Hi. I did BBC's Chest and Abs today after 3 hours of lifting mulch bags so I felt thankful that I did anything at all!

I do a variety of cardio depending on my mood and how my knee feels. I have a treadmill so I do walk/jog intervals. I also enjoy kickboxing and have a variety of dvds. I like to do a higher intensity workout at least once during the week, lately it's been Cathe's HiiT or P90X's Plyo X. For step I reach for the cardio premixes from LIC or BM2 or when I'm feeling extra energetic I like to do Cardio Fusion. One of my favorite non-Cathe cardio workout is Anni Mairs' Cardio Force, I also like Ilaria's BodyStrike, and Gin Miller's Classic Moves step routine. I really enjoy Kelley Coffey Meyers workouts alot too including most of her 30 Minutes to Fitness Series and her older workout A New You Coming.
Hi Stace,

now there's some functional fitness for you! I had to look up Anni Mair over at CV for a description, I'd probably like that, "good form" trumps everything, I'd probably like Gin Miller too but I always cringe when I hear the expression "all ginned up" :eek:

I've got the current rotation, then another I think will be SJP, KPC, PP, SS, DM, KM, MM ( a step,kick,jump & pump challenge )...of course some of those will be TV versions, premixes but that's for June, followed by a Step it Up rotation in July...SB, RS, & premixes of Low Max and maybe even Imax 2, along with some total body workouts, that's the plan...

Man, you've got it all goin' on girl!
Have a good one!
I had a loooong day at work and dreaded the thought of working out when I came home. I was supposed to do Plyo X with hubby. Well if it werent for him pushing me to workout I wouldve been happy sitting on the couch eating Cheezits! However, I did feel pretty fatigued so I opted out of Plyo X and did 3 miles of walk/jog intervals on the treadmill while he did Plyo X. I'm very grateful for my hubby for actually pushing ME to workout for a change!
Hey Stacy,

It's great when someone else does the motivating isn't? that's the way I felt through the beginner rotation, like "the girls" were going to expect me to be there, and keep up! okay, that's silly but it did keep me going, even through the toughest holiday season, that's what's really remarkable, & I didn't want to let boyfriend down by giving up.

C & W weights premix, I used 5's mostly, worked good & the abs section is good. Interesting push ups, this goes good with Drill Max #2 this week, I like when things unexpectedly mirror over in other routines.

Good for you on the cardio, I might have to start with the elliptical first (wondering why I haven't used it all along?)

This morning was BBC Sh/Back, got it done before work, though it was hard to get motivated! I havent weighed in yet this week but I'm feeling less flabby and it's a great feeling since I"m not dieting! I just started the nutrition chapter but still dont feel mentally there yet to embrace it, but at one point I thought I never would so at least I dont feel that way anymore!
Hi Stace,

For a while there I knew when the weight came off it would stay off and I would hit the numbers a couple days in a row, then level off and lose again. Now that happens but I've been getting a spike after leveling, it has the same general pattern I guess as before but the changes are smaller as I lose, spikes are the same, about 1 to 1.5 lb. but I lose in half pound increments now. Like you, enjoying the feeling of getting in shape, getting stonger, more fit. Spikes for me are food choice related, I think.

Three qualities necessary for training: (I'll say any endeavor!)
Great Faith...Great Doubt...Great Effort

Hi Stace,

High Step Circuit, first time for this, I liked it and added the abs on to the end, for the week, really satisfied with the rotation and new workouts. Found a Chinese cookbook today, has some cultural facts in too, Cantonese, Sichuan, etc. May have to try the spring rolls posted earlier on the blog. :)


Have a good weekend

Good morning. Good job on the High Step Circuit, that one's a toughie for me! The spring rolls look yummy, reminds me I have a lettuce wrap recipe somewhere I've been meaning to try. Yesterday was NOT a good eating day. I found myself slipping into old habits and not listening to the hunger cues, etc that the book describes. Well last night I had a stomach ache and didnt sleep well, go figure! Normally, I'd try to "make up for it" today by hardly eating anything only to binge by the time dinner came. But, today I will "make up for it" by eating when I'm hungry and choosing something healthy and only eating til a comfortable level of satiety. Today is KenpoX and abs with hubby. Tonight I will plan out my workouts for next week. The only workout this week I didnt do according to schedule was my Tonique workout for legs, and that's okay. Over the last two weeks since I've been working out consistently and purposefully I find that I cant do a plyo cardio and a leg workout in the same week, it's too hard on my knees. I did that the first week and then this week I only did a plyo workout (Cathe's HiiT) and my knees arent bothering me at all. So next week I'll skip te plyo and do a leg workout. I plan on alternating them each week. Now, off to make a cake....I volunteered to bring the dessert to my family's weekly dinner gathering at the in-laws. I'm not even tempted by the cake the way my stomach feels today!
Hi Stace,

Sounds like a good plan, I found myself with "goldilocks" thinking when it comes to planning my workouts, but really, when it comes to the knees or any other concern, that's exactly what you need to get the results you want.
And you're really in tune with what's going on, that's so cool.

Good job on the food decision. Boyfriend & I went to BK yesterday (I know horror of horrors). I don't make red meat dishes anymore, so he sometimes really wants that. I used to be a french fry fiend, I can eat that, occaisionally, we don't go out too much really, for food.

