Real Stories of What Happens When You Do Less Exercise



I was wondering if anyone has ever had to reduce their exercise program from 6-7 days per week of intense cardio and weights to a moderate regime of 4-5 days of less intense cardio and weights? If so, what did you experience physically? How did you feel and were you then comfortable with your figure and you weight? Did your body change drastically?

I will be facing this very issue in @ 7 weeks after I deliver my first baby. I have loved my 15 year commitment to an intense exercise program and it has absolutely paid off in terms of my cardiovascular fitness, my strength and my figure. However, now (at 39 years of age!) I see that my priorities will have to shift and I want to feel as though it will be okay for me to do less in terms of exercise so that I have more energy and free space for my (growing!) family. This is very scary to me -- but I think it is the right direction for me at this phase of my life.

So...if this sounds like you and you would not mind sharing your experiences I would be very grateful!


Mary Beth
I loose weight too quickly and look too thin if I don't work out, IMO. I just had twins 5 months ago and, DON'T WORRY, you will get back in shape in no time. Just keeping working out during your pregnancy. And, you will be too tired too workout for awhile anyway...;) When you see your baby - you just won't care about getting back into shape for awhile.
PS -CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mary Beth,

I had maintained a strict and intense workout program for years and recently modified my exercise program to scale back. I went from 7 intense workouts per week to 5 per week (3 intervals, 2 easy/steady cardios). I incorporated one easy/steady cardio in between each hard interval cardio. My strength program remained the same, which is about 20 minutes of stregth after my cardio.

I can tell you honestly that my body has not changed, in fact, I look better and feel better now that I am doing less. I don't have the aches and pains that I used to. Overall I feel much happier and healthier.

I don't think you should worry at all about modifying your program. You will probably feel better and less stressed about getting everything in. Your appetite will follow your activity level, so just listen to your body.

Hope this helps!
My best friend, only 5'5 and 133, at age 52, always worked out 6 days a week...then she did the Body for Life program, and her workouts went from 11 hours a week to 4 or so....and without intending to, she lost 10 pounds and her body fat plunged...its HIGH intensity interval cardio....for 20 minutes 3 times a week, and alternating upper/lower body 3 days a week with a free day...she looks gorgeous....I teach fitness classes, so the exact program wouldn't work for me, but I use it as a guideline.

An d I'm 46 next week, and I"m just OVER doing strict and intense! And SO OVER not having a couple cookies when I Iwant them and eating like a normal person! Aren't you? Lets drink (and Ultra light of course!) to that!
rnyogamom - I totally agree! I am over the strict standards that I set for myself for so many years. I do love a good workout, but I have found that I look and feel better doing less. After I changed my program I actually lost weight as well, although that wasn't even my intention.

And YES, I am all about enjoying a few cookies or pieces of chocolate or whatever I am craving. Over the past year I have learned with the help of a dietician how to eat normal again. I am so happy to have a great relationship with food now and how to properly fuel my body for exercise and for life! It's freedom to eat normal again and not be a slave to these ridiculous standards that the media puts out.
RE: Real Stories of What Happens When You Do Less Exerc...

This year I went from working out 6 days a week to 5 days a week and I feel much better. Not as many aches and pains. I run 2 days, 2 days of circuit and 1 day of weights. I have finally lost the last 5 lbs that have been hanging on forever.

I do not workout on the weekends. I find that I have more time to do things around the house and relax. I no longer feel stressed about trying to find the time to workout on the weekends. I have also become more consistent with my workouts, knowing that I will have 2 days off at the end of the week. It is much easier for me to workout during the week.

I really have not changed my diet. I still have that cookie or ice cream when ever I want it.

I am 51 years young and this is the best thing I ever did, I wish I have changed to 5 days a long time ago.
I get better results working out 4-5 days a week with less intensity.
(With 1-2 days of higher intensity)

Good luck and have fun!
I've cut way back on what I used to do - from 6 days of high intensity cardio to 2 days high & 2 days moderate intensity cardio, and no step aerobics. I do circuits (cardio & med ball exercises- 40 minutes one day and 1 hour 15 minutes the other day)and walking (45 minutes each day, fast with hills). The only exercises I do are with the circuits, upper & lower body, plus 3 days of abs & floor work for lower body. I feel a lot better having 2 complete days off per week, and I have NOT gained weight - I'm maintaining.

I wish I'd begun to do less a long time ago, but I, like a lot of other people, thought I'd gain weight. It IS a whole lot more about sensible eating than killing yourself with exercise.
>I've cut way back on what I used to do - from 6 days of high
>intensity cardio to 2 days high & 2 days moderate intensity
>cardio, and no step aerobics. I do circuits (cardio & med
>ball exercises- 40 minutes one day and 1 hour 15 minutes the
>other day)and walking (45 minutes each day, fast with hills).
>The only exercises I do are with the circuits, upper & lower
>body, plus 3 days of abs & floor work for lower body. I feel
>a lot better having 2 complete days off per week, and I have
>NOT gained weight - I'm maintaining.

Hello - And thank you for your reply! I don't think I follow your current weekly program. Can you please describe again - perhaps describing a sample of what you do each day? I am so happy this works for you!
Cardio - walk fast with lots of hills - 45 minutes 2 days a wk.
Circuit workouts - 1 for 40 minutes, and 1 for 1 hr 15 minutes = 4 days per week. Pilates/ballet moves/yoga moves for abs, upper body & lower body 3 days per week (not on circuit days). That leaves me with 2 days of doing nothing, which I love!
I recently decided to try a rotation that goes 3 days on, 1 day off, to see if more frequent rest days would help with my injury prone body. I feel great and I think that as long as I'm eating well, things won't go down the tubes.

I'll probably post about this and whether it was a success or not after a couple of months.

I think you'll be fine.


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