
Up until today, I did not know what the RCR workout was all about. Now, I'm trying to decide if I need it.

I gain muscle pretty quickly, but right now, I'm feeling bulky. I thought I'd use Jari Love dvds to lean out. I'd like to lose some fat and gain more muscle definition? How is RCR different? Will it do the trick? and does the e-book have a specific diet to go along with the program? And will I need the Valslides for the exercises in the circuits or can I modify?

Thanks in advance to all you knowledgeable ladies for any information you can shed on yet another fitness program. Edie
I just ordered the program and the Versaslides. I am going to test run the first circuit in a few minutes. I have heard good things about it, but wonder if its enough to keep my lower body tight?
OOH! Let me know how it goes! I just had a small meal. I'm on my way to cook my husband dinner, then will be doing Jari Love's Ripped and Chiseled. Edie
Back from doing the Red Carpet Ready Workout....Week 1 Circuit A #1 to be exact. Uh, it wasn't that hard at all. I loved the Versaslides and imagine them contributing alot to my lower body workouts for sure! But the upper body was kinda lame, I used 15's to make sure I was challenging my muscles a little bit, but even those were too light, I am really strong, so will have to up the weights I can see.I did the circuit three times with no rest in between exercises. Is that how you all do this?

I am worried that there is not enough ab work and not enough of anything actually! I am so used to killing myself with the weights, I am scared this isn't going to yield results--I am not interested in any more muscle building at this point, just maintenance...and of course watching the diet and keeping my definition. I would like to bring down the size of my thighs too.

Any thoughts Kariev? Thank you so much for your input everyone!:7
i wasn't overly impressed with this program either. its a basic full body circuit. i've created harder circuits myself and cathe's circuits definately blow this one out of the water. i bought the versaslides as well but you could easily use either paper plates or frizbees and get the same effect for half the price.
You know, sometimes I get all excited about nutrition plans, new ideas on foods to eat/not eat, exercise plans that will drop weight quickly and tone you in a faster amount of time.

Then I read more about them and find out that I am already cutting out the junk foods, exercising more, longer and heavier than that already, yadda yadda yadda.

I guess it all depends on where you are beginning from in order to determine how the nutrition plan or exercise plan will affect you. If you are already eating well and exercising well and regularly then it will be hard for these programs to give you the benefit it would give most other "normal off the street" folks.

(Not to be mean or downgrade anyone, but those of us working out regularly and eating quite cleanly are quite a bit farther ahead than the average person looking to drop 10 pounds in 10 days).

Most of us have already been there. So Tneah, I understand completely where you are coming from about the RCR not doing enough for you since you have already gotten yourself past that stage.
I have RCR...but have not actually done it yet. I have, however, done both of the Action Hero Circuits from Valerie's Blog well as the Six by Six workout on her Blog and LOVED the Action Hero Circuits. I got sore in the core like nobody's business. I used much heavier weights than she used and I went thru the circuits the max amount of time, i.e, if she said go thru 3-4 times, I did 4. I got great workouts with high calorie burns and great DOMS.

It is my opinion that you should change up and not only do Cathe weights cuz some other programs use really different moves that challenge you in new ways. For instance, Valerie does mountain climbers in Action Hero 1 with your feet on Gliding Discs or VAlslides and your hands on a med ball. They really worked your core well. I loved these workouts. Several unique moves in these.

Also - you will need either Gliding Discs or Valslides for RCR...but you'll need them anyway if you bought Cathes new system for the leg you might as well pick them up.

I've also read Skwigg's Blog when she was doing RCR and the circuits get progressively harder as the program goes on.........and again, I reiterate, you get out of it what you put into it. Lift heavier, don't rest and do the circuit an extra time if you feel you need more.

I give Valerie 2 Thumbs up ..............try the Action Hero workouts on her Blog. I liked Action Hero 1 better than 2.

