

Ok, I admit I haven't lifted in about 3-4 weeks, first of all. But on Monday I decided to do Power hour and lightened my weights, but did the whole thing. I am still sore today. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get over the whole sore muscle thing. Yesterday I could hardly reach over my head, today at least I can do that, but I'm still in pain. OOOPS! It's not that it's a bad thing, but I would like to do MIS this afternoon, and well, I'm thinking I had better not right now. Wah! Can someone tell me what has worked for tham in the past?

That also happens to me when doing Power Hour! hehehe...}(

I take 800 mg of ibuprofen every 8 hours and massage and gently stretch my "most hurt'n" muscles :eek: . It will take a few days but the ibuprofen greatly helps me.

Next time....pasito girl! (take it easy with Power Hour!):p

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/lach.gif[/img]
Too funny! I am in the same boat, and have been hobbling around the house. I cringe everytime I have to bend down for anything. I found the cure!!!!!!!:) :) :) Seriously!! Do the dang workout again;-) I was in so much pain, for two days, and got back on the horse yesterday. I feel much better! I did PH Sunday, RS Monday, and PH again yesterday. I am happy to report that I am giving a sigh of relief this morning.
Huh, do it again. Well, the thought has crossed my mind, I just didn't want to injure myself. I guess that my muscles have gotten teh 48 hours of rest they disserved. Thanks for the help! I would have been very unhappy if I had skipped today and just made it an all cardio day again. I want to get back in shape, like yesterday, but I have to be patient I guess.
Lol - poor you!

My hubby recently started up again with Slow & Heavy after an extended period of time not working out. He went so overboard in the first workout (biceps) that he couldn't straighten his arms for an entire week! How's that for overboard! :+
Oh wow, that is funny! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that falls off the wagon every now and then.
I'm so sorry you're hurting - my baby (she's 25) was in major pain for over a week with PLB. Try the pain relievers and some light stretching before you do the workout again in its entirety - works every time. One of my favorite stretching DVDs is the AM and PM Yoga and for my back i use Yoga for Back Care with Rodney Yee. It's getting to the point that I do a 15-30 minutes stretching segment before I even get into my regular workouts and then again afterwards. It's worth it so that even if I am a bit sore the next day I am still able to do some stretching. Hope this helps.

Take care - awe!
>Oh wow, that is funny! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one
>that falls off the wagon every now and then.

Me, either!
My Achilles is sore!

I did PLB last Thursday (yes, almost one week ago) and I woke Monday with a very sore Achilles. Is there any way this is related? If not, I have no idea what I did. The only other exercise I did over the weekend was walk two miles at the park...I have never had pain in this area before, and it isn't going away. It feels the same as when I've sprained my ankle, first thing in the morning is killing me!

Anyone else ever had this?

RE: My Achilles is sore!

The thing I recall with PLB is those calf raises. I wonder if the achilles has anything to do with maybe going too deep on those, or somehow not supporting your foot well when dropping down from the step. I don't know, but regardless I LOVE that tape! Hope you feel better soon!
I had the "not able to straighten my arms out" type of soreness a few months ago. I attempted PUB apparently with too much weight. It was quite miserable and now I am so scared to cause that again that I have been going too light. When I was doing PUB that night, it didn't feel any different than any other workout I had ever done. I was shocked to be that sore. It took about 5 days for it to go away. So I feel your husbands pain!

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