showing already


I was hoping to be one of these people who don't show until the 5th month. This being my first pregnancy, I'm shocked to see that I have a belly at only 13 weeks. I have gained only 1 pound (holding at 134), but my tummy feels huge. And not just down by my pelvis, but I feel bloated up to my ribcage. When did you all start to show?
No worries :) It is totally normal to begin showing by the end of the 1st trimester... not just because of the baby, but also because pregnancy can cause your intestinal tract to be sluggis as well (drink lots of water! :)

As for weight gain, when I taught stroller exercise classes, some of the fittest/thinnest women of infants and toddlers I met there had gained 40-60 lbs. during their pregnancys and taken it off in surprisingly short order. More and more, I think that weight gain is a pretty individual thing. Of course, you should do your best to eat healthy meals and keep exercising... and, no doubt, keeping the weight gain down helps with back aches, etc... but try not to worry about what mother nature is doing to your body. It's all for your baby, and exercising and nursing (if you choose to do so) will get you back in shape in no time... you'll bounce back particularly fast if you're exercising now! :) For me, pregnancy and early postpartum have been the only times in my life that I've had the clear goal of exercising for my health (fewer varicosities, fewer backaches, and more energy!) and the baby's rather than for what I see in the mirror. I guess I'm usually hard enough on myself about weight gain -- I try to give myself a break when I'm pregnant.

My own story -- I'm 5'10", and I gained 43 lbs. with my 1st son (who was 9 lbs. 2 oz. and 21" at birth), and I took it off in 4 mos. exercising and nursing. I power walked and participated in prenatal aerobic exercise classes throughout my pregnancy, began walking again when my son was about a week old (with him in the Baby Bjorn... what an awesome invention...), continued with the prenatal classes at 4 weeks postpartum (often with my son in the Baby Bjorn carrier... BTW, I stayed low impact until 6 weeks), and began stroller classes at 6 weeks... I was exercising 5 times a week beginning at 6 weeks.

I'm only 12 1/2 weeks along now, but so far I've been gaining more slowly (we can only hope :), but showing more quickly. It helps that I'm not craving beef and cheese like I did last time LOL :). I can squeeze into some pre-pregancy pants, but having a smooshed stomach exacerbates my morning sickness, so I've been wearing my maternity clothes and rolling up the waist bands (otherwise the crotch is down to my knees LOL). I'm sure other people just think I have a pooky stomach, but I feel like I've looked pregnant since I was 8 or 9 weeks along.

Hi Eclair! This is my second pregnancy and I am four months along. I have been showing since 13 weeks too. So don't worry, you have company ;-)!
Hi Eclair! This is my second pregnancy and I am four months along. I have been showing since 13 weeks too. So don't worry, you have company ;-)!
Hi Eclair! This is my second pregnancy and I am four months along. I have been showing since 13 weeks too. So don't worry, you have company ;-)!

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