NROL'ers...Are you out there? Check-In w/me! :-)

RE: NROL Check in 5/12-5/18

Wendy, that's not a bad idea, though it's hard for me to comment on both as I've only done NROL so far. However, I can say that it is defintely doable to train for the 18-miler (holy crap, you go girl!) while doing NROL, mainly because the nutrition plan that goes with NROL will adequately support your race training as well. From the little that I've read about Afterburn, I've gathered that it's a lower cal plan, am I right? However, if you're doing NROL to gain muscle as it's designed, I don't know if you'll get the full benefit of the program while doing so much running, FWIW. So in other words, your decision will depend on what your current goals are I suppose.

I've been following the plan as designed, and I have seen my strength improve immensely. I've been really happy with it. I've lost a couple pounds, too, and have definitely lost some body fat. I assume I've gained some muscle judging by the way my arms and legs look. And I feel great on this program, too.

That being said, I really want to lose more fat. I've got ten pounds to lose, and it's taking its sweet time with this program. Like you, I'm torn right now because as I said earlier, I LOVE NROL4W. It's actually easy for me to get up before five every morning to workout on this program. (It's usually torture!) It's just that I want to get back into my smaller clothes before the hot weather is here, which is why I'm interested in Afterburn. How would you summarize the Afterburn program? Is it cardio oriented, strength training, low cal, low carb?

I have to make a confession though...I read on the Oxygen Magazine site about Alwyn Cosgrove's new Warp Speed Fat Loss program....and I bought it :eek: ! (I really need to hide my credit card from myself...but yay for stimulus checks! ) I'm thinking I might try that for a month and get back to NROL after that.

Sorry to butt in again on your check-in,

RE: NROL Check in 5/12-5/18

wendy- i got your email and responded. i believe afterburn would work better with your 18 miler.

jen- please don't apologize for "butting in" . the more the merrier!!
i started nrolw (loved it) however i switched over to AB as right now my goals are fat loss. if your goals are to loose fat than i think you will be better off with AB. if your goals are to gain strength than you are better with NROLW- esp since the plan doesn't really call for alot of cardio. that said i believe you can get stronger on AB and possibly loose fat with NROLW however to achieve maximum results it is best to pick a goal and workout/eat accordingly. HTH:) The AB nutrition part is lower cals/lower carbs.

i also purchased WSFL and it looks awesome. i am tempted to switch since WS is only a 28 day plan but i am sticking with AB 1) because i am lovin' it 2) because now i have a partner in crime;-)

also one more observation NROL and NROL4W are two different programs.

i think we should have a alwyn check in. that way whichever program you are doing we could check all in together??!!
RE: NROL Check in 5/12-5/18

Sunnydelight- can you give me a quick summary of the difference between NORLW and AB?

I have been lifting heavy since I'm having a hard time dropping about 5 lbs of accumulated fat and kept seeing others say heavy lifting was the answer for them. Am also running 3 days a week for my cardio, one or two are HIIT and one longer steady state "slow run".

Maybe AB would work better for me first and then hit the NROLW after I have rid a little of the fat.
RE: NROL Check in 5/12-5/18


Thanks for the synopsis of AB. I really appreciate that info. And I'm excited to hear you also bought WSFL. I've literally just opened it, and I'm excited to start reading. Would you say that WSFL is kind of an "Afterburn Extreme"? I'm considering buying Afterburn, but I thought I'd hold off until after giving WSFL a try. I just bought NROL (and I don't mean NROL4W, 'cuz I have that one too :p ) and had every intention of giving the Fat Loss programs a try until I stumbled upon, and then impulsively bought, WSFL. So I'm trying not to overwhelm myself completely by purchasing AB right now. (And I pre-ordered STS a while ago...think I've got enough choices ahead of me? Geesh, my head will be spinning.) But given the promises Alwyn makes in WSFL, and in such a short amount of time, I'm going to focus exclusively on that for the next month, out of sheer curiosity if nothing else! I'm going to consider myself an experiment for the next 30 days and see what happens.

I love your idea of an Alwyn check-in. I've been looking for a group to participate in, and Cathe's community is, by far, the most active, helpful, friendliest, and supportive group I've found. If others are interested in a check in like that, I'd be eager to participate.

RE: NROL Check in 5/12-5/18

Hey Jen and Sunny.

I am choosing to do NROL4W along with my race training because it allows for endurance cardio where AB does not. AB is strictly interval training and even if I COULD train for my race while doing it, I want to try to stick to the prescribed cardio as closely as possible and training for a long race doesn't even come close! LOL

I also realize that I probably will not see the "FULL" results of NROL4W if I do it while training for a long distance run but I am okay with that. I plan on doing my long runs only every other week and do not plan on doing tons of additional cardio so I think I'll be okay. :)

Okay, well I am set to start AB tmrw and I LOVE the idea of Alywn check-in, btw!

G2G for now but I'll be back later!:)
RE: NROL Check in 5/12-5/18

Ok hi Cosgrove fans!

I have been away all weekend, but I just caught a glimpse of this thread. I am getting tempted to switch to AB. My goals right along have been to loose fat more than to gain strength. Give me a reason not to switch to AB.

[font color=lime green][font size +3]Judy "Likes2bfit"
RE: NROL Check in 5/12-5/18

jen- that is a good way to describe afterburn, lol. IA!

judy- i can't think of a single reason not to switch:7 :+ :p

jacque- one of the big differences are the reps and sets. AB is higher reps, also more cardio in AB. what makes the biggest difference in loosing fat is DIET. i hope you join us here!
RE: NROL Check in 5/12-5/18

Judy - that is pretty funny - but the Alwyn ways seem so good, huh?

I did my daily NROL this AM - Workout #12

Deadlifts: 3 sets of 10 @ 55 #
Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 10 @ 17#
Pullovers: 3 sets of 10 @ 12lb DB's each hand (the BB torques my shoulders and DB's seem to work better)
Standing lunges: 3 sets of 10 @ 17#
Swiss Crunch: 3 sets of 12 with 20# DB

As far as switching I was thinking of finishing this Stage and then taking a couple weeks to do heavy cardio with circuits for the weight workouts.

So does that mean most of us are looking to switch to AB? I think I may visit Amazon after work today}(
RE: NROL Check in 5/12-5/18


We've moved this check in to an "Alwyn check in". Look for it! Sunny started it this morning! :)

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