post partum check in 3.16.08


Hey Mommies,

Just a quick check in and hello. I hope all is well with you guys and the back to work and babysitter/daycare transitions are going well.

Sienna is beginning to sleep at night, we hope this continues so we can function normally again. She's teething and learning to sit up...getting strong quickly and not much interested in reclining in her bouncy seat anymore (she gets pretty angry if put down there for too long now, maybe 5 minutes at most). She has a jumperoo that she LOVES, unfortunately it's not really portable so we just got an exersaucer for her so I can take showers and do a few things in the kitchen while she plays.

Also hoping to get her more interested in her carrier now that she's tall enough to use it.

MON-interval bike + ab floor - 01:00
TUE-pm zen weights - 00:48
THU-walk to dad's - 00:30
FRI-pm bike trainer intervals - 00:40
SAT-interval bike + ab floor - 01:00
SAT-night walk - 00:44
SUN-walk - 40:00

Total: 5:45

My favorite funky belt for jeans fits me again!'s the little things that make all the difference. :)

Have a wonderful week!
We must have been writing simultaneously :)

Congrats on the funky belt - I agree, every little thing is inspiring, isn't it? I can now go sleeveless again without feeling like a cow and can almost wear a few of my favorite knit dresses (with the empire waists ;)

Gotta go ... Mr. Nico wants to play ...
I will have to look into some type of jumperoo, too. The ped told us to try Nico on rice cereal now since he's eating so much (almost 30 oz./day), so I'll be curious to see how he likes that.
Hey Arancini,

So glad you can go sleeveless, for me that's a huge accomplishment when I feel comfy in tanks etc. It's torture when you don't feel good but the weather is warm.

Nico on solids? Very cool, I was just reading about that today and wondering when our girl will be gobbling actual food. She watches us eat with such's as though she can taste the food. I think she'll be psyched when we introduce solids. She's eating around 30oz as well...very hungry these days.

Did you have Nico's 4 month visit yet? Any shots? How did he do? We have Sienna's on the 28th. I'm wondering how heavy/long he is now. He looks soooo tall!!

Say hey to Nico for me...I'm at work today (just not acting like it!) I worked 4 hours from home yesterday on my "off day".


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