Shrinking Violets Check-in for January 8-14, 2007

Shrinking Violets Check-in

I am still under the weather. This was basically an active rest day. After my Bible study this morning, I did both segments of Total Body Stretching. I hope I can kick this cough to the curb soon.

Speaking of weather, it is wild in Texas. We experienced a wave of spring weather today complete with tornados. I was standing in the checkout line at HEB after work when I was told that one touched down a few miles from where I live and was heading in this direction. I later learned that it quickly dissipated without doing any damage. I need to turn on my air-conditioner because I start coughing when I get hot, but I may wake up freezing in a few hours. Winter weather is on the way complete with an ice storm or freezing rain. The temperature may drop to the 30s within the next few hours. It is raining tonight.

This will be a restful weekend. I desperately need to rest and get well so I can start working hard again. Clean eating is only good for maintenance without intense workouts. I am confident that I am not gaining weight, but my body does not appear to be significantly smaller. I need to drop a chunk of weight soon for the sake of my health. My feet and knees will thank me too.

It is time to wrap up this day and get some sleep.

Jean, has the ice storm hit your area yet?

Hugs to all the Violets! Have a blessed weekend!

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Morning Violets!:)

Meg, Good job on the cc work out! You should give Itread a shot too. They are cheaper!}( }( }( I have a few and really like them!

Heather, I hope you feel better soon. I hate to know you aren't feeling good. :-( I'm glad that tornado passed you by! How wierd to have tornados one day and then be threatened with cold weather and an ice storm the next...WIERD! This weather is too much this year!!!

Well, I am not sore from y'day's work out. I am hoping I'll start feeling it later though. Yeah, I'm a nut...I WANT DOMS!:eek: I am off to the gym this morning for a TM run. I am running in lieu of KenpoX this week. Next week I will run for Plyo and alternate so that I get all of the work outs in. :) If I don't care for Kenpo I'll do Cathe k/b instead...We'll see.

DH is working O/T today and probably tomorrow too so it's gonna be just me and DS this weekend.

LOL-I have the TV on in the background and it's some ridiculous cartoon about "evil trees" who are chasing a little boy and a dog with a Superman outfit on comes to his rescue. There is also a batman dog! LMAO! What happened to bugs bunny and tom and jerry for goodness sake!?! :7 :7 :7
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Wendy- aren't the cartoons these days crazy? Have you ever checked out Lazy Town? It is CConnor's favorite. And trust me, the hero Spartacus is a BABE!! I don't mind watching this one LOL!!
Yes, I am looking at Itrain definately. I am always upfor cheaper!

Heather- I hope you feel better ASAP. Thank goodness that tornado disappeared. Raining here today and then ice and snow tomorrow night!

Hi Kali and Jean and Kim! I hope you all enjoy your day.

Off to work. Figure out WO later!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Well the run didn't happen but I did kenpo x as per the rotation. Great work out! I'm fried!}(

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hi everyone.

Heather, glad the tornados left without damage. Have the temperatures dropped for you today. It is colllllddddd here. The freezing rain hit our area earlier today, but the good news is the ground temperatures were still pretty warm, so the damage isn't too bad. Some brides and overpasses are having some problems. The trees look very pretty covered in ice. If it rains more tonight, it could be bad because the temperatures are already below freezing. It's a guessing game. Whenever the weather guys say it could be bad, it usually isn't and when they say, you'll only get a light dusting of snow, we usually get ice that shuts down the city. Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend. Since I'll proably be shut in tomorrow, I plan on getting my rear in gear and getting in a nice workout.

Shrinking Violets Check-in

After sleeping for 10 hours last night, I started feeling better this morning. I had more energy and did not feel like my head was in a fog. I still cannot believe I slept that long! My body must have needed the rest.

After my quiet time, I did Cardio Kicks followed by the Kickbox planks and abs on the Ab Hits DVD. Even though I modified some of the jumping (to keep from getting too hot and triggering a coughing fit), I enjoyed the workout. It felt good to move, and my heater got to rest for an hour. Cathe kept me warm!

I usually do my grocery shopping late in the afternoon, but I knew that I did not have time to waste with the weather continuing to deteriorate. I needed groceries and wanted to get cough syrup as well. I suffered for weeks last year because I waited too long to start taking something for my cough. I braved the cold and rain and drove to HEB, which was a real zoo today. The parking lot was full of shopping carts because people were abandoning them everywhere. My umbrella was worthless with the wind blowing cold rain in my face. Thankfully, I survived my shopping expedition and returned home for the day while the temperature was still hovering above freezing.

