Running rotation


Active Member

I am interested in a rotation that would enable me to increase my running endurance (running 3-4 days/wk) that includes your tapes. I've just gotten the new intensity series, so including those would be great, and I can always substitute from your other series to mix things up in the future. I would like to maintain my current level of strength, at a minimum, and dropping a few pounds along the way would be a terrific bonus! Thanks for any of your thoughts along these lines!

Rhonda :D
I'm really interested in what Cathe has to say about this, as I had a very similar question a few weeks ago that wasn't answered (I'm training for a half marathon, and run 3 times a week).

So bumping :)
I need to get back on target for our upcoming marathon in April. Half marathon for me too! I'd love to get some help also. :)
I also posted this on the Discussion forum and got a few replies, if you guys would like to take a peek there.

I was considering this rotation:

Sun: PUB + easy run
Mon: PLB
Tue: interval run
Wed: easy run
Thu: long run
Fri: OFF

I want to fit in so much, like several runs a week, plenty of strength training, and IMAX. It's just hard to get it all in!
I'd love to hear from Cathe too! I thought she was into running at one point, also.


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