Not sure if you got my message in the other thread in regards to how I did the program.
I agree, the program lacks upper body. I added pull-ups to and changed grips(wide,reversed, close) with each circuits. I did the circuits 3x's so I completed 9 sets/15 rep pull-ups(assisted). That increased the intensity and took care of my total upper body. Pull-ups are the best arm shoulder and back exercise.

I lifted heavier, and added weights to most of the leg work. I think the only leg exercise I didn't add weight to was the kick lunges.

I did 20 reps for lower body,15 reps for upper body, 25 stomach.
I also did a one hour of cardio on alternate days.
I went from a size 4 to 2 on my lower body.

Do that and see if it doesn't kick your butt! I too, give the program a 2 thumbs up.
I also want to add.....

I did not rest at all after any circuit and with pull-ups I finished 9 sets of circuits in one hour.
I have to jump in here and say that RCR is really worth looking in to, and DOING it. Just my opinion. I first ordered the RCR stuff, downloaded the eBook and leafed through it. I saw nothing new and was like, wow this is lame. I know how to do all this stuff, and I go WAY HEAVIER than 8 or 10lb weights! So I returned it.

Well, after reading Skwigg's blog and her results with it, I realized that if this kicked HER butt AND helped her lean out - I was going to try it. (Check out If you are not familiar with her, Rene has been a hard core workout fanatic for years - doing BFL in the day, she's tried out several different programs and is someone I look to for advice a lot.

So this is my first week on RCR and I gotta tell you - I was really impressed. If you do the workouts NON-STOP and yes, I upped the weights a bit too - you do circuit #1 3-4 times through, then immediately move to circuit #2 and do THAT 3-4 times through, etc. - I was working up a major sweat. And bear in mind, I've been working out at my gym with a pretty bada** trainer - professional bodybuilder - I only say that because I think it bears noting that I'm not a "pink dumbell" kinda girl!! LOL

I personally am doing RCR because while I love the muscle gains and strength gains I'm getting at the gym with my trainer, I'm frustrated with stubborn fat on my thighs and hips.....I wanted to try RCR and TT to lose fat....I've heard great things about it. I'm hoping that if this routine works in that manner, after losing some of this fat, I would then go back and focus more on building my lower body muscle.

I don't know if this is the 100% correct approach. What I do know is that I have been dealing with my legs bulking for sure and IMHO this is me gaining muscle and not losing fat and I don't LIKE MY SHORTS FITTING TIGHTER when overall I feel like I look better.

For the upper body, I did add in some shoulder work at the end because I am obsessed with a cut upper body and I too found the upper body part to be lacking. But again, for me, I'm trying this routine more for the ability to lean out and lose fat - I know how to work the upper body. And adding in that shoulder routine at the end just keeps the calorie burn going, I add it in like an extra mini-circuit.

I'll keep posting on my blog what my results are. But based on what I've heard, I think its a nice fun change for sure....!!!

The one thing my trainer has pummeled into my head is how critical it is to change up your routine - we all know this but sometimes we don't realize we aren't doing that. I know I got in a Cathe rut where I was always doing my own favorite 4-5 DVDs over and over. And I wasn't pushing myself - my fault yes, but now I focus on always changing up both my diet and my workouts for true balance!

Can't be bad!
Kelly Olexa
Thanks for your feedback guys!

Fit44, so you went through the circuits 9 times? Did I read that right? I suppose that would certainly wipe you out, especially if are using a heavier weight for the upper body.:)And doing pullups. Did you use the workouts as is, meaning the ones listed in the program, or did you do the Action Hero ones that the other poster mentioned? I believe those are on her web site.

To the gal who asked where to find her workouts, they are in the downloadable book, and the action hero ones are in her blog? I think they are?

You guys were posting when I was! Thanks for the info, how many times a week do you do this workout?
I think she means she did each of the 3 circuits 3 times through; so circuit 1, do 3x no stop, then no stop right into circuit 2, 3 times nonstop and then circuit 3 non stop. I did this too and will likely ramp up to doing it 4x each, so 12 total circuits and then upper body weight work at the end. She says to do the weight circuits every other day and interval cardio every other day.

