Post partum check in week of 7/23/06

christy g

Hello ladies,
This is my first week checking in with you... I came to post something and no one started a thread yet, so, I started the check-in myself.

I'm currently 8 weeks post-partum with my second girl, Alice. Things are getting easier each day. Alice is sleeping 12 hours overnight but, getting up twice to eat. She falls right back to sleep. I feel like myself again now that I'm getting sleep! Her naps are getting better during the day too and I am able to schedule my workouts a little easier now.

My workouts:
Sunday: Circuit Max
Monday: off
Tuesday: Muscle Endurance Lower Body premix
Wednesday: Muscle Endurance Upper Body premix
Thursday: P90x Plyometrics
Friday: Push/Pull
Saturday: Imax1
wow your little girl is sleeping really well!!i too am staring to feel like myself and i kicked it up this week

mon run 2 miles/stepblast/firm 5 day abs
tues run 2miles/ryhtmic step/firm 5 day abs
wed run 2 miles/gs legs floor/abs
thurs run 2 miles/cardio and weights and abs
fri run 2miles/basic step and abs
sat lomax
sun stretch max
Christi, welcome. I also have 2 girls.
Mary, I can't believe the doc already started your little(or not so little) man on cereal.
Morris, your workouts remain incredible.
Curly, how are you doing?
Mel, hope things are doing better and all the prayers helped. Hi to all you other mommies too!

Ashley is now 9 weeks old. For some reaon her 8 week check up got scheduled for this week. On my scale, she is up to 9 pounds. She is sleeping a little better, last night was her best she actually slept for 4.5 hours straight. Normally she awakes every 3 hours. I did start adding formula at night, since she has been so fussy in the eve.
Like Finn, she a;lso gets gassy and fussy.

Although my weight seems to be flexuating by 2 pounds daily, I believe I am down another pound, leaving me with about 3-4 pounds to lose.

Sun-cia double cardio-step workout(a really good cia tape)
Mon-mic hi/lo+interval blast+mis upper and abs
Tues-mis lower+bodymax step and circuits+power hour abs+ walk at the beach-2 miles
Wed-double cardio-cardio only plus cardio drills from cia 9903-bootcamp
Thurs-crunch resculpt+th bootsculpt plus abs + walk to the park (3.2 miles)
Fri-intense moves+tj 20 min.
Sat-imax3 blasts only+basic step add ons

Ashley Elizabeth-5/19/06
Alexis Rose-9/12/03
Hi everyone!! Hope everybody feels good this week.
I actually felt good enough to try exercising. I'd walk but it's in the steady 100's here in AZ and I figured I felt worse 9 months preg than now so I should be able to step. So I did the first 5 cardio intervals in Lo Max and it felt grrrrrrreat! I'm very proud of my self considering I gave birth just over a week ago:D

Molly is doing fantastic, she eats and sleeps very well. She'll go 3-4 hours between feedings at night. I'll feed her at like 9ish then 1am, then she won't wake until between 5-6am for another feeding. She's a lil angelpus. I just love her. She's so sweet.

I hope I won't be sore tomorrow.......LOL!
hey everyone

christy, glad to see you here. so great you are getting some res?t.
mary, your workouts look fantastic. when are you fitting them in?
shopaholic, let me know if the formula helps. lately i have been getting up to feed between 1:30 and 2 and not getting back to bed due to grunts, groans, fusses, etc... could be worse.
curly, you probably look as good as you sound. it does feel good to start back doesn't it?

i am physically feeling great despite fatigue. i wish i could workout more, but it is not going to happen yet. had lots of visitors, all finally leaving today. i think they are more tiring than my little one. workouts are feeling good, when they happen:)

sun - imax2, cardio and weights step only and abs
mon - run 6 mils, 30 min strength
tues - run 6 mil, abs
weds - stepblast, sjp hilo only, muscle endurance uppper body only
thurs - run 6 mil, abs
fri - kpc, legs and glutes, core max sec1
sat - run 6.5 miles

finn is only going 3 hrs between feedings, but my dh is giving a bottle at 9 or 10 at night so i can go to bed around 8:30. it helps, but hopefully things will be longer soon.

anyone have any air travel tips for a breastfeeding mom of a newborn? thinking of flying when he is around 10 weeks old.

my pregnancy weight is off, but i'd like to lose 5 lbs. i think i have to stop eating so much though. my appetite is crazy, and being tired does not helps me think in moderation:)
Hey Christy - I recognize you from the pregnancy check-ins in 2004! My daughter Nora was born in August '04 (I can't believe she's almost 2!). Congratulations on your second. I'm glad to see you are able to fit your workouts in with two. I often wonder how hard/easy that will be if I have another but there are so many moms here that do so that's encouraging!
morris, congrats on getting back to prepreggo weight so quickly. i must say that i am blessed because i have a nanny that works for me 5 days a week because i also work from home. i usually do 1 workout while she is with me and 1 when she leaves. unfortunatly she is going back to school in the fall so i only have her for a few more weeks. keep up the great work
mary, are you working again already? wow! i start back on the 21st of september. it is fast approaching.... your double workouts are so impressive. i think it is all i can do to do one right now. it just seems like there is no other time at all. the runs are such a treat as i do them when dh is getting ready for work. it is nice to get out with the dog. she loves it:)
Morris, you wish you could do more workouts? How much more could you do? I am finding the formula does calm her when nursing doesn't at times. Back to prepregnancy weight.Wow!
Curly, I can't believe how well your millipop is sleeping.
Mary, are you back to work?

