Please help me choose from these dvds (rop)


Would any of these be suitable for me to try? (health issue, below)
Butts & Guts $26.99
Body Max 2 $26.99
Low Impact Circuit $26.99
Drill Max $26.99

Which would be the best? Which would be a definite "NO"?


I was diagnosed with having 4 bulging disks in my spine (2 cervical, 2 lumbar), last Jan '06. Needless to say, I haven't been able to do any Cathe workouts. For the past 6 mos, I've been on the mend (no pain! yay!!), and have only done walking/recumbent bike cycling. I couldn't really get "into" Yoga. And just now, I've decided to give Pilates a whirl. However, someone posted on another board, about Cathe's NEW dvds, so of course I am now intrigued. Which of her NEW series do you think would be low impact enough for me to try? I know I'll probably still have to modify. I've lifted very very light weights for upper body, but not much, as I'm still a bit scared to try it just yet. I can do squats w/o wts, just fine. I just do not want to do any jumping.


Before my injury, I had a bunch of Cathe dvds that I wanted to order. I never got around to it. :( Now, I'm thinking I might try a few IF they are low impact enough. Which of these could I add to her NEW dvds?

Cross Train Xpress DVD series $89.99 (I've really really wanted this series!!)

Cardio Kicks+Circuit Max $45.99
Rhythmic Step+Interval Max+MIC $49.99
Power Hour+MIS+Body Max $49.99
Body Blast Vol 1 $44.99

Man, I really miss doing Cathe step, and doing the weight workouts! :( I'm hoping that Pilates will really help strengthen my core, as I know a weak core is what landed me with all these spinal issues. But, at least I am feeling so much better now, compared to before. :) I'd love to be able to get at least 3-4 new Cathe dvds, if any of you think they'd be appropriate for my issues. My Pure Strength, Hardcore dvds, and Step dvds, will all just have to stay on my shelves, for now. :/

TIA! begin with I don't know anything about your health I'm just imagining that this is a painful back with that in mind..

-LIC would probably work fine with minimum modifications.
-I think BM2 would work with some modifications with the step routine...and the weights would probably help strengthen the parts of you which need it.

-Xtrain Xpress..I love this series, but all of the cardio is high impact...Even knowing you can modify, maybe you should wait on this one.
-PH Body Max, etc...would probably be fairly easy to modify and would help with your strength building.
-Do not get RS and IMax....there is too much to modify for you in this one.

Another you may think about, if you do not already have it, is Lo should be able to modify any moves you find uncomfortable, but this is all low impact cardio.

Good luck...and I hope you heal soon..Take the time you need!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
I threw my back out with Low Impact Circuit. My lower back problems aren't near as bad as yours, so I would recommend skipping this one right now.

I actually LOVE Body Max 2. Lots of cardio that you can do Low Impact or up to high as your feel your back will allow. You can keep the weight segments light so as not to strain your back, and I like that the weight work is more controlled than that of Low Impact Circuit, which uses a lot of dynamic moves with the weights - hence how my low back went SPROING and blew out.

Another great workout to look into if you just want cardio is Cardio Fusion. I think it's available now.

Drill Max is pretty intense! So I'd skip that one, as well.

Butts and Guts might not be too bad. I've not done this one all the way through, but it hits the legs well and hard! I don't feel any pressure in my lower back with this one. You'd have to be careful with the core work, though. Core work can strain the lower back if you don't do it right.
Thanks to both of you for your replies. :)

Wow...there is so much I can't do now. :( Well, I certainly don't want to risk any relapsing. I think I'll just stick to the Pilates for now, until I build up strength in my lower back and abs. Then, I'll try B&G. I guess I'm not going to be able to do any of Cathe's cardio work, anytime soon. That's such a bummer, 'cause I had gotten so addicted to it, esp the step w/o.

Thanks again!
I'd recommend Low Impact's not one of her new ones, but it's pretty recent, low impact but intense and also has more of a beginner/lower intensity weight workout included which incorporates the stability ball.

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