Question for anyone with bulimia

Shelley, I'm new to the forums (3/22), but I believe that you answered a question for me at one time, so I thought I would respond to you. I hope you are feeling better sounds like you have made many wonderful friends here who love you. I understand your pain. Although I was never diagnosed as bulimic, I used to have terrible bulimic tendencies. Mostly when I was younger...when I overate, I just hated myself...that is what drove the binge. I remember being in law school, where I was miserable, and binging on a package of WHITE pita bread that I found in the fridge with almost an entire stick of margarine. Then there was the time I purged during exam time when I "borrowed" a handful of my roommates diuretics and took them and almost passed out in the shower, then went to school to take a final. My eyes were so dry that my contacts kept sticking to my eyeballs...I spent most of the exam in the bathroom. People were sure that i had stashed study materials in there and that i was cheating.....I'm still obsessed with looking a certain way, like Jennifer Aniston or someone...a goal that I will NEVER attain. All I can say, is, try to love yourself...try to be good to yourself. You have a daughter? who loves you, who needs you.....and friends who value you, because you deserve it. IF all else fails, get professional help maybe (maybe you've been there already, I don't know). Anyway, you can always reach out to me...I'll listen, and I"ll try to help. Take care.....
Shelley -
I can't offer advice, but I do want to offer support. From the day I joined this forum, I've valued your input and admired the support you've given everyone. And I'm so very glad that there are so many here who can do the same for you.

My biggest help whenever I have a problem of any sort is to talk to someone. Just being near and having someone who cares helps me tremendously. We may not all be physically near, but you know we are in heart and soul.

If you ever want to "talk", please PM me any time. I'll be glad to share my email with you, too.

Thanks to everyone here. You're all wonderful people!
Shelley, I also don't have any advice but wanted to let you know how funny, intelligent, warm and creative you are. The regard people on this forum have for you is a testament to all you've so warmly shared with so many people here. I'm glad to hear you made it through these last difficult hours. You've gotten some great advice here, particularly about how you would feel if you saw Sophie doing the same thing. Good for you for listening to your body and taking a rest day. I'll be thinking about you!
Shelley, I am sorry I am clueless on the subject. You have to live it to truely understand it. I just wanted to remind you of what a strong and beautiful person you are...don't let the bulimia take that over.

Also, Sophie needs you so much! She is looking at your every move (whether you realize it or not...whether SHE realizes it or not) to teach her how to be a woman. You need to live and breathe the very woman you want her to be.

She deserves the absolute best and that means the strong and beautiful Shelley.

HUGE HUG!! I am so proud that you made it through last night.
Shelley, I applaud you for getting through a rough night, you were so wise and brave to reach out as opposed to turning inward. Please know that I wish you all the internal strength and peace you need to work your way through this. You are stronger than you know.

Take Care

I too bypassed this thread thinking it a bit "sensational" until I read Shelley's very simple and honest words.

Like some previous forum members, I do not have personal experience with bulimia but like so many of us who work so hard each day to be better- I understand how self doubt can potentially be self-destructive.

I happen to agree with Heather B. There's nothing as compelling as the power of prayer. Yours for yourself and mine for you.

I don't have bulimia and I don't post often but I ran across this post and thought it was worth reading through and responding to.

I just wanted to say that I was absolutely amazed by the open and honest responses you received. Even though we hide behind these usernames, it is so awesome to see so many people acknowledge their shortcomings and ask for help. It's too bad people don't do more of this in everyday life. Each of you are courageous and awesome - keep your chin up and remember you're never alone.

Sorry to derail the thread, I just had to post this. :)
Shelley, glad you are doing better today :) I wish I had some magic words to say, if I did I'd have to use them on myself as well! I know it's an everyday struggle. Keep your chin up, chica. Some days are better than others and you WILL get through it.

My good thoughts to you!!


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Shelley, glad you are doing better today :) I wish I had some magic words to say, if I did I'd have to use them on myself as well! I know it's an everyday struggle. Keep your chin up, chica. Some days are better than others and you WILL get through it.

My good thoughts to you!!


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Just wanted to say that you are loved little Limecat. You do so much for the boards here. Glad to here last night turned out well. I know when I've had food issues I always look to my daughters and even though they don't know it...they provide my strength.

