Nia Shanks

Bad day in the dungeon!! I had to drop 5# on OHP despite doing shorter sets and on chins only did 8 8 6 6 6...WTH!!! Don't think it's mental, but who knows. I wouldn't think deload week would cause it.Gotta do leg (day 4 ) tonight so I can leave to help son in Florida with more house stuff this weekend...ugh!! Guess I'll keep on trucking and just call this a bad day!! Hope everyone has a BETTER day in the gym..and elsewhere!
Did Ho Co again this morning. I'm going to get to a point where I breeze through these workouts. But, there is that big dread factor. I've made up my mind, I'm just going to do it!! I'm sore in the core, (yea, I'm a poet, but the world don't know it) from the last time I did it. Not really sore, I just feel it's been worked.
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Bad day in the dungeon!! I had to drop 5# on OHP despite doing shorter sets and on chins only did 8 8 6 6 6...WTH!!! Don't think it's mental, but who knows. I wouldn't think deload week would cause it.Gotta do leg (day 4 ) tonight so I can leave to help son in Florida with more house stuff this weekend...ugh!! Guess I'll keep on trucking and just call this a bad day!! Hope everyone has a BETTER day in the gym..and elsewhere!

First week back after deload is never great for me, although I tend to stay about the same. Weeks 2 and 4 are always my best. Weird. Did you just fail with the working weight for OHP, or did you just realise you weren't going to get there? It's one of those moves that if you can't, you just can't - other moves you can kind of grind out (or at least I do, often with terrible form!!) At least you'll get a good workout helping your son move....
First week back after deload is never great for me, although I tend to stay about the same. Weeks 2 and 4 are always my best. Weird. Did you just fail with the working weight for OHP, or did you just realise you weren't going to get there? It's one of those moves that if you can't, you just can't - other moves you can kind of grind out (or at least I do, often with terrible form!!) At least you'll get a good workout helping your son move....
Justine. Upped weight 5# and did 1.5 reps. Dropped to last week's where I did 2x5 and failed. Dropped another 5 and GROUND out 3x3..really sucked!!! May have to do more variety on shoulders to gain..pretty weak spot for me without much work!!
Have you tried biofeedback testing and hand position? Roz seems to be doing really well with it. It has worked a few issues out for me too (although I'm not implementing it as thoroughly as Roz). For example, deadlifts - light weights 'test' better for me using a conventional DL, whereas heavier weights are better if I sumo. It has helped me keep a neutral spine. Dave Dellanave has just explained to me that I'm probably not stable enough doing a sumo with a light weight. I wonder if you've hit a similar point with your OHP, ie need to change the mechanics a bit? Do you use a straight bar? I need an EZ cur for shoulder work. Just a thought.
Have you tried biofeedback testing and hand position? Roz seems to be doing really well with it. It has worked a few issues out for me too (although I'm not implementing it as thoroughly as Roz). For example, deadlifts - light weights 'test' better for me using a conventional DL, whereas heavier weights are better if I sumo. It has helped me keep a neutral spine. Dave Dellanave has just explained to me that I'm probably not stable enough doing a sumo with a light weight. I wonder if you've hit a similar point with your OHP, ie need to change the mechanics a bit? Do you use a straight bar? I need an EZ cur for shoulder work. Just a thought.
I did move my hand in because it hurt shoulders less..maybe that's the problem! I think a EZ curl bar IS more cofortable for me, but I'm so lazy, and have the Olympic bar on the rack for squats and bench and my curl bar is shorter and won't reach..not proud.,But gotta fess up. I may have to rethink because, like you, it is more comfortable. My shoulders are always a problem,nothing is EVER comfortable!! I just wonder if because I'm not doing side lateral and rear delts and front raises I am losing some strength..may have to d some as fillers.
Also, you PR'ed your overhead press, right? Hello! (or at least you did more than last time!)
That'll take some wind out of subsequent sets. Or at least, it does for me.
Do you do shoulder mobility drills?

Just finished Dave's Gym Movement e-course (free), and got the 3-day sale for GSF1. Had to get it. I was already planning on getting it, so basically I'm just saving money by buying it now, right? Then they asked me if I wanted to add LWF1, and my mouse clicked yes. How did that happen?!
Seriously, though, I am getting SO MUCH use out of these programs. I've spent so much money on DVDs, a number of which I hardly use -- I know I'll use these programs a bunch. This is my jam.

