Rhea's April Rotation


I'm going to try and follow the April strength rotation. Already off to rocky start since couldn't get up this morning. So this evening will be the Gym Style shoulders, biceps, etc with IMAX 3 in the morning? I must get up, I must get up.......
Hi Rhea,

Nice to see you here again. I'm getting a late start, too. I, too, didn't want to get up this morning...:+ ;)

Have a great one.


Tues: Gym style shoulders, etc. at the wee early morning hours. Wasn't too bad, was able to use 25 lb bar bell.

Weds: I3, was a bit difficult so early in a.m., but used mini-trampoline for some of the "knee" impact jumping. Lower cals burned, which means lower intensity. Don't know if from mini-tramp or just because in a.m.! Didn't fit Stretch Max in, but may try to get in tonight.
Hi Rhea,

Just peeking in at your rotation. Glad to see you getting in that workout in the wee hours of the morning.:)

This week, I'm trying to get some work done, and then workout about mid-day to see if I can get a bit more work done than usual. So far, it's about the same.

Oh, I was putting on weight -- don't know what it is about deadlines that packs it on -- other authors tell me they have the same problem -- but I went back to drinking lots of water before I put any food in my mouth -- 1 to 1 1/2 cups of water beforehand -- and noticed that 1 lb. left yesterday. Not great, seeing as how I've put on four -- but it's better than yesterday, when I got on the scale and notice two more pounds added to an already 2 lbs over my more usual weight. Also, went back to strick lo carb eating...

Anyway, have a great one.:7
Hi there Karen!

Wow, I've been extremely afraid of the MM lately since I started higher carbs with more veggies and fruit. I mean much more veggies and fruit. Some with every meal. Snacks too (ex: piece of string cheese, 1/2 cup grapes and a macadamia nut) I started eating Zone style, but don't know if I have it very well proportioned yet. I keep trying. Sure am eating healthy though.

Okay, I was able to get up again this morning...whoo hooo! (actually was awake before the alarm, that was scary:eek: ) Did Gym Style Legs, standing and Core Max segment one (except for the planks, ran out of time and energy) Was happy with the weights used, will see if I'm still happy tomorrow...haha....
Hi Rhea,

That's interesting that you're eating Zone Style. I really think the Zone -- Barry Sears or something like that, isn't it? -- has a lot on the ball. He puts out some ideas that are really revolutionary, I think. I really do follow his advice on eating lighter meals more often -- and I think his ideas about eating proportioned meals is also enlightening.

He's almost lo carb, though he doesn't really state it like that -- cause he recommends higher carbs -- but good carbs -- fruits and veggies -- I must admit that I eat as much fruit and veggies as I want -- and really don't count them -- but I have to watch it on breads and starchy veggies -- like pumpkin -- I love pumpkin, but it can really make me put on weight. x(

Anyway, I find that very interesting. Let me know how it goes.

I can understand about being a little leary of MM when you're eating higher carbs -- hopefully, as long as you alternate it with cardio the next day, it'll all turn out well.

Okay so I didn't get a workout in today, but am going to either do Power Hour or High Step Advanced tomorrow -- I had Power Hour all arranged, but I'm feeling I might need more cardio.

Anyway, have a great evening.;-)
Hi Rhea,
Am off work today so have a bit more time to write. Have you ever done a strength rotation before? These last few weeks I've been doing more of the muscle endurance workouts but am interested in going to a strength rotation sometime soon.

Recently, I did a CTX rotation doing 2 body parts a day, along with cardio. Seems like I was always having to haul out the weights, so doing full body workouts a couple to 3 times a week is kind of nice in that respect. I did notice some muscle definition, though (probably from hauling out those weights and putting them away every day ;-) .

Cathe is on FitTV now with Power Hour. Interesting to see her shoulders are very round and large. She seems to look more "buff" on her upper body. She doesn't have that look now. Maybe she quit lifting so much weight for shoulders?

I bought Gym Style Legs but haven't gotten to try it out yet. I've heard so much about soreness from this workout that I'm holding off until after Tuesday. Our bike club here in Susanville will be doing it's first time trial at 6:00 p.m. We do an out and back course of 12 miles on Richmond Rd., starting from Diamond View school out to the Highway Patrol Office, turn around and return on Richmond Rd. to Diamond View. Last year my best time was 37.5 minutes. Bout killed me as you're pushing pretty hard and if you have a headwind coming back (which is the norm), it's tough. Will be interested to see how my Cathe workouts have helped in this area.

