P90X Rotation


If this has already been asked and answered on another thread, I apologize, but which of the P90X Rotations is everyone using? When I first got the set, I started doing the Lean Rotation, but I missed Cathe too much, so I started doing a rotation incorporating some P90X AND Cathe. From everyone's comments, it seems like most are doing the Classic Rotation, but I could be wrong. Anyone?
I started the series last week and I am doing the doubles rotation. I just miss my cardio too much to not get something 5-6 days/week!

However, I have scaled my cardio way back.. ie on the days that P90X is weights only, my cardio is pretty moderate and only 30-40 minutes long.. and it is either CTX Kickboxing, or power walking my toddler in a stroller around the neighborhood. I do it as a split as well. Cardio in the AM and then the weights in the PM.

Its alot right now, and I may scale back depending how I feel. But so far, other than being a bit more tired than usual, it is feeling good.

Take care, Lynn M.
I've been doing the Classic rotation. Every once in a while, I throw in an extra cardio day or add a short cardio workout to one of the other workouts, but I'm pretty satisfied. I do substitute other kickboxing (like KPC) for Kenpo about half the time. Even with hardly any additional cardio, I've found that P90X has improved my aerobic capacity. The other day, I went for a walk with a friend of mine in her woods, and hauled two 12# rocks up a hill. When I had gone up the hill before (without rocks!) I would be winded at the top. Not this time. So something is working!
I am doing the Doubles rotation, but I also run 3 days a week, subbing 2 running days for the 2 of the 3 CardioX, and add another leg workout from Cathe and sometimes a bit more upper body from Cathe for shoulders, triceps and biceps.....I have been maybe a bit more tired this week, it is my 6th week....:)...Carole
I'm doing the Classic rotation simply because I wanted to gain more size in my muscles first & next I'll examine which rotation I want to do to get cut; either Doubles or Lean not quite sure yet. I'm only into this 3 weeks. I'm not too crazy about Kenpo (totally unmotivating) so I was thinking of substituting KPC or one other kickboxing DVD that I have. The YogaX was AWESOME but don't care too much for Tony's instructions. There were times when I wasn't sure which side I was supposed to turn when doing Half Moon. I hadn't done this move in quite a while & Tony assumes you already know all of the moves; not too good. I'm thinking of substituting YogaX for Rodney Yee's Power Yoga; better scenery & Rodney has such a soothing voice; very calming whereas at times Tony was shouting! Good luck! Kathy:D
I'm in my last recovery week of the Classic rotation. I tried to do doubles a couple of times and it was just to much for me (mostly time wise). I did add in some mountain biking on the weekends and some running and hiking here and there.

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