Rebounder Hurt My Feet

I got a rebounder last year thinking it would help me exercise, be fun, be something I would return to and stick with, and that it would help clear the lymph system. I finally got a little inexpensive oval rebounder. What I found is that I ended up with tremendous foot pain--plantar's fasciitis-- after very few rounds on the trampoline. My feet hurt so bad I could not walk! How can one possibly take advantage of this reportedly wonderful exercise when it injures the feet so badly? What, if anything, am I missing or doing wrong?
Just a thought--you may have been on the road to plantar fasciitis and the rebounder was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. I once discovered the same problem in my right foot after a couple of hours of snowshoveling in my big old snow boots. I realized that it wasn't that action alone, but a problem with my hips causing an imbalance and misalignment, therefore causing issues with my feet and knees. I have since recovered with some store bought inserts and doing plenty of research online and in books to help manage the pain and prevent it from happening again. I'm sure other Cathletes will have some wisdom to help you. I would definitely suggest not jumping for a while as that will exacerbate the issue. Best wishes, Becky
Try massaging and foam-rolling your legs, with MAJOR emphasis on the calves. After suffering with PF for 18 months and copious amounts of research, I discovered that trying to target the trigger points in the soleus muscle made a HUGE difference! Without going into a lot of technical jargon, there is a reason this muscle has the word "sole" in it ;)! No shoe insert, sleep sling, or stretch gave me any relief; however, trigger point therapy was the ticket and now I am back to high impact Cathe workouts! Good luck, I know how debilitating this condition is :(!
I got a rebounder last year thinking it would help me exercise, be fun, be something I would return to and stick with, and that it would help clear the lymph system. I finally got a little inexpensive oval rebounder. What I found is that I ended up with tremendous foot pain--plantar's fasciitis-- after very few rounds on the trampoline. My feet hurt so bad I could not walk! How can one possibly take advantage of this reportedly wonderful exercise when it injures the feet so badly? What, if anything, am I missing or doing wrong?

Wow, RebounderHurtFeet,so sorry about your feet. I have been using a rebounder for years to avoid anything high impact and never had a problem with my feet. In fact, it has helped tremendously. I agree with Becky, that maybe it was already there and the rebounding just made it worse. Hope you get better soon.

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