Take care, weather doesn't look good today so will do mostly housework. My workout will be Bootcamp as I have the time this morning and won't have to rush. I've done it once before and the cardio is a heart thumper.


The GS got me most in the gluts. I've never done a strength rotation before, so I'm trying it out. I think if a person did the entire workout (rotation only called for standing portion) that you would probably be real sore even the same day. I think that getting out the weights and putting them away every day counts as part of the workout.

Are you really doing the time trials today? Hopefully the weather will clear up for you. By the way, I'll wave at you as you go past my house....if I'm home then that is. I live close to Richmond school on Richmond Rd. I probably have seen you ride before. We are always out in the yard when the bicyclists (sp?) go by. Good luck and I'm sure that the workouts have helped.

You must have satellite? I don't think Adelphia has FIT tv does it? Gosh, I hope not, one more thing for me to obsess about. Exercise tv. I have enough videos.

Well, rotation wise, I did GS chest and triceps today. Nearly killed me. haha Those 72 push-ups in the beginning are just ... wow, can't even describe. I know I'll be hurting tomorrow morning.
Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanette!

And good morning. Well, I got the day off to a start today with High Step Advanced. I'd forgotten how much that workout kicks my butt.

I think pulling out the weights counts, too...x(

72 push-ups!? Oh, my gosh.

Well, I have housing cleaning to do, today, too, Jeanette -- my daughter arrives from the East Coast today and so I have to put the guest bedroom back together and clean up a bit.

But mostly I need to work. So, hi, ho, hi, ho. Whistle.

Have a great one.:7
Hi Rhea:

Sounds like GS Legs will be really good for me. I don't think I've ever felt much in the glute area as far as soreness and boy, that's where I need to tone (one of the places)! I was going to do Bootcamp today but did Lowmax instead as I did ME yesterday. Okay, will do Bootcamp tomorrow.

Hope this snow stops soon. The time trials are next Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. I'll try to keep an eye out for someone waving. I'll be one of the first ones to leave Diamond View (we leave 1 minute apart, slowest rider first). By the time I get to Richmond School, probably 1 or 2 or more riders behind me will have passed me. I'll be the one with my tongue hanging out of my mouth. It does really push you above your normal riding speed and gets you more into an anaerobic level.

I have Direct TV satellite which carries FitTV. That's where I became acquainted with Cathe's workouts, but never thought I could do it.

72 pushups!!!!! They'd have to be on my knees. Ouch!!

Let me know how the strength rotation goes and the differences you experience. I don't own the other Gym Styles (yet). Don't have any strength workouts like PUB or S&H.

Off to shower and do housework.

Karen, I decided to do Lowmax instead of Bootcamp as I did ME yesterday. Would you do Bootcamp after a full body weight workout like MM or ME? I'm not sure so decided not to. Will do it tomorrow morning before going to the BBQ out of town.

I'm getting to where I really enjoy Lowmax. My cardio must be getting better so I think the next step is to go to 8" instead of 6" on Lowmax. That'll pick it up again I think.

72 pushups, yikes. I'm just now being able to do the few straight leg pushups in ME and MM, and there's not 72 in those. Gym Style Legs sounds interesting.

Off to get something done, it's almost noon and I have plenty to do.

Just finished GS legs, floor; PLB floor, core max #2 and Stretch max #2. Tough when you are a bit tired. I'm very unstable on the ball. But good workout overall. I think I need to work up the endurance on my calves so that I have more stability doing the hamstring work, geesh, I was all over the place this morning.
Leg floor work, the only ones of Cathe's I've done are Legs and Glutes from the Timesavers and they were tough for me. I will start GS Legs maybe next week. I haven't written down a rotation yet for the next week. I did a Core Max #3 yesterday afternoon (LowMax in the morning). I really can't say I have any soreness yet. If anything, I may be using my back too much as that's a bit sore this morning. I did Bootcamp this morning. It really is a fun workout. The Terminator Climbers are the hardest. The rest of it I got thru better than the last time so guess I'm improving. Have a great day. Off to Quincy for a family BBQ today. Cycling around Almanor tomorrow.

Saturday was GS floor with plb floor, coremax #2 and stretch #2. Long workout when added all together. Boy the hips were sore on Sunday. Enough that I decided to take a rest day and just continue my rotations as being Tues-Mon, a little odd, but that's what I get for sleeping on Monday last week.