I have 2 clients scheduled at my office tomorrow, my gradual return to work. Ashley had her check up today, she weighed 9.85 pounds and measured 22 inches, much bigger than her big sis at this age.
Good evening!! I haven't posted in a while because I've still been in recovery mode. Yesterday I went for a short walk with DH and DS and felt great afterwards, so I think I'm going to start using my Leslies and see how they feel. I'm staying away from any impact until after my 6-week checkup, and then I think I'll still be pretty careful. My little stitches just aren't healing as fast as I thought they would.

Morris - I saw an article (maybe on the Kellymom website?) about breastfeeding on a plane recently, and the woman said it worked great becuase she basically nursed during takeoff and landing, and that seemed to alleviate any problems baby might have with the pressure changes. The only thing you have to worry about is seatmate that might be uncomfortable with your feeding the baby next to him/her.
linda, i also find i am still uncoordinated enough that i can inadvertently expose myself. . maybe i should just not worry though.

shopaholic, by more workouts, i just mean a chance to do some strength work every so often. nothing crazy. but once a day is what i manage, and there just isn't time. i too had 2 patients to see one day last week. hard to shift gears i thought, but hopefully in a few weeks it won't be. will you work full or part time? do you need daycare?

linda, how is your ds?
>linda, i also find i am still uncoordinated enough that i can
>inadvertently expose myself. . maybe i should just not worry
LOL! I have the same problem. A friend of mine said she bought a cover-up at Target for about $15 - it's constructed so that you can see baby while he's nursing but no one sees your "stuff" as you're getting latched on/off.

My little boy is doing well - he's gained over 2 pounds since his birth, and is pretty active/awake most of the time. He sleeps about 3-4 hours at a time at night, so no complaints there. I'm going to start pumping this weekend so that dh can feed him once in a while, and so that I can leave the house for more than 1/2 hour at a time!!
Morris, I try not to nurse in a public place because of being exposed. I have been using bottles of either breastmilk or formula when out. Hope you didn't take offense to my question, I just meant your workouts are great, as is. My hubby will be watching the kids while I work. I am starting back one eve. then I will resume another eve. I stopped working full time when I had Alexis.
I started back to work 1 week after andrew was born. my dh and i own a pumbing company and my office is in my house so there was no rest for the weery. it does get a little crazy trying to juggle family,house and business but i do my best.
Hi there! It was not been easy finding the time to workout in the early few weeks. I just posted to the Cathe forum a few weeks ago asking for advice on fitting it all in. (They had some great ideas BTW). Surprisingly, things have been pretty good with 2 kids. And, as each week passes, it gets easier partially because I am getting the hang of it, but, also because Alice (newborn) is sleeping better and has less of the newborn crabbies.

Anyway, thanks for your message and I hope you and Nora are well. :)
linda, thanks for the tip - i will look at target over the weekend. good luck with the pumping and bottle. we have been doing that for 3 weeks and it is nice. somehow i never get as much extra sleep as i think i will though.

mary, i am so impressed your brain is functioning enough to work so much so soon. i think i still look crosseyed.

shopaholic, i took no offense, just wanted to clarify:) i too feel funny in public, but right now i feed minimum every 3 hrs round the clock. for my trip that would require me to give at least 3 bottles, and then of course i'd have to pump 3 times as well. by myself, that will just be impossible. this may be the time i get used to nursing in public. i probably make more of a big deal out of it than it is. story of my life....
HI fitmamaheads!

Linda, I absolutely adore the name Lincoln.
Morris, sounds like things are going well, good for you. The fatigue will go away. I hear ya though I think I have bags under my eyes;-) The runs with the dogs are a great workout, I actually think walking for more than 2 miles is one of the best workouts, it'll make you skiiiiiiiiiiny!
Mary, a nanny, how super for doing workouts! What is it you do from home?
Shoppy, how's your lil sweetie? What do you do too?
Everybody's workouts are so awesome!

I'm going to a favorite photographer today, me Hannah and Mollipop, daddy and grandma. I'm hoping it won't be too chaotic!!! I remember when I took Hannah at 2 weeks old and I was like oh it'll be easy, she's not a fussy baby. And she hated it. Cried! But the babies are naked, there's a bright light and it's chilly in there. So I have no clue what to expect
:eek: But the photographer is so good she captures the greatest shots when you think there's no way. You can check her out
there are some beautiful pics on there. Even though you aren't in AZ. Hannah and I are in 1, and Han's tussy is in one with an orange butterfly on it;-)

Have a fabulous weekend you all:D
Okay, first off...I have to confess, I wasn't able to read all the posts! My goodness, what an active bunch we have.

I have a pointer for all you nursing moms: I use a poncho (one of those sweater thingies with a hole for the head no arms) when nursing. It's a piece of cake to use. I purchased it in the plus section so it's pretty big. When I have to nurse a babe in public, I just throw this poncho thing over my head and pop a boob in his mouth. Works like a charm.

My parents are coming this weekend to visit. This is their first time meeting their 8 month old grandson (Jadon). I"m pretty excited, I just took a break from cleaning to check up on the forum. Tomorrow morning I have a 10K. I'm pretty nervous b/c it's been so hot (triple digits) even at 8am when race is planned...hopefully I won't passout!

You mommies are all such an inspiration! Workouts look great, kids seem healthy and strong, weight is just pouring off. GREAT JOB!!!

We'll have to do a check-in next week (re-introducing ourselves), so we can get re-acquainted. There's so many people here!!!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"

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