Push/Pull Tower: Bench or step?


For those that have the push/pull tower, are you using the step as a bench or an actual workout bench? I'm tempted in purchasing a bench along with Cathe's tower. Though I found this standard bench from NewYorkBarbell that looks nice as well.

Any suggestions or opinions on what would be a better buy?
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Hi Kali1,

I just got my STS Tower for Christmas. I use my step with five risers on each side so I can use my long step as a bench. I have all those risers because I have the High Step and the Long regular step and I have the slanted risers. If you stack the slanted risers so they fit with wide side out and narrow side in they are the same level height as 3 risers. I personally like the STS Tower because you can assemble and disassemble it in less than five minutes and it is easy to store under a bed or in a closet or something. Its very space friendly for storage. I really love it and you can use it to do some barr exercises, push ups, or pullups. I'm extremely happy with my tower and have no issues with it. I did look at your link and that is a very nice bench I just don't have room enough to leave it sitting out all the time as I need the available floor space for working out. If you have plenty of room and want the bench you showed with the link, go for it. Either way, enjoy whatever you decide to get.

Best wishes,

Question regarding Push Pull Tower...


I am probably going to be purchasing the push pull tower very soon but I have a question. I only have enough risers to put 3 on each side when using my step as a weight bench. Can you adjust the tower low enough to utilize it for chest presses that way? I am considering getting the slanted risers but may not do that right away...TIA! :)
I own the tower and I have used it for pull and push ups. For incline and decline workouts, I have used my slante risers. I believe Cathe was thinking versatility of using a step bench instead of a traditional workout bench for us to save money although the guys use all that stuff.
I use my step. I don't have the nice one that Cathe uses, I have an old Step Reebok one that only goes up to 10", so when I need to go higher, I use weight plates under it. I'd love Cathe's step, but I can't justify the cost.
The newyorkbarbell bench looks very nice and stable which is the way to go.
I mostly used the step as my bench right now. I bought a bench - Gold's bench from Wal Mart, but it is not very stable and rocks side to side on some moves. I plan to upgrade and buy something a little more sturdy.

I like have the an actual bench because it is easier and quicker to go from incline to flat bench and also I can just leave the bench set up under the Push/Pull Tower.

Whereas with using the step as a bench, there is a lot of moving of equipment. So it can be a bit cumbersome.

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