Just wanted to say that you are loved little Limecat. You do so much for the boards here. Glad to here last night turned out well. I know when I've had food issues I always look to my daughters and even though they don't know it...they provide my strength.

Dear Shelley,

You are doing the right thing by dealing with this issue instead of hiding it and trying to cope with it yourself. I have posted a similar post and the advice I received from all of you wonderful ladies out there has helped me a lot. Sharing alone, IMO helps a lot.

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves why we are binging. Why do I want to eat all of those cookies? Is it because something is bothering me or because these are just too darn good? From my experience its usually because there is something I want to kill with those cookies. An emotion I want to forget about. Sometimes the cookies are too darn good. They should be illegal.:)

The outcome is always the same. The emotion that you try to kill is still not resolved and all you gain from this episode of binge is just bunch of guilt and discust.

This is a very difficult issue. Please feel free to PM me. I had so much support from you guys including you Shelley when I was down and it really really helped.

Dear Shelley,

You are doing the right thing by dealing with this issue instead of hiding it and trying to cope with it yourself. I have posted a similar post and the advice I received from all of you wonderful ladies out there has helped me a lot. Sharing alone, IMO helps a lot.

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves why we are binging. Why do I want to eat all of those cookies? Is it because something is bothering me or because these are just too darn good? From my experience its usually because there is something I want to kill with those cookies. An emotion I want to forget about. Sometimes the cookies are too darn good. They should be illegal.:)

The outcome is always the same. The emotion that you try to kill is still not resolved and all you gain from this episode of binge is just bunch of guilt and discust.

This is a very difficult issue. Please feel free to PM me. I had so much support from you guys including you Shelley when I was down and it really really helped.

Hugs, Shelley,

I don't have bulimia, but definitely have experience with eating disorders. I'm often looking for ways to get me through those tempting times and the feelings that are associated with them. You've gotten some great advice (which I can also use) and I want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you, too!

I just purchased "The Language of Letting Go" as well. The excerpts sound really good--great suggestion.

HUGS again!
Hugs, Shelley,

I don't have bulimia, but definitely have experience with eating disorders. I'm often looking for ways to get me through those tempting times and the feelings that are associated with them. You've gotten some great advice (which I can also use) and I want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you, too!

I just purchased "The Language of Letting Go" as well. The excerpts sound really good--great suggestion.

HUGS again!
Hi there -- looks like you've got great support here. I skimmed the advice/help, but here's my own:

1. Shop around for a gentle therapist you trust. Someone with whom you can be totally honest. You deserve therapy...if you're ready and willing to change, it will work wonders.

2. Personally, my prob has been obsessive thoughts on dieting and overexercise to compensate for overeating. While I might never have "thrown up", i've done it in other ways, and they are ALL harmful. Your body, your spirit -- both deserve healing and peace. Read Sensing the Self: Women's Recovery from Bulimia by Sheila Reindl ( -- This book gives you hope with recovery stories. There are dozens of helpful books describing eating disorders, but I have a hard time finding the ones that describe hopeful and realistic stories. So, check out Sensing the Self.

3. Believe in yourself. Your essence is so powerful. And, so is prayer. My warm thoughts are with you and everyone else struggling (or healing).

Take care.

Hi there -- looks like you've got great support here. I skimmed the advice/help, but here's my own:

1. Shop around for a gentle therapist you trust. Someone with whom you can be totally honest. You deserve therapy...if you're ready and willing to change, it will work wonders.

2. Personally, my prob has been obsessive thoughts on dieting and overexercise to compensate for overeating. While I might never have "thrown up", i've done it in other ways, and they are ALL harmful. Your body, your spirit -- both deserve healing and peace. Read Sensing the Self: Women's Recovery from Bulimia by Sheila Reindl ( -- This book gives you hope with recovery stories. There are dozens of helpful books describing eating disorders, but I have a hard time finding the ones that describe hopeful and realistic stories. So, check out Sensing the Self.

3. Believe in yourself. Your essence is so powerful. And, so is prayer. My warm thoughts are with you and everyone else struggling (or healing).

Take care.


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