no change in muscles



I wrote a coulple of weeks ago, but our server has been down and I haven't been able to get logged on. I wrote about how i have been doing the PS series 2x per week each video, although I have had to go heavier on the weight as I am stronger (from 2lbs to 8lbs on shoulder and from 6lbs to 12lbs with the barbell) I have had no change in my muscles or in my fat test. I do cardio every day either one of your step tapes or I "spin". What i am I doing wrong!!!! I currently feel all this hard work is not paying of!

Hi Lynn, I'm curious to know what Cathe says about this also. I too have been working my butt off with the MIS tapes for the past 5 months,and I also do cardio 5x's a week. I would like to have the muscular frame that Cathe has. I asked her once about this and she explained how everyone's body is different. I'm starting PS on Monday hoping I'll see some definition in my muscles. But I know how you feel - you do all this work and your body seems to stay the same. Just wanted you to know there's other girls out there that feel the same as you. Let's wait and see what Cathe advises. Don't give up!
I'm the same way

I started working out again after a pregnancy in October. I have just barely started to see little tiny bit of change in my arms. It doesn't matter if I am working out or not, my body does not change. I definitely don't feel as flabby, but the way I look is pretty much the same. I think I eat more when working out. I sometimes wonder why I am going to all this work and then think of how much better it makes me feel and the fact that I don't get out of breath when going up a flight of stairs! Just because one is skinny doesn't mean one is in shape. Also, I like to look at Cathe's crew because they look nice and normal to me. But you are not alone! Don't give up your workouts!
body changes

I'm not Cathe, but here are my thoughts. Take 'em or leave 'em. You are getting changes in your muscles as evidenced by your strength increases. I'm assuming you're saying you can't see these changes as you aren't losing body fat. Let's see, you're lifting & exercising aerobically so that leaves the four letter word-DIET. Ugh!
In one of my hubby's Men's Health magazines they had something I believe they called the fitness pyramid, based on the food pyramid. The very top of the pyramid was weight lifting, the middle section was aerobics & the biggest bottom section was.....yep, you guessed it, a healthy diet.
Good luck.
ME too

Well it is sure nice to know I'm not the only one feeling down. I too, feel like I have been working my butt off and not seeing the results I want. All I see when I look in the mirror is those (ugh) thighs. I feel like I'm doing everything right, but not where I want to be. But we need to look at all the good things we are doing from the inside out right? Keep up the good, hard work ladies, we are doing great things for our bodies! (but I would like to know what Cathe has to say about trimming those tuff thighs)

Hi Lynn, you are 100% absolutely correct! I'm sure the reason I don't look like Cathe is because of my diet. It's certainly NOT from my lack of exercise and weight training. I know Cathe doesn't like to give nutritional advise, but if there's any girls out there that read this and have some advice as to how the have a "healthy diet", I sure would appreciate your comments. I know my problem is I eat alot of carbs and not alot of protein. My problem is I'm a very picky eater - I don't like a lot of foods (like fish (except tuna), not a big beef eater( except hamburger). I do like pasta (carbs!!!) and chicken.

Any suggestions on how to lose body fat? I'd appreciate your comments.

Thanks girls - you're a wonderful support group to all of us!

Mary Ann
fitness instructors

Hi ladies:
I too have the same concerns. However, after much consideration I have come to the conclusion that my workouts at an hour or an hour and a half 5 days a week are just not going to create the same results that a fitness instructor gets teaching classes during the day plus their personal program. I am not an instructor and don't know any but I am speculating that they are very, very active. After all it is their job to do this. Mine however, right now anyway, is to nurse and cuddle my baby, do laundry, wash dishes etc.. You get the picture no major calories burned here. However, lately I have added a walk every day that weather allows. I believe this speeds up my metabolism/burns more calories than my nonatheletic "job" duties with my family.

Hey I just realized. Cathe is doing my job and hers right now!
I have the same problem

Hi Mary Ann,
I am also a picky eater - love carbs, don't like anything high in protein. I usually eat a low-fat diet, but I just eat way too many carbs unfortunately. I love to workout, but my diet definitely affects my results!
Hi everybody!

Hi Everybody! I'm not Cathe but I was just reading everyone's comments and had to get my two cents in. It is difficult, but we all have to be realistic about the results that we can achieve! It all depends on your DIET, body type, amount of time you have to exercise, and how you use that training time. It sounds like most everybody is training fairly heavy and doing alot of cardio but not willing to decrease the carbs and increase the protein. It is so important to get enough protein - even though it doesn't usually taste as good as carbs!!! I know that the Body for Life book has been mentioned before, but I really feel that it explains a good nutrition plan. It is easy, and if you are willing to stick with it - IT WORKS!! Good luck! :)
Losing Weight

Hi MaryAnn, I started taking protein shakes (whey). My recipe is posted in the thread on Protein Shakes. I take a shake once a day but only when I'm weight training. You can use this in place of a meal. It's very filling but also try to eat 4 to 5 small meals a day. Take care, Kathy

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