Out of control


Active Member
Cathe, do you ever go through periods of time when you feel you just can't control what you put in your mouth? (Somehow I doubt you do) I know the right way to eat but I feel helpless in doing the right thing! I'm a total sugar addict, not to mention an all or nothing kind of gal. I'm in an "all" phase right now. Do you have any words of wisdom for someone like me?
I can relate completely!

I am not Cathe. My name is Bobbi and I am such a carbohydrate addict that I gained 8 pounds recently. I eat a really healthy diet but sometimes I just can't stop from pigging out. Too many calories, whether their from fruits and veggies and healthy foods, are still too many calories. I think I am also what they call an emotional eater. I get tired or stressed and it makes me crave carbs. I have just resolved to stop this and have been on a "diet" for the past couple of days. I am a bit of a health nut and I don't believe in restricting calories. So I am dieting in the sense that I have to eat only what my body needs and stop this maddening binge type eating. I have also come to believe my hormones are playing into this and I intend to consult my doc about it soon. I have been very distressed by my inability to control myself at times. My weight is still within the healthy range but I dislike how badly this makes me feel about myself. And I really hate those extra pounds! Good luck, Thundercat. I am sure we can both lick this is we are determined. Let me know how you do.

count me in on this one!

Hi Thundercat!

You are not alone! I'm anxious to see Cathe's response to this because I'm hoping that everyone (yes, you too, Cathe!) goes through these cycles.

I find that I binge like that if I try to be too restrictive with my diet. My husband is a junk food junkie, so if I see Double Stuffed Oreos staring at me everyday and not let myself have one, that's when I tend to go nuts and eat five or six!

Also, like Bobbi, I'm a stress eater, a boredom eater, a watching TV eater, etc. Somehow, though, my weight stays pretty constant (Thank God), so I've never had any type of major weight gain during these times!

Hang in there. Like Bobbi said, maybe we'll get the answer that makes sense for all of us and be saved!

Add me to the list!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-00 AT 09:34AM (EST)</font></center>

I am home all summer relaxing (I'm a teacher) and find that the kitchen is NEVER closed at my house! I can eat an entire box of cereal (doesn't matter what kind!!!
) in a day! AAAHHH! right now my hand is in the Raisin Bran!
Me too!

I can relate to every single thing that is mentioned in this post, especially the "all or nothing" mentality. I've eaten the entire box of cereal, the row of Oreos and the pint of ice cream all in one night. (I live with The Notorious Midnight Snacker)

I know there have been a lot of threads about the BFL eating plan and I just wanted to let you know that this diet has been incredibly successful for me. I eat every two-three hours so I don't get the mood swings or the uncontrollable cravings that lead to a binge.

BUT the BEST part is that this diet allows you one "free day" per week to satisfy your sweet tooth, your salt fix or your carb cravings. I am focused and disciplined all week and then I'll splurge ONCE a week. Because it is planned and expected, I feel so much more in control and happy. While I look forward to this day immensely, I also look forward to getting back to my workouts and diet routine just as much.

I know different things work for different people, but having been on this plan for the last few months, I've lost several inches and thanks to Cathe's workouts have gained some serious muscle definition. All without giving up the yummies of life.
What is the BFL eating plan?

I am doing fine with my resolve to get my diet under control. I am using a food journal to keep track of my intake and using the pyramid guidelines loosely. I have a vast amount of info on this. I KNOW how to eat well. I just have a hard time DOING it! There is pizza in my near future so I won't feel deprived. If only the house cleaning fairy would visit, I would be ecstatic! I ran five miles this morning and I made myself enjoy the beauty of the morning and how great it feels to move instead of trying to plan out my day and my food and all the myriad of things I need to get done. I came home and got my weight training out of the way! Lately, I have blown off too many workouts and I have gotten into a cycle of being discouraged by my habits and I have eaten too much and worked out too little. it's a brand new day and I intend to really stick to this new program. This website is wonderful. Cathe is an amazing teacher and I love her tapes. And her fans are some of the best. I have been touched, taught, encouraged so many times and I feel I have been given a tremendous gift. Bless you, friends!

Yep, yep, that's me too

I also go through times when I eat a lot. And then I'll go through a cycle where my appetite is quite normal and nice. My weight doesn't usually vary too much. Although there was one time where I wasn't too happy and lost weight, and looked too skinny. And as much as I liked wearing smaller sizes, I hated being unhappy. I am mostly a boredom eater. If I can keep myself busy, I don't munch, munch, munch. But I am also terrible at following eating plans. I hate knowing what I am going to eat and when. I like surprises. But...after I have my baby I am considering trying the BFL plan, just because of all the success, and because people don't seem to have a hard time sticking with it.


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