pp mon nov 17th


hi everyone - i had a few minutes and wanted to try to catch up. how is everyone feeling? how are the babes?

aidan is doing so well sleeping, FINALLY. he goes down at 8pm and gets up around 4am to nurse, then back down until 7:30ish. yeah!!!!! he is so cuddly adn sweet, i love it.

this is a big week for me - dh leaves today for 3 weeks and my mil comes in today for 10 days to help out - i hope i can live thru it. i really reallly need the help and appreciate it, but 10 days is a long time! i also have a foot recheck on thursday and i am praying i get cleared to do weightbearing no impact. last week i swam 5 times for an hour and did 3 days of upperbody and 3 days of floor work. i still feel so of kilter to not jump out of bed and sweat, but hopefully, if i continue to behave, i will do that soon enough. one good thing is the scale is down despite my lack of intense cardio, but i think it is probably my dwindling muscle. personally i am having a hard time these days with my family - my parents separation has turned uglier than i could ever have imagined and i am heartbroken. i will not write out the sorid details, but i am sure you can imagine.

well, hope everyone is well, and i look forward to hearing how all the little ones are!
morris, yay aidan! juliawas up 2x last night - not bad at all... your weight loss is prob.. just water - im sure you havent lost that much muscle. 10 days w/ someone in the house WOULD be a long time! best of luck! i hope the time goes by fast for you! is ds1 excited to have granny coming over? so sorry about your parents - glad i cant remember my folks' split. well, i remember some parts, and it wasnt pretty. i hope some day it will be better...

i *might* go out to the chiro and walmart. its coooooold outside though! we got a couple inhes of snow - dds played outside all afternoon y'day. we'll see how wakeful julia is. if not we're stayingin! i hate to go out when its nap time!
Hey Morris!! Great to hear how well Aiden is sleeping! That is great!! Sorry to hear of your parents split and how ugly it is. : ( Great for you on getting workouts in dispite your injury! That is awesome!

Kate~how are things your way?? SNOW?? Man it's probably going to be about 70 here today.

Well great news! I found a used ellipitcal a proform 880! WE picked it up last night. I was so stoked because I searched online and it said they were $700-$800 and got great reviews. The woman sold it to us for $180 because she is moving and doesn't want to move it. I just did my first 30 min workout on it! I've been getting some walks in outside too. I figure if I can get 30 mins a day on there and a few miles outside w/ the kids till I get the okay to run again. 2 days ago I did some upper body weights and I want to try to get them in today too. I have got some major work to do on that area. After 3 months of no weight work. blah Hopefully I can gain it back quick since I was in great shape before. (telling myself that to make me feel better..lol)

Can we do a roll call here so I can get to know everyone again and their sweet babies!

Trish~we live in LA 4 kiddos and baby Sara was born 10/20
Hi ladies!
Morris--Yay for Aidan!! I'm jealous! I'm so sorry about your parents' divorce. Sometimes I think divorce is just as hard on adult children because the parents think that just because you're a grown-up you can handle being told all of the sordid details. They seem to lose sight of the fact that they're still the parent, not the best friend. I know this because one of my very good friends went through this a few years back, and her mom leaned on her heavily. I hope that things calm down soon. ((Hugs))

Kate--SNOW?? Awesome! We've been having cold weather for here.. 40s for the highs! I'm itching to decorate for Christmas, but I never do that until Tgiving weekend.

Trish--You'll be running in no time! I'm sure you're already at my goal weight! LOL

Well, I'm starting the Dr. Oz "You on a Diet" diet today. Not really a diet, just getting some good dinner ideas from his book. And it's also a good read. Very laid back and not as rigid as Tosca's clean eating nazism book. Though I do love Tosca! I go to the doc tomorrow. I've been afraid to workout until she checks my incision. I'm DYING to do some CARDIO!! DH took the big boys to see Madagascar 2 yesterday. He FELL ASLEEP in the theatre! LOL Obviously, it's not as good as the original! We're just so sleep deprived. We switched Charlie to the Similac Sensitive, and he's doing SO much better. Very happy, smiley and laid back now. However, he poops after EVERY bottle now. Oh well, it's a good trade off! Well, I better go tend to Henry. He's got a bad cold, poor thing. Hope everyone has a good day!
trish - ^5 on the wo's! and the ell. deal! i think we're getting one this week - we want one sooooo bad!

steph - lol at dh sleeping! glad charlie is happier! makes such a diffrence!

roll call stats:
we live in Michigan
julia was born oct 18
gina is 6, isabel is 4
sahm, dh is a plumbing contractor
Morris - Sorry about your parents. I was wondering about that the other day when I read your post. Hope the 10 days with your mil goes well also. Are you off work now because of your foot? Yay for sleeping babies!

Kate - How cold is cold? It's cold here to me, but I think it's only in the low 70's, high 60's. I know lame, but I'm used to 80 degree weather.

Trish - Yay for the elliptical! I would love to have one in my house, but we just got through selling our treadmill and not sure if we're getting something else in place of it. DH and I swore we would just go to the gym instead.

Steph - I'm glad the formula switch is better for Charlie. Poopy diapers are better than unhappy babies that's for sure.

I don't want to be a downer or anything, but I'm having a bit of a frustrating day. My oldest - ds who is 9 has been really trying our patience. He's a good kid, but super irresponsible. Then I have a long list of things I need to get done that is driving me insane. It's just one of those days. Do you ever feel like the things to do pile on quicker than you can cross them off? Anyway, baby is doing really well. She is so good. I really have nothing to complain about with her. My 6 yo dd has been really good also. She loves having a sister around. I can't wait to start working out so I can get out all these frustrations. 2 more weeks until my pp appt to get the all clear.


Baby girl - born 10/30/08
DS 9. DD 6
(They all have Hawaiian names that I don't expect anyone to remember)
Live in Hawaii - on maternity leave until January
Lisa~ yes I am right there w/ ya!! I felt so icky the lat month of my pregnancy that stuff piled up and now w/ 4 kids and 1 being a newborn I just can't seem to get the stuff done either. I aim to keep laundry done and my floors vacuumed and dinner done each night. Sadly my bathrooms, the kids rooms, and the organization around here is shot. blah. It does get better so I am trying to stay positive.

Kate~ohhhh now I see Michigan would explain why you hvae snow right now! It is cold there!!

Stephanie~lol at dh falling asleep.. poor DH!! I am itching to get some good cardio in too. I feel great and my incision is healed, but I worry about inside so I haven't done anything to push myself at all. I am still sensitive inside I can tell and the pp bleeding is still going on so I must not be fully healed. When is your pp check up? I go Dec. 1st
Lisa, How cold is cold? Well, its snowing! Its really not too bad, I just HATE being cold! I do like winter, but only when I can be bundled up in the house! Sorry about a hard day. I'm not super happy with my day today. Granted, I've gotten a lot done, but just not things I necessarily wanted to do - LIKE WORKOUT!!!

Trish, How is it going getting the kids onthe bus?? (((hugs!))
It is not so bad getting them on the bus. Thankfully so far Sara seems to get up at 6 or just before to eat so I can feed her then get them up and ready. I have been trying to get the breakfast ready the night before and drinks in the frige and lay out their uniforms. Thankfully we have a full week this week then we have a full week off so I can sleep in a bit for the entire week! yay That stinks about not getting a workout in.. maybe this evening.
i wish i could wo this eve - but i have a board mtg for preschool. im the sec. so i need to go....i guess. im taking julia. hopefully shell scream and i can leave early!!! ....im looking forward to time off next wk too! .......i get the AM stuff set out in the night too for the next day - much smoother!

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