Rotation question


I know that it is best to do a rotation for several weeks and then change it up so your body doesn't plateau/adapt. However, I'm wondering if the order in which you do your workouts needs to be different week to week as well. For example, does your body adapt to always doing back/biceps on Mondays, legs on Wednesdays and chest/shoulder/triceps on Fridays? I have limited Cathe DVDs so I do the same workouts for each week of the current rotation (S&H rotation, Pure Strength rotation, etc.). I like to make up a monthly workout calendar ahead of time (that way exercise is more like an appointment that I can't miss!) and I just realized I am doing the exact same workout every week this month. It is definitely easier planning it that way, but I want my workouts to be as effective as possible!
I don't think it makes any difference at all that you always do back/biceps on Mondays, etc.

What would make a difference is if you always do back first, then biceps, and chest first, then shoulders. If you always do the same muscle group first, you are always giving that muscle group the benefit of your extra energy and strength simply by always placing it first.

If you notice that you are not managing to increase your weights on shoulders, for example, then for 2 weeks swap the order of muscle groups worked and put shoulders before chest.

However, you are doing something that I wouldn't do, ever. You are placing chest and shoulders on the same day even though these are the two muscle groups among upper body muscles that have the most overlap, so by the time you get to shoulders, they are already somewhat fatigued because they come into play when working chest. A better combo is chest/back because these are opposing muscle groups, push/pull, and the back remains fresh after working chest. Then put shoulders with biceps and triceps.

I'm doing Cathe's Pure Strength series which is back/biceps/abs in one workout and chest/shoulder/triceps in another workout. So unless I completely mix up the workouts, I'll always be doing those body parts together and in that order.

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