Question for Venus

Miss Lee

Hi Venus,

I took a look at your website and saw where you purchased your own elliptical trainer. May I ask which brand and model you bought and how much it cost? I've been thinking about buying one because I have problems with my hip and other forms of cardio, like step aerobics, really bother me.

Thanks for sharing your weight loss journey. Your results are so motivating and it was just what I needed today.:)

I'm so sorry I didn't see this until Dorothy told me to come and check it out (she and I post on another forum too).

It's a Proform trainer it's a few years old now. I like it still but if I had to do over I would have gotten the model that was $100 more so it wouldn't wobble as much. I highly recommend going to a sporting goods store and try a bunch. They come in different "stride" sizes and you want one that you can ajust where the "pedals" are front to back. Proform is a great brand we have a treadmill by them too and it's taken a lot of abuse (my husband uses both as well).

I'll look up the model # tonight when I get home and if I forget feel free to email me, the link is on my site. However, like I said I would get the next most expensive model for stability.

Thank you for the compliments, very sweet. :)

Thank you so much for replying to my post, and thank your friend Dorothy. I really appreciate the information. I'm gradually trying to add on to my "home gym". I've reached the point where I can't stand to go out to the gym anymore--I just don't like that environment.

Thanks again, I really appreciate your time and effort on my behalf.


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