>Thanks for your feedback guys!
>Fit44, so you went through the circuits 9 times? Did I read
>that right? I suppose that would certainly wipe you out,
>especially if are using a heavier weight for the upper
>body.:)And doing pullups. Did you use the workouts as is,
>meaning the ones listed in the program, or did you do the
>Action Hero ones that the other poster mentioned? I believe
>those are on her web site.
>To the gal who asked where to find her workouts, they are in
>the downloadable book, and the action hero ones are in her
>blog? I think they are?
>You guys were posting when I was! Thanks for the info, how
>many times a week do you do this workout?

Kelly Olexa
Excellent! Now I get it. And am ready for results, did you guys follow the diet plan? I basically eat that way already..

Kelly, I checked out your blog, very cool. Is that a photo of your back?:eek: Good grief, thats a great pic.:)
>I think she means she did each of the 3 circuits 3 times
>through; so circuit 1, do 3x no stop, then no stop right into
>circuit 2, 3 times nonstop and then circuit 3 non stop. I did
>this too and will likely ramp up to doing it 4x each, so 12
>total circuits and then upper body weight work at the end. She
>says to do the weight circuits every other day and interval
>cardio every other day.
>>Thanks for your feedback guys!
>>Fit44, so you went through the circuits 9 times? Did I read
>>that right? I suppose that would certainly wipe you out,
>>especially if are using a heavier weight for the upper
>>body.:)And doing pullups. Did you use the workouts as is,
>>meaning the ones listed in the program, or did you do the
>>Action Hero ones that the other poster mentioned? I believe
>>those are on her web site.
>>To the gal who asked where to find her workouts, they are in
>>the downloadable book, and the action hero ones are in her
>>blog? I think they are?
>>You guys were posting when I was! Thanks for the info, how
>>many times a week do you do this workout?
>Kelly Olexa

I did the RCR workouts as written with higher rep range. She ask for 12-15 I did 20. My goal was to shrink my lower half and I did:)

I did 3 circuits 3x's. Exactly how Kelly as written.
That's all I could muster. Hey, you can always go for 4!!!
>Excellent! Now I get it. And am ready for results, did you
>guys follow the diet plan? I basically eat that way already..
>Kelly, I checked out your blog, very cool. Is that a photo of
>your back?:eek: Good grief, thats a great pic.:)

The only diet suggestion I took from the book was to remove starchy carbs for a week before a big event. I did that week 3.
it wasn't a huge deal because the only starch I eat daily are oatmeal or sprout bread.
Oh, and no cheats. What I mean by cheats. Controlled cheats. Like 2 bites of cake, or a small piece of candy or pizza once or twice a week. I need tiny cheats. I removed cheats for 3 weeks.

My diet was 2 pieces of fruit, unlimited sliced cucumbers, raw spinach, 1/2 TBSP olive oil,balsamic vinegar, 1 TBSP natural peanut butter, 2 whole eggs, 2 (3.5 oz servings) of turkey, chicken, fish, and 2-(100 calorie) zero carb protein shakes.
Wow, that is a strict diet, I would have to add my veggies in there, I am a fan of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans...thanks so much for your input, I will do the workout like you did, three times through each one, using a heavier weight and then add some shoulder work, I too love a slightly more defined shoulder on a woman, oh and will also add calf work.:)
>Wow, that is a strict diet, I would have to add my veggies in
>there, I am a fan of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, green
>beans...thanks so much for your input, I will do the workout
>like you did, three times through each one, using a heavier
>weight and then add some shoulder work, I too love a slightly
>more defined shoulder on a woman, oh and will also add calf

I ate like that for one week and dropped 7lbs. That was 6 weeks after I began to cut calories for summer. I was shocked to see the scale move like that.
I added back one serving of oatmeal, tomatoes, broccoli and 6 oz yogurt, weekly cheat meal. I haven't regained. That is why I'm sticking to circuit work for the summer:7

Oh, forgot to oil! Don't forget the fish oil!
I took BCAA's too.

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