PYGFO!! Tuesday


Good morning girls!

Robin: I'm getting there with the packing. Waiting for some laundry to dry, trying to narrow down the 20 outfits I have planned. Hey, you never know what mood you will be in... however, I do realize that I may have gone a little overboard. I have decided to saty within certain colors so I don't need to pack more than two pairs of shoes, plus sneakers. Ugh, so sorry about you MIL's whole situation. does it ever end for you?? At least you were able to have a nice weekend with DH last week.

Gin: Got back the HRM. I'm wearing it to class this morning... wish me luck!! DH and I tried to figure it out last night, but I think I already forgot how to use it. Oh well, I'll give it a shot.

Laura: Hope all is well in Furlough land!

Liann: You're on to us, we all ran and went under different name (which I won't reveal...hehe) when we saw you post again. Oh well, I guess we're stuck with ya!!! BTW, I can't really call you adorable anymore... you look so sophisticated with your new "do". I might have to call you "DAAAAHLING" now!

Okay, enough sillines, must run and teach class. Let's see, what else today... come home, go right to dentist after a quick rinse of the sweaty stink (finally getting my permanent crown), come home, try to do heavy UB (Not sure which one yet), finish packing, organize house/kids for the time I won't be here, run kids to activities, meet the parents of DS's friend because he is going away with them for two days this w/e ( I have spoken with then numerous times, just never met in person), pick kids back up, finish last minute panicking about the trip, pass out. Now, I'm supposed to have a dance class in there at 6:00, but I have to go meet these people so I guess not.

I love looking at it all in writing, it just makes me giggle!! Have a great day girlies, Tess and I will be writing from Atlanta this weekend!!!
Good Morning!

I was planning on running and then RS, but overslept!x( Now I plan to do RS this aft. I started the new meds for my migraines and had trouble sleeping and then trouble waking up!! Side Effects!!x(

Vicki--So glad you got the HRM back. Let me know how it works for you! You are one busy lady today....whew!! When do you leave for Atlanta?

Have a great day all!
Good morning. I have been so busy at work. I kept checking for a pygfo thread yesterday and I didn't start one because my secret fear is I will start one and someone else will start one at the same time LOL.

Gin, I am so sorry that you are dealing with your migraines. A few years ago I was getting them every day. I went to the neur. and had all the brain scans and tests done. I went on topamax every day and tht really helped but it made me very stupid. I had to go off them. I tried experimenting and I cut out caffeine and it worked. It turns out that caffeine is a big migraine trigger for me along with bright lights and the smell of bleach. I occasionally get them now but imitrex or maxalt will curb it. I know what you're going through and I hope this new medicine helps you. They are no fun at all.

Vicki, don't stress OK. If you forget anything I'm sure we can manage. We DO have stores here after all. :) I'm getting so excited. I have a few things to do tonight to get ready, grocery shopping, etc. I promise not to leave you stranded at the airport. :)

Hope you ladies have a terrific day. I'm off to get some work done.
Hello Ladies-

Am I posting in the right thread? I thought today was Wednesday? Vicki are you a day behind, LOL!

Robin, I hope everything turns out ok for your MIL.

Liann, I love your new avatar, with the little tin hat, cute! :)

Hello to Vicki, Tess and Ginn :)

I'll try to check back in later, it's been a busy week.:p:*
OMG! It is Tuesday! Good thing you said that Michelle, or I may have gone to the airport on Friday!

Um, where are the rest of you? Is it Tuesday to you guys also?

Wow, i'm pretty ditzy, huh?
Lol, I didn't even notice the "Tuesday" in the title!

I've been having a pretty crappy day hence the new avatar. Seems like nothing is going right at work and I keep getting blamed for stuff that's not my fault. Then I had to go get allergy testing at 2 and now have itchy welts all up and down my arms. THANKFULLY, the kind technician realized that I was having some bad reactions and backed down on a few of the tests. We have learned that grass is almost lethal to me. So, here I am sitting nauseous at my desk with my little foil hat on trying to deflect all of the negativity around me. ;) I'm going to go home and make little hats for the weiner dogs tonight!

Hope everyone is having a great day! I want to hear all about the GTG!!!

Michelle - I love your new avatar too! :)

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