Justine, is the biofeedback group interesting?
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I did day 4 tonight since I am missing Friday. Was able to add 10# to all squat sets. 5# to reverse lunges and added some sets of single standing calf raises with a 35# dumbell. When I was done...still pissed (sorry) about AM workout I grabbed my easy curl bar and did a set of 12 overhead presses. And it did feel a lot more shoulder friendly, was much more comfortable. Only disadvantage is that I have to clean each set. I'm pretty sure some cleans won't kill me and I will have to change weights frequently..( or buy another ez curl bar!! Y'all buy videos and downloads, guess I'll buy more equipment Thanks for the idea Justine! Karen..what does the horizontal conditioning involve?? And Roz..don't know anything bout the biofeed back thing, but sounds like it really works "fer ya" Have a great Friday and weekend all!!!!
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Let's see, how do I describe Ho Co? Well, you're in plank most of the workout, I'm getting better, however, planks are not my favorite. So, evidently, it's something I need. There is nothing "fun" about it, definitely a dread factor. There may be a couple of Ho Co workouts on You Tube.
Karen, hats off to you. I totally see how there would be significant dread with HoCo. I couldn't do it. My excuse is that my daughter hops on the mommy-mobile any time I'm in plank.
Did my first LWF1 this morning -- Hot Wheels. 125 BB back squats (what was I saying about dread factor?). I did 75#, which was fine. I knew I'd regret it if I went heavier. Serious HiiT action for 21+ minutes.
I love how Dave Dellanave's workouts are so similar in both LWF1+2: In 1, "do a s**t-ton of deadlifts in 30 minutes"; in 2, "do a s**t-ton of deadlifts in 30 minutes -- oh, and do some pull-ups while you're at it."
Let's see, how do I describe Ho Co? Well, you're in plank most of the workout, I'm getting better, however, planks are not my favorite. So, evidently, it's something I need. There is nothing "fun" about it, definitely a dread factor. There may be a couple of Ho Co workouts on You Tube.
If it's longer than a minute or 2...Maybe I will let the Viking warrior do that one!!!
Karen, hats off to you. I totally see how there would be significant dread with HoCo. I couldn't do it. My excuse is that my daughter hops on the mommy-mobile any time I'm in plank.
Did my first LWF1 this morning -- Hot Wheels. 125 BB back squats (what was I saying about dread factor?). I did 75#, which was fine. I knew I'd regret it if I went heavier. Serious HiiT action for 21+ minutes.
I love how Dave Dellanave's workouts are so similar in both LWF1+2: In 1, "do a s**t-ton of deadlifts in 30 minutes"; in 2, "do a s**t-ton of deadlifts in 30 minutes -- oh, and do some pull-ups while you're at it."
You guys are CRAZY!!! I see the value...looking good and able to kick the s#!% out of anyone but rather than put myself through that I'll call the cops!! Cudos to you ladies
I'm not so sure I'd kick the *!&% out of anyone - but useful to know that I stand a chance! I've just spent a few days with my daughter in Manchester, and I did feel pretty safe wandering around the city at night - an unexpected benefit of a bit of muscle.

Tom - equipment changes suck. They can feel like half a workout in themselves. I use squat stands for my EZ curl bar. It's the ONLY advantage of stands over a cage.

Roz - 125x BB back squats? Phew. 75# is more than enough for such high reps. Is LWF1 worth getting?(Given that I haven't even done half of the LWF2 w/os yet).

Karen - well done on the HoCo. I WILL get mine back out one day.....

I have my parents staying at the moment, so it's good that Nia's w/os are short. I'm still able to fit one in, even with guests here. I had to do parallel bar dips this morning. Another fail. Will have to work on technique.

I've been doing quite a bit of Mark Lauren stuff. A good change from the other stuff. The only one I find really tough, though, is YAYOG advanced circuits. The plyo push-ups. WOW. Perhaps it's the hardest for me because it's endurance?

Hope you're all having a great weekend.
You ladies are so inspiring! I was looking at a flash drive I found in the back of my desk drawer, and found the Beautiful Badass program. I'd forgotten I even bought it 3 years ago!

When I get done with what I'm doing now, I think I'll really dig it out and do it. Something I would have never done had I not read this entire thread!
You ladies are so inspiring! I was looking at a flash drive I found in the back of my desk drawer, and found the Beautiful Badass program. I'd forgotten I even bought it 3 years ago!

When I get done with what I'm doing now, I think I'll really dig it out and do it. Something I would have never done had I not read this entire thread!

Great, and welcome!! You will have to post on this thread. Love to see some new blood!!

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