Postpartum Check-In Oct. 14


Good morning Mommies! I've been really bad about checking in lately, so I thought I would make up for it by starting this week's thread.

My workouts have been somewhat sporatic, since i seem to be having trouble fitting in workouts these days. How do you guys schedule your exercise around your LOs? Has anyone had success working out with LO watching (I've tried that a few times, and Linc gets bored). What's your secret?

Lincoln stopped breastfeeding about three weeks ago. One day he just refused to nurse and hasn't been back since. La Leche League and Lactation Consultants weren't able to help me. I went through a lot of emotions when it happened , but I'm OK with the situation now. I pump full-time and can pump enough to feed him and freeze a little. On a positive note, though, he topped 12 pounds last week - Yay!!

Here's my workouts:
Sun: Yoga
Mon: 30 min walk/jog
Tues: Off
Wed: Low Max
Thurs: Off
Fri: 30 min walk/job
Sat: Firm Strength

How are everyone else's babies? Everyone seems to be growing so fast!
Hi everyone! This is my first PP check-in, and I'm excited to post my workouts every week..hoping it will keep me motivated!! Just started back into my routine last week with dr's permission.

I am 5 weeks PP with my first, a beautiful little baby girl names Kyra. She was born Sept 18, and was 6 lbs 11 oz and 19 inches long.

Here are my workouts:

Sunday: 20 minutes Tae Bo Get Ripped, 8 minute abs
Monday: CTX Power Circuit
Tuesday: CTX 10 10 10
Wednesday: Winsor Pilates Legs and 8 minute abs
Thursday: CTX Step & Intervals
Friday: CTX All Step
Saturday: off

Hope everyone has a great week!
hi everyone

welcome nori. kyra is such a pretty name. is she your first?

glad you started things, linda. things are so busy, i forget to post. but it is nice to be reminded. i think it is great you are able to pump full time. i have heard of babies just stopping breastfeeding. do you pump at night as well?

finn had his 4 month checkup today and weighted in at 13 lbs!! i cannot believe it. we are still just doing breastmilk and that works fine for me. i am settled back in at work 3.5 days a week and hope to keep it at that. i am also really thinking about baby number 2. my dh and i are only getting older and i do want 2 (he'd like many many more than that, but i am not sure). i hope to nurse for 1 year though, and if i did get pregnant right away, i think it may be hard with 1st trimester fatigue and all that.

workouts are great, but dh is traveling again for the next 3 weeks which makes it hard. as long as i get up before finn we do fine.

any tips from moms out there on how to handle daylight savings time?

sun - run 8 mil, me
mon - kpc
tues - run 9 mil, legs and glutes
weds - imax 3, pub
thurs - run 8 mil
fri - step blast plb stability ball only
sat run 9 mil
Hello Mommies!
Thanks so much for starting this check-in. I have also been bad about checking in the last few weeks. Anyway, it's a new week... time to get back on track with workouts and check-ins. :)

Here are my workouts:
Sun - Indoor Competitive Volleyball
Mon - CTX-Power Circuit
Tue - A-Team Bootcamp (Amy Bento)
Wed - The Shape of things to come (Coffey)
Thu - off
Fri - A-Team Bootcamp (30 min)
Sat - A-Team Bootcamp

I just purchased A-Team Bootcamp and I am IN LOVE with this workout. I love, love, love plyo moves. I've already done this one once this week as well. . . Can't wait for Cathe's Drill Max - hoping that one is loaded with Plyo moves too.

I have started to get in a groove with workouts. I have 2 girls -- they are 2 and 5 months. What has worked for me is to put my youngest to bed for 9am nap and workout during this time. My older one usually plays in the play room which is right off the family room. I can hear everything she is doing. She comes out of the room A LOT, but, for the most part I am able to workout the whole time without too many complications. Of course, there are those days where I only get in a 30 minute workout (or less), but, I don't sweat it. I just hope that the next day is better. I have some days where my older one is kind of needy -- wants a snack, wants me to build a fort, wants me to eat imaginary food, etc. cute! ;) But, it takes just a minute to get her playing on her own again. Like many women on this board have said, it gets easier with time. I really think that if you start the habit of working out with your kids around, it will get easier as well, because they know that it is mommy's workout time and they respect least that is what I have found.

Hope everyone is having a great week. Your workouts look great.
I had Alice's 4 month appointment about 2 weeks ago and she tips the scale at 16lbs 4oz!! 26" long.

Take Care!
I'm so sorry to hear that the adjustment to stop nursing has been hard. I can kind of relate, when I quit nursing Maisie I had a period of time where I moarned the end of an era. It's kind of sad.

How old is Lincoln? 4 months? My youngest daughter is just about 5 months old and is just now getting to the point where she will sit (sort of entertained) for 20 minutes in her bouncer or exer-saucer while I workout. I try to workout during a nap, so, if she gets up early, I use her bouncer or saucer and then I have a few minutes before she gets bored and wants my undivided attention.

Good luck! You will find your rhythm soon enough :)
My workouts have been non-existent! I am barely coping as my 4 month old still gets up every two to three hours each night. We had a night last week when she got up 7 times! We have been to the doctor and it seems we have tried everything. We started cereal 3 weeks ago and vegetables last week. We have been making sure that she gets enough to eat during the day so she doesn't compensate at night. We have a normal bed time routine. She takes Pepcid for acid reflux. She eats every time she gets up. I can put her back in bed awake and she puts herself to sleep. I even wait until she cries to get her out of bed (she will fuss for a while first, sometimes even going back to sleep) I am at my wits end! We have another doctor's visit on Friday although I am not sure what else she can recommend. I was told we had to wait until 5-6 months to cry it out.

I worked out Sunday but that was the first time in 3 weeks. I am truly in survival mode.


Katie 6/20/06
Oh Rachel,
[[ Big huge hugs ]] for you! You poor thing. Being a mom is so tough, isn't it? The sleep exhaustion alone deserves major recognition...a shinny award... or maybe diamonds! ;)

I wish I could say something that would help you! You sound like you are trying so hard! If you are looking for advice, the only thing I can offer is to keep doing what you are doing and make sure your little one gets really good naps....never being awake more than 2 hours at a time during the day.

My 5 month old still wakes up a lot too. I had been getting really upset too until I realized that it was pointless to dwell on it and had to stop comparing my girl to other children. I keep reminding myself, she is an individual and likely on a major growth spurt and she is waking up for a reason. Because this is my second child, I know that she will eventually sleep longer.

Something my nurse practitioner suggested for me was to have someone come help you (seriously help you -- not get in your way) make meals,etc and care for the baby and allow you to sleep all day. You will be amazed how much this helps! It can be done even if you are nursing. Take time for yourself! You deserve it!
rachel, i am so so sorry! you sound so tired, and that is understandable. as you put it, survival mode. i had 3 nights where finn did the every 2-3 hr thing, and it was so exhausting to try to work the next day. his normal routine is to get up at 10pm, 2am and 4 am, then 7 am, so not too bad, though i am in bed at 8pm:) i hope the dr's have some input, but perhaps this phase will pass at 5 months. let us know how the visit goes on friday.

on another note, how many of you out there use any sort of daycare center? if you use one, do you like it? finn goes 3 days a week to a rather large center, and i am having a bit of a hard time with it. he on the otherhand seems to do very very well. just thought i'd see if others had any thoughts.

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