Question for Cathe


Cathe, I have a question for you that perhaps you could give me some insight on. With all the variety of premixes you have I have created some wonderful cardio workouts. In your opinion, what is a safe duration for a cardio workout. In some of your rotations you have cardio for 90 minutes. Most of my cardio workouts I have created are this long. Is this ok? or am I leading to overtraining? Also, even though I have these wonderful workouts that I adore so much, should I perhaps mix things up a bit? Maybe for a month try shorter workouts?
I guess I am asking, because I have taught myself how to endure your KM blast challenge twice in one workout and also your Imax 3 blast only premix twice in one session (with other cardio portions included i.e drillmax). Is this safe or is it too much high impact. Please help advise me because I am not sure if this is good for me. Thanks.


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