pub stability ball work-yow!


Hi all,

I finally caved in and bought a stability ball. I have no idea where I'm going to put the darn thing in my dinky apartment and the cat keeps looking at it with sharpened claws, but I AM HAPPY!!!:7

This morning I did PUB sheerly for the sake of tackling those jack knives.
What an absolute blast!!! I was rolling all over at first, and laughing so hard because, my god, I must look like such an idiot, but I AM HAPPY!!!:7

And I did them. Did it ever hurt! (a good hurt) So, it's official.I'm now completely addicted to the stability ball. :p

Keep up the hard work everyone!

Those pikes are incredible. The first time I did PUB, I couldn't hardly stay on the ball. By the 3rd go round, I managed to get at least one set. I may not have gotten up as high as Cathe and crew but I was piking. :) I love my ball too and I have a small apartment. I keep mine in my bedroom closet, tucked in behind my dresses.
can a person who is not stable use a stability ball? balance and coordination are a major problem for me.
I am sold on the ball too. I wonder why I didn't start using Cathe's workouts earlier? I am so happy with my Pyramid dvd. It's great value for money and I am feeling much stronger since incorporating it into my routine. Thanks Cathe! You are great!!
Hi Aseay!

If you keep at it, it will come. Your first few tries will be a challenge. Just do what you can and build from there. I was all over the place the first time. (Hubby & I were actually bumping into each other and laughing sooo hard!:7) You can also modify by not going as high on the pikes or not bringing your knees in as far as Cathe til you find that perfect balance. Have FUN!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Aseay!

it does sound fun and will buy it in the future when i can afford it plus the tape(i have over 20 of her tapes). i will try not to squash my cat! she will probably hide under the bed. Yes, I Dance!!!:)
RE: Hi Aseay!

I can just see you and dh doing this Debbie, how cute. So neat that he's doing this with you!!!

For the record, I love the stability ball too!!!!


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