Plyo Legs and Text messageing


I love P90 masters Plyo Legs, so I sent it to my daugher to try. I wanted to see if it was just me that got DOMS from it. Plus, I secretly wanted to see someone else in pain. LOL!}(

Here is our Text Messages a day after she did the workout:

Daughter: Plyo legs made my butt so sore! I can't walk! LOL!

Me: Don't ya love it?

Daughter: Yeah i kinda do!

Me: We're sick! LOL!

Daugher: Yeah we are. No one has to know.

I'm so glad my daughter is as twisted as I am. I just love her!:D
She started working out to my DVD's when she was in Jr. High, and has been working out ever since, now she is married and in college (studying dietetics) and still working out.

So, kids do learn by example!

I just hope you get it back!

I'm planning on doing my Plyo Legs/heavy Rockit squats workout today. Strangely enough, even thow I definitely reached failure on some moves (after the "toe roll lunge," I couldn't get out of the position for a few muscles just wouldn't comply!) I wasn't very sore at all the next day. Hope it's good recovery and not lack of effectiveness!
Egads! I hope I get it back too! LOL! She knows how possessive I am of my DVD's.

How do you do the Plyo Legs/heavy Rockit squats workout? Do you use the rockit after you finish Plyo legs or do you use it during?

Plyo legs has to be somewhat effective if I get real sore and your muscles can't comply and you get stuck in a toe roll. LOL!
>How do you do the Plyo Legs/heavy Rockit squats workout? Do
>you use the rockit after you finish Plyo legs or do you use it

I go back and forth between the two.
I do PL warm-up, then a set of Rockit squats.
Then the first section of FL, though the 'teeter totter" move, then squats.
Then continue with the first section until water break, then squats.
Then second part of workout, through "tires", then squats.
Then finish second part, then do a set of deadlifts.

I've only done this twice so far, but it seems to work well. I do have to put a bit more recovery time between some sections, because my legs are a bit more pooped!

And I'm surprised that I don't have massive lower body DOMS the next day, because it feels like I've worked hard enough to get it. Maybe I'm recovering more efficiently?

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