So, today was LowMax. I love this workout, just took me about 20 minutes to really wake up. Still had halfway good stats; Time was 1:10; kCals was 379....forgot to look for amount of time in zone. Should have been pretty much in zone whole time though.
Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanette!

Sounds like you both had fabulous weekends. I did, too. My daughter was here and we spent some great time together...:7

Jeanette, yes, I think you might want to put a day of cardio or anaerobics between your strength workouts. One can overtrain, and usually the muscles need a chance to rest.

I noticed when Cathe did a circuit rotation, she had a day of rest between most of the circuit days. Very interesting. I am really loving bootcamp, as well.

Okay, so all your great comments about LowMax are going to have me going back to it. I did it once and loved it, but because it's a bit longer, I haven't pulled it back out again. But I'm going to have to.

Those meets that you are in, Jeanette, sound really fun. Wow! That's a great way to exercise and get outside.

Anyway, Rhea, your rotation seems to be really good -- are you enjoying it?

Okay, so it's off to bed for me. It's very late.

Have a wonderful day.:7

Today was GS biceps, shoulders, back. I think I was supposed to add a Core Max section, but I didn't have enough time. I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Actually felt the deltoids during the band work today. First time for me....whoo hoo..

I really am having fun with this rotation. It has been a good one for starting a.m. workouts. I really don't have to be thinking a whole lot and can even keep my glasses on and not put the contacts on right away (at least in weight workouts, glasses gotta go on aerobics)
Hi Rhea,

It's interesting reading your posts on this weight rotation. I'm really getting interested.

Any hoo -- haven't gotten in a workout today -- got started off this morning on other things and am having a hard time getting down to it. Hopefully I'll squeeze in a short one today -- I'm due to do weight work, but may opt for a circuit instead.

I didn't know you wore glasses. I do, too, but only for reading...at least that's how it is for now...

Have a terrific rest of the day.:7
Hi Karen,

Been blind as a bat since third grade. I even have to read with reading glasses now since I'm over 40...grrr. I switched to soft contacts and now have to endure my stigmatism. Every once in a while the words get blurry because of the contacts on the eye. It gets agrevating to say the least. I might have to switch over to a toric lense which is supposed to be better for stigmatisms.

Anyway, enough of that. Today was KPC from the blast series. However, I did not do the entire workout as I was supposed to. I'm not entirely fond of kick boxing, plus it is a 68 minute workout and I didn't really have the time this morning. So I did the cardio conditioning premix and added the stability ball abs. The only thing that I missed was the combos, the part that I don't like. I only burned 193 kcals, was a 48 minute workout with an average HR of 117 and only in my training zone for 17 of those minutes. It took quite a while for the HR to raise this morning. But it was just right for me.

Today is day 8 of getting up a 5:00 a.m. Not quite getting easier yet, but it will.

Have a great day everyone!
Day 9 of getting my rear out of bed in the morning. I sure hope it starts getting easier soon. I don't want to struggle as much.

Today was GS standing legs and Coremax section. I did Coremax 3 since I haven't done that one in a while. However, I could see why you may not want to do section three after standing leg work. I had trouble with the first few sections that used a bit more leg. Legs were already tired.
Hi Rhea!:)

oh, my gosh, you're getting outa bed at 5 AM? And here I thought I was doing well getting up at 6 - 6:30 to exercise and start the day. I really need to start getting up at 5, however. Mornings are my best time to write and it could be going a little better, I must admit...x(

I've been thinking about getting the Blast KPC DVD that comes with the legs -- but I'm also trying to up my cardio endurance this month --emphasize that. I was emphasizing anaerobics -- and I think that's going pretty well -- so I was thinking of ordering the Cardio Hits DVD -- not the Cardio Classics -- I have this list of the cardio's rated by exercisers and the Cardio Hits workouts are rated higher in intensity. Anyway, if you do have -- what do you think of it?

So went to the dentist yesterday -- sometimes I think I'd rather have the pain than the drug -- the drug really knocked me for a loop and so I spent the rest of the day in bed -- but it wasn't a total loss -- I finished reading the last Harry Potter...;)

Anyway, cause I've had a bug and just haven't been up to par I only did a premix of LowMax today -- 45 minute workout. The 70 minutes is hard for me to do -- just time wise.x(

Anyway, that went really well. Am planning on doing the leg/cardio/weight section of BodyMax tomorrow -- I figured it would only be about an hour, if I dropped off the first cardio section -- tomorrow is my weights day.

Okay, so must get back to writing. It really could be going better...

Have a good one.:7

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