running question in Cathe's rotations



I am currently doing Cathe's rotations and every now and then they'll call for a 30 to 45 minute run and some rotations during a 4 week time don't have any running. For those of you that don't normally run are you able to do the 30-45 minute runs/jogs fairly comfortably?

I've been doing Cathe's rotations plus I've recently added some running time on top of that because I'm going to do a couple of 5Ks this spring. I am thinking this is probably overkill from an exercise standpoint to some degree and it's time consuming. I'm just doing 20 minute runs 3 times a week (I'm a slow paced runner). I don't really care about speed in terms of the 5K's I'm doing. I just want to be able to keep my comfortable steady slow pace so I can finish (but not last :))....I guess I worry that if I don't do some running on top of the rotations that I won't be able to do a 5K. I know the DVDs are great heart pumping sweat pouring cardio I guess I'm asking if I just stick to the rotations and don't worry about extra running. Will I still be able to pull out a casual 5K?

I've only been adding the running for the past three weeks, and I'm starting to get worried about a future burnout:eek:

I am a runner at heart, and always keep running. I have read you only need 3 runs a week. Great book Run less, run faster. One longer run, one speed workout and one tempo run. I would definetly keep your 3 days of running. None of Cathe's workouts compare to running. Running is one of those things you have to do to maintain your running fitness. Hope this helps.

That helps thanks. I am fairly new to Cathe...several months in. I've avoided rotations with running suggestions so far mainly because of the cold/wintery weather and the uncertainty that I'll actually be able to go outside to do so on the rotation days.
Bear in mind that if you are doing running training two or three times per week, and even if it's only 20 minutes each time, you do not need to do a Cathe cardio workout on the same day. In fact, to do so is too much. With the running, you are already providing your body with high impact work. After the day's run, leave it at that. Do some weight training by all means, but don't run the risk of injury by pushing your body through an excess of high impact work.

I also think that it is very difficult for non-runners following Cathe's cardio rotations to suddenly pull out a 40 minute run on the basis of absolutely no running training. You can be in great shape and do Imax three times a week, but that does not prepare you to run. Running works the legs and heart in a completely different way than kickbox and step, even isolated plyo moves from Cathe's HiiT. To pull off 40 minute runs requires several weeks of building up your running training.

Certainly, Cathe cardio rotations build up the cardiovascular endurance necessary to pull off a 4 minute walk/run routine where you run for 2 mins, walk for 2 mins and continue until the time is up. This in itself is a great workout and would constitute an interval workout for a non-runner.

Enjoy your 5K!


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