Running Rotation


Hey everyone!

I was wondering if any one has a running rotation that incorporated Cathe's DVD's. I run appox 15 miles a week and am aiming for 17-20. However, I need to incorporate strengh as well. I also make sure I do 1 hour of Yoga a week to keep me limber for my runs. Any help would be great.

Thanks guys!!!!
Elizabeth - if you post your request on the Cheetah's check-in, I'm sure someone will be able to help with a rotation. We're all runners and a friendly bunch. When you post, make sure you let us know how many days you run and how much time you devote to a daily workout.
Hi Elizabeth,

When I'm training with Team in Training for a season, I pretty much do running exclusively for my cardio, so it's essentially a running rotation. Here's what my schedule usually looks like:

Monday: strength (morning)
Tuesday: yoga (morning), track workout [2 mile run + speed/agility drills] (evening)
Wednesday: strength (morning)
Thursday: run [4-5 miles] (morning)
Friday: off
Saturday: long run [6-10 miles for half-marathon training; 6-20 miles for marathon training] (morning)
Sunday: yoga or off (I usually take this day off, especially if we've had a tough run the day before!)

During these training seasons, I typically gravitate towards 2x a week strength training, whether it's a split workout or 2 full-body workouts. I recently got the GS series, so I started to work them into my schedule by doing a strength workout on Tuesday morning (instead of a yoga workout) and then doing my yoga on Friday (and then taking Sunday off). I found, though, that doing the strength workout Tuesday mornings--especially Cathe strength workouts--took a lot out of me and sometimes compromised my track workouts that evening. Next season I'll have to experiment with which sequence to use the GS, PS, and SH series to make sure that I'm not impacting my energy or performance that day (technically, the TnT training calendar insists that you do no other workout on track days--I sort of cheat, just so I can get 2 strength days AND a yoga day into my week).

Hope this helps!


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