P90X Check-in


I was wondering if anyone has started the rotation this week? I started the Classic rotation and am already sore all over! These are great workouts!!:)

I am on week 2 of the "Classic" rotation, and last week I was definitely sore ALL OVER. This week, I was able to do a few "big girl" push-ups during the "Chest and Back" DVD(I could never do them before) and was also able to do the "rock star jumps" (all slow, none fast like they do on the DVD) during the plyo, which I was unable to do last week. My goal this week was to do as many of the big girl pushups as I could handle. I didn't do as well as I had hoped, but I guess some is better than none.

I haven't lost any weight (my eating, my fault), but apparently, I am stronger.

Good luck!

Susan L.G.
Wow...good idea for a check in. I know Tamikka was so excited to get started today!. I am on week 6 doing the Doubles rotation. I did Ab RipperX ( getting some nice ab muscles!) and I did CardioX which is only about 23 min long so I tacked on 3 Imax2 intervals. This afternoon I am doing Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. You 2 are doing well so far. I believe you will find the push-ups easier as time goes on. Tomorrow is a weigh day for me. I have been following a vegetarian diet for the last 6 weeks with great results!....:)...Carole
Sorry to butt in here (or am I?), but Carole, I just gotta say Congrats for being able to take on Doubles. AND you still tacked on IMAX? Wow, you guys seem like machines sometimes.......

I mean that as a compliment!:)
Checking in on my day one!! Did the chest and back, and gotta say, i'm sooo weak!! i always thought i was so tough with weight work, going heavy with all my upper body work, but this one made me look so weak. I did a total of 10 big girl push ups in the first set of push ups. that was it!! Even ab ripper x kicked my butt.
Can't wait to do plyo tomorrow!!
I'm on my 10th week of P90X, but I remember those first two weeks: I needed an extra hour or two of sleep each night, and when I went to bed, I didn't think I'd be able to do the next day's workout, but by the time it rolled around, I was ready for it.
I have to say I am alternately encouraged and just downright discouraged by Ab Ripper.

On the plus side, I can actually do some of the "Crunchy Frogs" (wasn't that the name of a Monty Python sketch?), which I couldn't do last week, but overall I just stink at Ab Ripper.

On the down side, I am especially bad at the one where you sit up, then as you lay down you raise your legs, and then pulse up to your raised feet, and then lay totally down. I can't get coordinated! Unfortunately, I have not improved on that one at all.

Susan L.G.
Thanks Janice...I take it as a very nice compliment....:)...I think those of us distance runners can be a crazy group...but wait til you try CardioX...it is a little short but a very good workout...:)...Carole
I'm on Week 2 of the Classic Rotation. The first time I did each workout, I was pretty sore. Even doing knee-push-ups became hard by the 12th set! And I'm not even talking about pull-ups! For some reason, Ab Ripper killed me the first time but I could do it. Now, I actually look forward to doing it. I'll do anything to not have to do another push-up. But even after one week, I'm feeling good! Alexis
usan, don't be to discouraged as Ab Ripper is a tough one for everyone I have read. I have done it many times and still can't get those crunchy frogs (my balance is bad there) and the other one you mentioned is a hard one to master, but the more you do it you will be plesantly surprised and the results are well worth a bit of struggling so don't give up...:)...Carole
I am starting my 3rd week of P90X. This morning when I did C&B and Ab Ripper, I felt a little less "leftover DOMS" and it was easier (I think);) The first couple of weeks I was soooo sore!)Especially after legs and back and YogaX). I am not sure if the yoga AND L&B made me so sore, or if it was just one of them. My lower abs were also really very sore from ARX. That is letting up some, too. Anyway....it was a tough couple of weeks...but a GOOD couple of weeks. I am really enjoying these. I have been adding CTX cardio or 30 minutes of running to the weight days.

I have been substituting the bands for the pullups and chinups. I have a PowerTower, but just try them on the bar once in a while (assisted). Sometimes I do half of them on the bar and then the rest with the bands. Sometimes I use the bands the whole time.

Carole -

Thanks for the encouragement! I do seem to be getting better at other exercises each time I do the DVD, but those other ones I mentioned, with the leg raise and the pulse are just wicked! So I will just have to be patient. "Do my best and forget the rest, right?" ;)

Thanks again!

Susan L.G.
I am on my second day and it's awesome! I did plyo this morning and my legs are sore! How can I be sore from a cardio workout?! LOL

I am glad that Cathe is doing a huge set similar to P90X for those people who do not dare to try a new instructor. :p I will have completed my first round of P90X by the time she begins filming. I'll just have to add her set to my P90X set.

For all of you "long-timers" with P90X: Thanks for paving the way!

Expect_Success (on BB)
Tamikka.....I can believe your legs are sore from PlyoX..the 1st time it really kicked my butt!!! Keep up the good work....:)...Carole
Hi Fitstick! This is my 3rd week on the Classic rotation. I must say it feels like it gets HARDER instead of easier as the weeks go by. Last night was Shoulders & Arms & I have progressed went up in #s on mostly every exercise + Ab Ripper X. Now the Ab DVD is getting easier. I'll have to pat myself on the back won't I. Tonights Yoga. Can't wait for my recovery week next week.:7 Kathy:D
LOL! Kathy, I'm in my recovery week now...I think it was misnamed! :) Core Synergistics can be tough! I got DOMS from that in my lat area.
Ab Ripper X is tough! But hang in there! I'm now able to do 30 reps of most exercises, and have added a 3# medicine ball to the workout. I know, I'm an animal!
Hey Tamikka,
I would love to try Power 90X but I can't afford both so I'm sticking with Cathe for now. I would have given in if she had not come out with a new series, but I've had a feeling that she was thinking up something good. Now if only money grew on trees......
I have to admit that even though my body doesn't know what hit it (a train??)}( I have been having a blast getting started! I started the rotation on Sunday with Chest and Back and used bands mounted to a wall-- I think it worked really well because OH the soreness that I experienced! Then was Ab Ripper which was very difficult (definitely have room for improvement). I loved Plyo (day 2)!! Towards the end during the last segment Tony had me laughing out loud the way that he was counting and frantically moving about! Today was Shoulders and Arms-- what a great workout! Very thorough and do-able. I will save Ab Ripper for later tonight.

So far I love this series! Thanks to Kathryn for all of her comments which pushed me over the edge in making the purchase.:)

I think that separating the abs from the "meat" of the workout is a great idea. My trainer told me to do abs when you are fresh rather than throwing them in when you are already fatigued. I'll probably use it both ways to see if there is a difference.


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