Newbie Took the Plunge


Took the plunge bought STS. It will be my second rotation with Cathe after the official beginners rotation.

I've got butterflies. Nervous, excited and likely in way over my head. I have never even lifted a barbell before. But Cathe says this is for everyone and I trust her. I went from 176 to 142 in 12 weeks with the beginner rotation.

If there is anyone else out there new to Cathe, newer to weight work I would love to hear about your experiences with STS. Also any encouragement or advice from experienced exercisers would be appreciated.

You won't regret it. As you can see once you start using weights you really lose fat. Its funny, I used to think that I would have toned, strong muscles from doing cardio everyday.:eek:
I have been doing cardio all my life (I'm 36). I wasn't getting the results I wanted so I added light weights 3 days a week with my cardio about 3yrs ago. I am in my
3rd week of STS and now am really lifting heavy and WOW! The change in my body is amazing. I am finally seeing the results that I have always wanted. I have lost over 30lbs in the last 6 months. I feel fantastic...unstoppable.
Your changes are great...keep going. You deserve to feel great.
I am new to Cathe and weight training. I have gone on and off again with cardio. You finished 12 weeks already? I guess I did not realize 12 weeks have passed and I am only on week 3 of a 6 month rotation.
Thanks for the kind words Wendy. Weights have made all the difference, not only does the fat come off but there is muscle under there as well. Who knew? I love the feeling of getting stronger as well. I used to struggle lifting a 20 L ( 5 gallon) jug of water into the house. I would have to balance it on my legs and let them take some of the weight. My hubby pointed out that Friday I walked into the house carring one in each hand in heels no less. WhooHoo. Looks like you are doing awesome as well. Did you struggle in the beginning with STS? How are all the pushups? I almost did not buy it because of the pushups but then I saw the modifications on Cathe TV and figured I could alternate between the knee pushups and the full pushups till I got stronger. Pushups are my weakness.
You will LOVE STS! I have been exercising with Cathe since the beginning and this is her triumph! Good luck to you!
Soon2bfit I am in the last week of Cathe's beginner rotation with Basic Step/Body Fusion, Low Impact Step/Total Body Sculpting. How are you finding STS?
Push up are my nemisis!
I couldn't even do one!!! Now I can do 16 on my toes and do the rest as best I can thanks to the tips and encouragement from Cathe and everyone here. I do enjoy the challenge. I think that is what keeps me going.
I used to struggle lifting a 20 L ( 5 gallon) jug of water into the house. I would have to balance it on my legs and let them take some of the weight. My hubby pointed out that Friday I walked into the house carring one in each hand in heels no less. WhooHoo. Looks like you are doing awesome as well.

If you can lift and carry the 5 gallon jug of water on each hand in heels, you are ready for STS!! :eek:. I can just image how many you can carry after the STS. :D
STS is for you. It is based on yours and only your one rep max. Start where you are and build from there. Cathe's form pointers on Cathe TV are especially helpful if you are just starting to lift/

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