I curled up under my favorite quilt this afternoon, rested, and had a nice phone conversation with a precious friend. My pastor called me late this afternoon to let me know that he decided to cancel our Saturday evening worship service. I could not have picked a better weekend to stay in and rest. My body needed the rest, and I am not missing church or fun times with my friends because everyone is staying in tonight. Hopefully, the power will stay on all weekend. I have bananas, oranges, whole wheat crackers, natural peanut butter, and a few Clif Bars, Luna Bars, and Odwalla Bars just in case. I am prepared for whatever comes my way.

Hugs to all the Violets! I hope you are safe and warm this weekend.

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Hi Jean!

Hope you feel better Meg!

I ended up doing X stretch tonight. I had originally pulled out a yoga dvd I got for Christmas because I felt like doing something but it was soooo not my style. I quickly put it back in the closet to collect dust. LOL The long stretch felt good.

So I am thinking of pushing off my rest day to Monday and doing Monday's work out tomorrow-Chest&Back/ARX. On Tuesday I can then resume the rotation as usual. I may do this to ward off the boredom of being home alone with DS while DH works ANOTHER 12+ hours O/T! He's been on O/T since wednesday. DS really hasn't even seen him!:-( I don't begrudge DH working hard and making extra $$ for us. I just hate the fact that him and DS don't get to see eachother while he does this but I digress...
So I may tweek my rotation like that just to have something to do with myself tomorrow besides clean the house-anything to get out of cleaning, right Meg!?:p :7 LOL

I'm beat! Too little sleep and no nap makes Wendy a tired girl. LOL Off to bed I go so I am not looking for a nap tomorrow!

Have a good night ladies!:*
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Morning all. So far today I have gone for a 40 min walk in the freezing rain. The dog loved it. The umbrella actually froze open. I couldn't close it when I got home because it was encrusted with a sheet of ice. Now I am off to do Power Hour.

Wendy, Sorry DH has to put in the OT. I know exactly how hard that is. When my DD was little (from age 5 until middle scholl) my DH was on afternoon shift. So when her and I would leave in the mornings to take her to daycare or school, she would say to him "Bye Daddy, I'll see you tomorrow". He would be at work when she came home and she would be in bed by the time he got home. She would only see him awake on the evenings of his days off and Saturday & Sunday mornings before he left for work.(Days off in the middle of the week suck). Finally he got enough seniority to be able to bid into the midnight shift. Then he would sleep during the day while she was in school and we would have every evening together. Glad those days are behind us. Of course, now it's just him and me since she's in college, but I still like to have him around.(most of the time, LOL)

Heather, stay warm and enjoy your rest.

Maeghan, hope you are feeling better.

Kim, Kali, Sunnydelite. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Jean, LOL @ the frozen umbrella! Glad the dog liked the icey walk. I would not have gone as I am awful in ice and snow...I'll fall at the drop of a hat!:p The O/T is a catch 22. We need the money right now and I always appreciate the extra cash any time he can work o/t but it can be hard. We suck it up though cause it doesn't last forever and once an opportunity is over with, he never knows when another one might come around.

Today is my rest day. I will do a little yoga or stretching if anything. Tomorrow I begin week 2 of the X. Did I tell you all how much I am loving these work outs!? The only thing that stinks is that I miss my running! I couldn't run last saturday cause of my neck and yesterday I couldn't get my butt in gear early enough to run. ACK! I HAVE to run this week!!!! HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO! I have it planned for once per week and I'll be happy with that...I just gotta DO IT!

Off for cleanmax! BBL!:7
RE: Shrinking Violets Check-in

Meg, NICE WORK OUT! Especially for a gal with an achey neck! ^5's and kudos all the way woman!:)

I rested today...I cleaned but no work out. BTW Meg, I failed miserabley at finding an excuse to STOP cleaning the house so I was forced to finish!:p LOLOL

Tomorrow it's back to square one of the X with Chest&Back/ARX. Now that I have both the chin up bar and the push up bars this work out should be even more awesome! I have DOMS in my back...if it's still there tmrw the work out will be interesting!}(

Good night!:)

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