

Any opinions on Karen Voight's Yoga Sculpt? Have been contemplating buying it. I am a Cathe vet, but newer to yoga & have never really done Pilates-type stuff. With this in mind, I'm wondering how beneficial the tape would be. I have other yoga tapes, but was interested in the toning aspect of core exercises. Can't buy Cathe'e new stuff just yet.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Hi Michele,

I have Karen Voights Yoga Sculpt and her new series of pilates....they are very good. I would highly reccommend them. Her new pilates tapes are Body refors abs and back and total body that she uses the ring with. You can go to www.karenvoight.com.....there is also a 800 # to call just in case they did not update their website yet.


Yoga Sculpt

What a coincidence! I bought this video at Target for 5.99 about three months ago, and only did it for the first time this week. I had previewed it when I bought it, and I was a little turned off by the boring set. But I've been thinking I need to do some extra stretching, and I knew this tape incorporated some plank moves, so I went ahead and tried it this week. I ended up doing it twice. Keep in mind that KV's style is very serious compared to Cathe's, but it works pretty well in this tape, since it's not supposed to be a rollicking good time! The content of the tape is pretty good--I didn't find the yoga poses terribly challenging, but I did feel some nice stretches. The core stabilization exercises are a nice change from traditional ab work, and I think for the very low price it is worth getting. It's not too long (I think around 40 minutes), and I felt good having done it rather than just having a rest day.
Hope this helped a little...
PS--buy yourself a sticky mat ($20 at Target) if you don't already have one. I really felt frustrated the first time without it, and bought one before I tried it the 2nd time. Much better!
I, too, really like Karen Voight's YogaSculpt. I don't mind her dryness, because I pop in that video to do one thing--work out. However, if I'm going to be working my tush off, then I want someone like Cathe who keeps the motivation level up. For something like yoga or pilates, however, I like an instructor who is a bit quieter and only offers cues. Karen Voight is perfect for this. As previously stated, it is a nice change of pace from traditional ab work.
Thanks, you guys! Especially for the Target advice. A friend of mine bought her copy there for about $9.00. I cannot believe you found it for less than that! I went there earlier this week, and, naturally, the tape wasn't there. Figured I'd just order from Collage, since they're selling it for $14.95. Then I thiught I may as well just go to Borders & pay a few extra bucks, since I'd be paying for shipping anyway, right? And that way I'd have it sooner. Never mind me, just thinking out loud.
I was wondering if Target sold sticky mats--I'll have to look for that as well I iwas going to try & get away with my ratty old mat for as long as possible, but knewI'd need a sticky mat sooner or later.
Anyway, thanks for the tips. A new purchase looms on the horizon.......
Have a great week.

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