<---oh cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C

<---waves frantically to Teri-ket!!!!
<---always misses her when she isn't around!
<---had her tonsils taken out a few years ago and is soooo glad she did
<---hasn't had any major throat problems since
<---isn't sure what Teri's situation was, but says that she ran a constant low grade fever due to hers
<---has to run and grab an early lunch
<---says her tummy grumbling!
<--waves to Beavs and Liann
<--tells Liann <-- has not had any throat problems but tonsils are blocking airway at night causing sleep apnea
<--'s Dr says he is sure <--has not had a restful nights sleep in years.
<--clomps in stomping snow off <--'s boots
<--grumbles HUMBUG! snowing AGAIN!
<--all very pretty but greatly interferes with the weekday schlepping
<--says hi to Teri and glad she's figuring out her sleep trouble
<--hopes Liann finds something good for lunch
<--says Big Boss just left huge platter of baklava in the area
<--is glad this is the last day of work for the week since <--will be unable to fit through the door to go home if <--keeps eating treats!
<--joins Shelley in ever-so-gentle squeezy hugs to all the furry friends
<--time for break
<--will try to bbl
<--comes in waaaay too late for personals
<--just finished first run in a WEEK!
<--completed 7 miles in 62 minutes and feels pretty good about that after taking 6 days off from all working out
<--still has a bit of a cough but feels so much better
<--is planning on doing jari S&L in a bit
<--has thoroughly missed working out this past week
<--skimmed above and saw teri and elaineee and sends them a monkey wave
<--saw something about the dreidel song
<--sings (at top of voice) "oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, i made it out of clay and when it's bright and ready oh dreidel i shall play...aleph, gimmel, daled, mem!"
<--wonders if <--is the only one who knows the WHOLE song?
<--is apparently feeling very "smiley" today
<--does not have anything planned
<--would like to check out used bookstore that just opened nearby
<--needs to go do some jari
<--will bb
<--just read Catherine's post about her dear Muffie
<--Sends them both hugs and prayers
<--knows that muffie is lucky to have a mommie like Catherine
<--waves from home
<--came home at lunch to be with babies
<--sister ususally is here at this time but had an appt
<--wishes didn't have to go back to work
<--hopes to get in a workout tonight
<--waves to Lorie
<--is glad to see Teri
<--is sorry about the OSA, but thinks at least having a diagnosis is better than not knowing
<--wonders if they'll be removing Teri's tonsils?
<--tells Suzanne to step away from the Baklava :+ ;)

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--tells Catherine that tonsils will be coming out the end of January.
<--Dr promises that <-- will feel like a different woman!
<--asked him if I could choose which one I would be!:D
<---Waves to all the loverlies
<---Has skimmed above and thinks she missed a lot!
<---Hopes everyone continues to have a loverly day
<---Is SUPER BORED yet again...wonders if this day will ever end?!
<---hops into thread and does an Irish Step Dance routine to entertain Melissa
<---pulls a hammy and limps back out

<---crawls back in and says dramatically in her best "Gladiator" impression "Are you not entertained???"
<---Admits that Liann is pretty damn funny and entertaining! :)
<---Says she has about 51 minutes until a lunch with the "all better, non sicko" DH! Thinks that rocks!
<---After that will have a couple of hours 'til walk doggie time
<---Then ONE MORE LONG DAY of work on Friday.
<---Thinks Liann will be very busy dancing for me! LOL
<--pops in for a bit:)
<--is sorry melissa is bored
<--was very entertained by Liann's irish step dance routine
<--has also skimmed above
<--yells,Theres Cake In my fridge and im eating a fudge pop(yahoo);-)
<--just checked out netfix and may start their free trial thingy!
<--did LIC today(minus abbs)
<--waves with a goofy grinn and skips out of thread:7
<---Tells Amelia to let her know about the Netflix thingie...has been thinking it might make a groovy birthday gift for DH
<---has never seen Gladiator
<---or Edward Scissorhands
<---is torn about Sweeney Todd
<---really wants to see it, but really doesn't care for gore or violent movies
<---oh, what to do, what to do?
<---joins the bored at work
<---says it is dangerous to be bored here - something fattening may find it's way into your mouth (and on to your butt)
<---wonders if the Sweeney Todd gore will be like the Sleepy Hollow type gore?
<---thinks that type of gore was more cartoonish - lots of beheadings and blood, but it was all in good fun ;)
<---can handle that more than the CSI "realistic" type gore
<---says if she's sees it first, she will let Robin know what to expect
<---adds that as soon as it comes out, you can also check out www.kidsinmind.com and see exactly what is in it
<---says just to keep in mind that for some reason everything always sounds worse on that website than it actually is
<--has zero interest in Sweeny Dude
<--doesn't do horror or gore
<--would't mind seeing Chuck Wilson or Walk Hard
<--- stops back briefly to voice her agreement with Beavs on the whole Todd Sweeny thing
<--- has zero interest in Johnny Depp, period.
<--- invites Beavs and Robin and anyone else who might be interested, to watch Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others)
<--- thought it was a fantastic movie and got all verklempt at the ending
<--- also wants to see Juno
<--- really isn't interested in any of the current movies out there
<--- saw Bella a few weeks ago and thought it was fantastic, oh yeah, and Eduardo Verástegui is pretty easy on the eyes


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