Shock Cardio Update - 10-15-2009

SNM Videos

Today has been a very busy for Cathe and all of us. Our video set and studio for shock Cardio has now been brought to life and all cameras, recording decks, lights, etc are now set up and ready for the filming of Cathe's 12 new workouts. Cathe appeared on set today for some audio and mike tests and is currently holding rehearsals tonight with the crew until midnight.We look forward to updating you further once filming begins and time permits.
Oh yea, I'm getting an adrenaline rush just reading the post. :D

Good luck Cathe and crew. Hope it all goes well.
Great :D I'm looking for all the news that you are able to give us :p.
Good work to all of you
Ciao :eek:
All of the plié jacks, tuck jumps and blasts from IMAX 1 that I did this morning were in your honor! Good luck, Godspeed.

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