Pregnancy and New Mommies!!! Sept 28-Oct 4

Susan, you now have my permission to let loose. LOL I did KPC with all the jumps & kicks the day I delivered Justin & Jadon. It's been a "good luck" charm. *sigh* it's hard to believe I haven't worked out since mid-April......with the bedrest I'm going to have some serious muscle atrophy. STS Cardio Shock will be out just in time for my recovery!!!

Whew, bills paid. I'm beat & ready for a nap. ;)
Cute names! My friend that is due on Oct 16 is naming her baby girl Madeline. Are you set on M names??

KPC is way out of my league right now!!!! I just walked 2 miles with Bubbles. I wonder if walking really does help??
Wow! Maybe we should get a chat room started instead of posting to the threads!

Melanie- Yes I had the NP check it this AM and it was 130/78 which is down from yesterday (140/78). I think it might be from all the lunch meat I ate....I'll try to have her check it again before I leave work too.

I love the name Madeline. I like Madison too.

I think bedrest might get old after the first week but that's just me. Although I would love it right sleepy.

KPC??? I guess you had super energy before Melanie cause I couldn't even fathom that right now. I sooooo miss running to clear my head and being sopping wet from a hard a&* workout!!!! Not much longer.....

Susan- Maybe it will happen this weekend????
Im still hanging in there! Had to go to cheer practice etc. Had a healthy supper of mac/cheese and fish sticks..oh and M&Ms!! It was actually good...imagine that!
Here is my 38 week pic dh just took.

We are about to have game night and play "Last Word" its fun..we always get cracked up.
Hope everyone has a nice evening!
Mel- hope you got a nice nap in!


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Im up trying to get some reading finished up. Im thinking Miss Kara is gonna hold on til Thursday. I have been having contraction after contraction, but nothing really painful.. just pressure.
Haley has to cheer at noon, then I think we are going to Little Rock to get a few things. I need a nursing bra. I ordered 2, but want to try one a friend told me about at Kohls.
That is all my excitement for now.
Hope everyone is doing well today!!!!
Susan~ do you have a kohls charge? I have a coupon for 30 percent off, you can use: OCTOBER30 just ordered a couple things yesterday online, plus if you spend over 75 dollars you get free shipping.

My favorite nursing bra was Playtex from JCP, but I don't think they sell them anymore.

I haven't pooped again now for over 2 days. Must be the dietary change/shift to home. Yesterday I had AWFUL cramping.....hopefully BM-type cramping. It's hard for me to differentiate b/w contractions/BM pains. I'm hoping for a nice clean one today. :D
Susan- Hope you are able to get your few last minute things! So can you describe contractions to me? I have no idea what I am looking for.

Melanie- Hope your cramping was just BM related. I have had some horrible cramping and then had a BM later. I never knew gas could hurt so bad!

Well I finished up shopping this AM for Thank you Gifts for the baby shower tomorrow. I am resting with my feet up cause I see some slight swelling in my ankles and then I am off to get a pedi, mani and eyebrows done. My plan is to stay home and rest after that.

Hope everyone has a good Saturday! I'll check back later!
Jen~ labor for me felt like really really bad poop pains. So it's scary to have them now. I did have a little BM this AM. I'm hoping to have more later. i was touching my belly & couldn't feel any uterine tightening & I could hear girggling noises.....probably all that gas moving around my intestines!!!

Enjoy your pampering today, Jen. You deserve it. :)
quick post..about to leave for the game.
Jen-contractions for me felt like very intest mentrual cramps. I had no pain in my tummy though..only my back..dh was sore from rubbing my back for 18 hours! And I think the worst feeling for me was the rectal pressure...felt like my bottom was going to ....umm...explode..thats the part that hurt the most for me. Now whenI have one I feel vaginal pressure big time like her head is trying to come out..but no pain.

bb after the game

Melanie-nope no Kohls charge. Ineed to get one because of the good deals I can get. Hope you have a bm today girl!!
Well, the Jets lost again! The little guys try hard though. We decided to go shopping tomorrow instead of today. I have made a double batch of my pancakes to freeze, 2 loaves of banana bread (had extra ripe bananas) and about to make a huge pot of soup...oh and also took a quick nap. Dh is watching football and Haley is bouncing around doing this and that.
My mom is sick...bad if Kara decides to come in the next day or so Haley will have to just come with us...she won't mind but miight be bored.

That is about all I know for now. bbl

I had a few bowel movements today. Whew, they were tar black, hard & about the size of big marbles.

......but I'm afraid there was some sort of explosion down there as a result of the pain/exertion last night. My vaginal varicose veins are larger....and my rectal hemrrooid collection has at least DOUBLED!!!! Now....what kind of psycho would actually take:eek::eek: a mirrior & look at them (whilst applying globs of white anesthetic cream? ..... yup, I did. Ewwwwwwwwww. :eek::eek:
Susan, I'm glad your bowels are going well. I've been using Miralax daily (powder dissolved in water) and 2-4 docusate at bedtime. Urgh. It's been a struggle pretty much from the get go with this pg. :(

Exciting things?
Well.... I haven't bought anything online today! LOL I did play on internet almost all morning.

Justin had a poster project "All About Me" that I did with him. The kids hung out on/off on mommy's's so nice to be close with them.

DH made 3 square healthy meals. I made a grocery list for him...he told me that he'd make ANYTHING I want.

I'm working on my Bible Study that I didn't complete (due to 1st trimester vomiting/fatigue). I have about 4 more days left until completion. It's Beth Moore...she's really good.

I watched 7 Pounds with Will Smith....with DH from Netflix on my laptop.

I sat up, just to put my clothes away & to eat evening meal with family (20 minutes total).

I chatted with another bedrest twin mommy online for a bit.

I think that's about it. :eek:
Well to be on bedrest you have had a busy day!!! I bet it is cool the boys haning out on your bed chatting etc. Im glad dh is taking good care of you...thats great!! Could you imagine if you hadnt changed drs? YOu would probalby still be working.....or really really sick!
I'm so glad I changed doctors! I wish I would have earlier......but I just kept on hearing from everyone that he was so wonderful.

I don't even want to think about how early my girls may have been born...under the care of my last doctor. I don't want them to struggling their first days of life b/c of a negligent doctor!! My DH is so furious!!!

I feel like I have a good chance on delivering these babies at goal 36 weeks w/proper monitoring & medical care. I'm doing everything in my power to keep them cooking!!!!

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