Picked up 10 lb. dumbbells, the guy in the store said do you need help with that? I said no, thanks. :)
Boyfriend picked up a skateboard on closeout, I'm thinkin' what are you going to do with that? ( I could make it into a bongo board! ) at $14.00, should've got two. I did get a vision of us on the driveway, pfhssssh! :rolleyes:

Kick Max drills & Stretchmax 2 (maybe yoga too) it's so rainy today.
Hope you're feeling better.

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Yikes, a skateboard lol!!

My husband and I went shopping for a set of dumbells yesterday. He wants to add a 30lb set to our collection. I couldnt even lift it lol but I did curl a 20 lb one, hehe. That 10 lbs sure makes a difference!

We just finished P90X's Kenpo workout. I told my husband this will probably be the last I do this one with him, it's not really cardio intensive enough at this point. He's okay with that b/c he's new to kickboxing and still learning the moves. I'm still tossing around ideas for next week's workout schedule. I have alot going on after work next week so trying to get the most bang for my buck.

I just previewed one of Cathe's newer workouts, Cardio Core Circuit. I've had it since it came out, but received it in the mail during a time I had really slacked on my workouts and it was too much for me at the time. I think I'm ready to put it into the mix now so I'll do this one sometime this week. The P90X rotation my husband is doing has a "recovery week" btwn each of the 3 months where the focus is yoga and core. I'm going to use that week and also do more yoga and try out other workouts that I cant see to squeeze in anyhwere else, mostly circuit workouts. I'm also going to try out some workouts that I havent done yet to practice the moves. After the recovery week I plan to start the STS workouts. Not sure if I'll start with Meso 1 (which I've gotten halfway thru before) or start off with Meso 2 which I enjoy more (mostly b/c there's no pushups!!) I'm leaning towards just starting with Meso 1 again that way for my husband's last 2 months of P90X and I'd also being doing a "program". When he's done with P90X I'm going to suggest Meso 3 to him, although he's hinted at doing another round of P90X.

Have a good day!
Good thing this was a rest day, 'cause those Kick Max Drills get me right in the bojingles, and I was thinking High Step Circuit today, but, as luck would have it's tomorrow.

Going through goals for the upcoming week, one was "work harder more often" hmmm? How did that get in there? along with getting the garden squared away, I think I'm going to do my own version of a time diary, something to see just how many different kinds of things I do or don't do daily. I know I always open the garage door with my right hand (it's like kettlebell meets BB clean & press! Kills me every time.

I especially liked the balancing lunges in High Step Circuit, just right, for where I'm at, I had to rethink the whole low impact thing, jumps on the floor side to side & front to back, or just one direction at a time up to the step and back down (Drill max), not both (yet) Finding ways to increase the impact gradually, that's the trick. May start with the treadmill this week too, just to see.

Have a great day!

Hi, rest day for me today too! I finished reading the Intuitive Eating book, the nutrition section was a bit of a letdown, but I guess it's hard to write a nutrition chapter without encroaching on the "no diet" mantra of the book. I keep saying in my head that I need to make healthier choices, but when I start to think of healthy foods, my body just cringes and says "noooo...dont make me go back there". My relationship with food as always is a work in progress.

You gave me inspiration to retry the drills from Kickmax. I've always avoided them b/c of the impact, but I think I may be up for them now.
Hi Stace,

Hey, I'm only doing the leg conditioning drills for Kickmax, no impact there, just 18 minutes of crazy leg lifts that make your hips & legs know it! The impact I'm doing is in C & W step premix, High Step Circuit (light) & Drill Max of course.

When I first started watching You Are What You Eat (BBC TV) I think it was 2007, that was a common theme, about not wanting to go for the healthy foods. It's probably the the place where I saw other people change their eating, & have the accomplishment of making their own healthy things to eat. (See what you think of it, the earlier 30 minute shows from 2007 were really good) I'm telling you if a kid that eats sweets & processed stuff, pizza, can get it, his teacher could even see how much more focused he was in class, and he himself just felt so much better, he says at the end of the show, "why would you go back to that" meaning the processed food junk, and he meant it, big smile & all. It's a learning process, and adapting to new tastes, textures, methods of preparation. Whole foods really do taste so much better, makes you feel & operate better, plus the satisfaction that comes with being able to make things yourself that you know are healthy.

And to top it off, it's a "no diet" diet, all about nutrition. (Dr. Gillian McKeith holistic nutitionist) You just eat the right stuff. :)

I'm not selling this, it sells itself, in a plain, simple no-nonsense way, she can be a little tyrant though (Gillian) ;)

That show was a turning point for me, domestically challenged as I am, & for the exercise too, she's all about 3 times a day (easy as bouncing on the rebounder for 15 minutes before lunch. I didn't really get the exercise thing until last year. Like I said, a work in progress.

Don't worry, at some point the light bulb goes on and it will get easier, trust me! Even if it seems at times you're wading knee deep in "how to's" & "do this" Trust me.

High Step Circuit today
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Hi, and thanks for your "food for thought". I think the problem I get into with food is thinking that if I have the healthy stuff then I can't have the "bad" stuff. It comes from years of deprivation eating leading to bingeing. I'm working towards moderation in my eating and my thinking.

Today I wasnt in the mood for a "jumpy" workout so I started my first long walk in prep for walking the half marathon. I started with the chest/back from 4 Day Split, then Ab Ripper X, then a 5 mile walk (the walk took 90 minutes).

Tonight is relaxing at a baseball game.

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